Financial and Economic Crisis: Transmission Channels and Impacts - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Financial and Economic Crisis: Transmission Channels and Impacts


All in broad brush only the next 2 days will fill in much ... prices net effect of deflation on incomes & purchases. remittances, credit to survive, etc. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Financial and Economic Crisis: Transmission Channels and Impacts

Financial and Economic Crisis Transmission
Channels and Impacts
  • Randy Spence
  • PEP Forum on
  • The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis
  • Manila, Feb. 17 2009
  • For Discussion

  • International Transmission Channels
  • Domestic Transmission
  • Micro Impacts
  • Poor and Disadvantaged Populations
  • Coping Mechanisms
  • Mitigation Measures
  • All in broad brush only the next 2 days
    will fill in much more detail

International Transmission Channels
  • Portfolio investment plummets
  • bonds and stocks held, short term credit provided
    from foreign to local banks
  • almost immediately after peak (October) of
    financial crisis
  • de-leveraging of Western/OECD banks
  • outflows of capital in most other countries
  • large exchange rate fall

Indian Rupee
Philippine Peso
Kenya Shilling
Peruvian Nueva Sol
Chinese Yuan
International Transmission Channels
  • And as economies begin to contract
  • Exports decline
  • and imports, given exchange rates
  • net change (X-M) could be or (likely -)
  • Foreign Direct Investment falls
  • net flow may reverse as multinationals de-lever
  • plant closure and job loss quite quickly
  • Remittances fall
  • where foreign workers lose jobs / return
  • where the foreign currency depreciates more

International Transmission Channels
  • Tourism declines
  • AID declines overall
  • ODA, other official flows, NGO/voluntary flows
  • Knowledge flows decline
  • both proprietary IP flow (in and outside FDI)
  • and open knowledge investment / content
  • Reinforcement capital outflows continue as
    domestic economy declines

Domestic Transmission
  • What has been hit?
  • Credit and bank / financial system liquidity
  • Investment initially mainly foreign
  • Remittances
  • Exports
  • Tourism and AID
  • Large cumulative effect on exchange rates
  • Large immediate welfare loss
  • Complexities which exchange rates, trade

Domestic Transmission
  • Panic domestically originated de-leveraging
  • credit and liquidity banks de-lever and market
    investors move to safer ground
  • real investment falls as firms shelve plans
  • consumption falls as consumers save
  • government spending left to fill expenditure
    gap, as well as rescue the financial system
  • Drop in consumption, equity investment, real
    investment, sales, production, jobs and incomes

Domestic Transmission
  • Remembering that financial system impacts
    continue, reinforce real impacts in C, I, G,
  • Keynesian terms
  • If expenditure CIG (X-M) initially falls 4,
    due to falls in exports, tourism, remittances,
    FDI, AID
  • End-effect is 10 if multiplier is 2.5
  • Indonesia in Indonesia crisis 17 loss of GDP,
    back to initial level in 3-4 years
  • This is my current best guess about present crisis

Micro Impacts
  • Can lower-level (micro) impacts be projected?
  • sector, region production, employment, incomes
  • household income, employment, health, security
  • And is it essential to do this?
  • compared to focus on monitoring and mitigating?
  • put another way, if the situation of HH is
    monitored, how much more is gained by knowing
    why and how as well as what has happened to
    (poor) people?
  • My answer (below) has mostly to do with targeting

Micro Impacts
  • GE approach is tempting
  • but CGE models probably impossible to adapt to
    this wide a range of financial, quantity and
    price shocks
  • lack of CGE analysis of other financial crises
    (Asia Crisis) seems to support this view
  • Each country will be different in terms of
    sectors hit hardest because of
  • different importance of sectors in the economy
  • different exposure of sectors to international
    and domestic transmission mechanisms

