Title: Know Your Client Briefing
1Department of Treasury and Finance Shared Services
Know Your Client Briefing 6th December 2007
2Ombudsman Western AustraliaKey Functions
- Main functions
- To assist Western Australians to resolve
complaints with State public sector agencies,
statutory authorities, local governments and
public universities - To initiate investigations into certain
activities of State public sector agencies,
statutory authorities, local governments and
public universities, even when no specific
complaint has been received - To help those agencies be accountable for and to
improve the standard of their administrative
decision-making practices and conduct. - Our role
- Provide an effective and efficient system for
handling and resolving complaints about the
administrative practices of State public sector
agencies - Act as an agent for systemic change in the public
sector by identifying the causes of problems and
making recommendations for changes to procedures,
practices, policies or legislation which will
prevent similar problems occurring - Encourage public sector agencies to have their
own effective internal complaint-handling
systems. Complaints are one of the best sources
of feedback for agencies and feedback can be used
to improve the way they do things.
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3Ombudsman - Organisational Chart
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4OPSSC Key Functions
- Ethics and human resource management
- Establishing WA public sector Codes of Ethics and
human resource management standards that are
consistent with the Public Sector Management Act
1994 Assisting public sector agencies to develop
codes of conduct and comply with the code of
ethics, code of conduct and the standards
Monitoring and reporting to ministers and
Parliament on the extent of compliance by public
sector agencies and employees with the
principles, codes and standards. - Breach of standards claims
- Public Interest Disclosures
- Under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2003,
the Commissioner has a role to assist public
authorities and public officers comply with the
Act and Code of Conduct and to monitor and report
on the extent of compliance. - Chief executive officer selection
- This area oversees the provision of independent
advice to the Minister about reappointment and
persons suitable to be considered for vacant CEO
positions by using objective, fair and
comprehensive processes. - Office of Equal Employment Opportunity
- Advise and assist public authorities to develop
EEO management plans and evaluate the
effectiveness of those management plans in
achieving the objectives of the Act and - Monitor and report to the Minister on the
operation and effectiveness of management plans - .
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5OPSSC - Organisational Chart
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6 Important Service Issues
Going Live with Finance Services from 7 December
- Chief Financial Officers Assistance.
- Section 57 of the Financial Management Act 2006
(FMA) provides for the appointment and
responsibilities of the CFO. - The duties of the CFO now include the provision
of advice on the effectiveness of accounting and
financial management information systems and
financial controls in meeting the requirements of
the agency. - Both the Treasurys and the Office of the Auditor
Generals view that the discharge of these
responsibilities could cause a conflict of
interest for the CFO concerned if he or she were
employed by SSC. - The Treasurers Instruction 824 indicates the
requirement for agencies to appoint a suitably
qualified CFO. - Given the above, the SSC needed to adjust its
service offering more towards assistance to the
CFO. - OPSSC  Ombudsman are pleased to engage with the
SSC of its refreshed service provisions around
CFO in this regard for its go live and SLAs.
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7OPSSC Ombudsman At a Glance
The Ombudsman is independent and impartial and
reports directly to the Parliament of Western
Australia and not the government of the day.
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8OPSSC Ombudsman Transactional Summary Data
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9DPC Roll-in Operational Key Contacts
David Garland Project Manager OPSSC Ombudsman
Transition DTF Shared Services Hiromi
Fujisaki Client Relationship Manager DTF Shared
Services SSC Geoff Dyer Client Relationship
Coordinator DTF Shared Services SSC
Mary White Project Manager OPSSC Ombudsman
Agency Account Manager
Following post go live internal handover
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10OPSSC Ombudsman
Know Your Client
Going Live with Finance Services from 7 December
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