Title: Chapter 19 Amines
1Chapter 19 Amines
NOTE We are skipping sections 7,8,11B-C,14,16,17
2a. inductive effects
3b. aromaticity
4c. hybridization
d. amides
5sp3 hybridization at N pyramidal
2. structures
7B. Nomenclature 1. common - name the alkyl
portions and follow this by the suffix amine,
2. IUPAC - drope in alkane name add amine
83. naming as a substituent - amino
94. aromatic amines, heterocycles
10(No Transcript)
11C. Spectroscopy 1. IR - 1 amines - 2 peaks
2 amines - 1 peak 2. 1H NMR - broad peak
for NH ?1-4 ppm - exchanges with D2O D. Uses
3200 - 3500 cm-1
Haber-Bosch process makes 30 billion tons per
year fertilizer
oder from decaying flesh -produced by bacteria
You guessed it!!
12Alkaloid -any nitrogen containing compound
extracted from plants.
opium alkaloids
13tropane alkaloids
indole alkaloids
14bark of the cinchona tree treatment for malaria
one of the first molecules to be synthesized
Sildenafil (citric acid salt Viagra)
Patent to Pfizer 192 1993
15Bitrex - most bitter substance known
completely nontoxic thumb sucking
fingernail biting
16D. Reactions of amines 1. formation of imines -
see Chapter 18.16
know reaction mechanism!! (acid and base cat.)
172. nucleophillic substitution
183. elimination reactions
4. Aromatic substitution - NH2 is a very strong
activating group -NH3 is a very strong
deactivating group
19To get around this we normally use an amide
205. the Sandmeyer reactions
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22E. Preparation of amines 1. reduction of -NO2
and -CN compounds
23prep. of diazo compd.
Sandmeyer rxns.
2. reductive animation
253. acylation - reduction
264. Gabriel synthesis - prevents over-alkylation
276. reduction of azides
7. Hofmann rearrangement
28(No Transcript)
298. Curtius rearrangement
30What happens using an amine, RNH2???
31F. Summary 1. Basicity of amines a. inductive
effects b. resonance/ aromaticity c.
hybridization 2. Pyramidalization of amines 3.
Nomenclature 4. Spectroscopy 5. Aromatic
substitution a. using amides (acetamides) b.
Sandmeyer reactions 6. Reduction reactions a.
NO2 and CN compounds b. reductive
animation c. acylation - reduction 7. Gabriel
328. Reduction of azides 9. Hofmann rearrangement -
mech. 10. Curtius rearrangement - mech.
THE END??????