Micro Impacts
  • Some partial equilibrium analysis likely useful
  • projecting and tracking main immediate impacts
    (follow the money)
  • identifying where to look for the big micro
  • For example
  • financial sector/workers, export industries
  • remittance-dependent populations
  • foreign-company workers, tourism sector/workers
  • commodity producers, luxury goods/services

Micro Impacts
  • Why is it useful to predict micro impacts, as
    opposed to simply monitoring them?
  • for selection of sites to monitor, given that (in
    CBMS), full country coverage wont be feasible
  • for survey indicators and questions
  • for choice and design of mitigation policies and
  • Knowing what is more important than knowing
    why, (my view) and there are real limits to
    knowing why with so many transmission channels

Poorer Populations
  • What about impacts on the poor and BoP?
  • To what extent are poor population groups
    decoupled from the market economy?
  • From a HH view what can decline or disappear?
  • markets/sales agriculture, informal production,
    services (incl. tourism), jobs and intermittent
  • public and social services security, health,
  • prices net effect of deflation on incomes
  • remittances, credit to survive, etc.

Poorer Populations
  • Gender impacts and impacts on children (UNICEF)
  • women are typically poorer across and within HH
  • complex reasons, but well studied in general
    (non-crisis) conditions
  • CBMS in many countries is capable of gender and
    age differentiated monitoring this should be
  • CBMS monitoring strategies to consider gender
    childrens issues in their design (next 2 days)

Coping Mechanisms
  • The range of mechanisms recently studied for the
    food crisis provides a good reference point
  • Food and nutrition
  • reducing consumption, cheaper foods and sources
  • Fuel, electricity and water
  • cheaper fuels (wood, less cooking etc.
  • Education
  • children withdrawn from school, moved from
    private to public schools etc.

Coping Mechanisms
  • Health
  • reduction in seeking services, substitution of
    public and traditional for private, traditional
    and generic medicines for branded, etc.
  • Communications and transport many forms
  • Savings reduction, drawing on savings
  • Selling pawning assets productive and other
  • Incomes multiple jobs, borrowing (if possible)
  • Substitution of necessities for luxuries (travel,
    entertainment recreation etc.)

Coping Mechanisms
  • Often a fine line between coping simply being
    poorer reducing food intake when already
  • Poor HH have fewer coping mechanisms available
  • Women typically have fewer coping options, or
    have coping options which undermine their health
    wellbeing more
  • again the importance of gender differentiated
  • Dependency ratios and relationships important

Mitigation Measures
  • In terms of the CBMS initiative, probably we are
    looking mostly at safety nets
  • but an eye to generation of (local) economic
    activity, longer term economic development will
    be useful
  • crisis can be a good time to accomplish
    structural changes and reforms - carefully
  • Some dimensions of safety net targeting
  • general (cash transfers) and more purposeful
    (health insurance, education incentives)

Mitigation Measures
  • general (stimulus) and location-specific (hard
    hit areas)
  • shorter and longer term e.g. children who leave
    school tend not to go back keeping kids in
    school is a long term investment, and very useful
    in a crisis
  • Monitoring should be over several years, and
    ideally for the same sites
  • those who suffer are often NOT those who gain
    during recovery
  • Mitigation assistance for long term victims

Mitigation Measures
  • Financing mitigation measures
  • Many in society do not lose, even gain (e.g. from
    secure jobs/incomes and lower prices)
  • Tax the secure and take care of the victims
    (Robin Hood model) but tax increases are
  • So run deficits and take care of the victims
    but typically limits to Govt. borrowing in crisis
  • International financing mechanisms important - a
    trusted IMF with enough resources, W.B., regional
    development banks etc.

Mitigation Measures
  • A good time for Liberal economic policy
  • For small open economies, best survival paths are
    mainly matters of redistribution
  • Supporting efficient redistribution is not only
    (as always) the right thing to do
  • It also may benefit you, as very few jobs and
    incomes are completely secure
  • A well designed CBMS initiative can be very
    helpful in achieving efficient redistribution and
    economic security
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