Title: Basic JDBC
1Basic JDBC
Celsina Bignoli bignolic_at_smccd.net
2What is JDBC
- Industry standard for database-connectivity
between the Java language and a wide range of
databases - Generic
- Leverage existing database APIs
- Simple
3JDBC Architecture
Java Application
Sybase Driver
MySQL Driver
Oracle Driver
Sybase DB
Oracle DB
4JDBC Drivers
- Vendor-specific implementation of the JDBC
interfaces - Transparent to the database application
5JDBC specifications
JDBC 2.0 Specification
JDBC 2.0 Core API (java.sql package) Scrollable
ResultSets Streams
JDBC 1.0 Specification Basic database connectivity
JDBC 2.0 Standard Extension API (javax.sql
package) DataSource Connection pooling
Distributed transactions Rowsets
6Loading the Driver
- Class.forName(driverClassName).newInstance()
- Class.forName(com.mysql.jdbc.Driver).newIns
tance() - dynamically load a java class at runtime
- executes newInstance() to create an object of
class Driver calling the default constructor for
the class. - The constructor executes code to register the
class with the DriverManager
7Connecting to the Database
- Connection DriverManager.getConnection(String
url) - DriverManager.getConnection(
- jdbcmysql//localhost/accounts?userrootpasswor
- ltprotocolgtltsubprotocolgtltsubnamegt
- jdbc mysql //localhost/accounts
- ltsubnamegt
- //lthostgtltportgt/ltdatabaseNamegt
- //localhost/accounts
- //
- //db.mycompany.com/prod
- //db.mycompany.com4544/prod
- when not specified, connector/J will default to
port 3306.
9DriverManager -getConnection() method
static Connection getConnection(String url) Attempts to establish a connection to the given database URL.
static Connection getConnection(String url, Properties info) Attempts to establish a connection to the given database URL using the specified properties.
static Connection getConnection(String url, String user, String password) Attempts to establish a connection to the given database URL as used identified by password.
10getConnection() Example
- Properties info new Properties()
- info.setProperty(user, username)
- info setProperty(password, pwd)
- Connection con DriverManager.getConnection(url,
prop) - OR
- String usernameusername
- String passwordpassword
- Connection con DriverManager.getConnection(url,
username, password)
11Queries Statement Object
- used to send a SQL statement to the database
- executes the SQL statement
- returns back the results of the SQL statement
Statement createStatement () Creates a Statement object for sending SQL statements to the database.
ResultSet executeQuery(String sql) Executes the given SQL statement, which returns a single ResultSet object
- no assumption is made on the validity of the
query - if the SQL execute successfully it returns a
ResultSet object containing rows from the
database - if the SQL fails it will raise a SQLException
14Executing a Statement - Example
- ResultSet rs
- stmt.executeStatement(select name from pets)
- ResultSet
Initial cursor position
15ResultSet Object
- A table of data representing a database result
set - maintains a cursor pointing to its current row of
data - Initially the cursor is positioned before the
first row - The next() method moves the cursor to the next
row - next() returns false when there are no more rows
in the ResultSet object - A default ResultSet object is not updatable and
has a cursor that moves forward only
16Moving Through the ResultSet -Example
- while (rs.next())
- System.out.println(rs.getString((1)))
- Fluffy
- Claws
- Buffy
- Fang
- Chirpy
- Whistler
- Slim
- Puffball
17Basic Getter Methods
- int getInt(int columnIndex)
- int getInt(String columnName)
- String getString(int columnIndex)
- String getString(String columnName)
- Date getDate(int columnIndex)
- Date getDate(String columnName)
18Handling Errors
- Connector/J Driver throws a SQLException
- errors connecting with the database
- errors executing SQL statements
- To know more about a single Exception use the
SQLException methods - getMessage()
- getSQLState()
- getErrorCode()
19executeUpdate() method
int executeUpdate (String sql) Creates a Statement object for sending SQL statements to the database.
Returns either the row count for INSERT, UPDATE
or DELETE statements, or 0 for SQL statements
that return nothing
20Inserting a Row - Example
- Statement stmt connection.createStatement()
- int i stmt.executeUpdate(INSERT INTO pet
VALUES(12, minou, Gwen, cat))
21Updating a Row - Example
- Statement stmt connection.createStatement()
- int i stmt.executeUpdate(UPDATE pet SET
ownerLucy where owner Gwen )
22Deleting a Row - Example
- Statement stmt connection.createStatement()
- int i stmt.executeUpdate(DELETE FROM pet WHERE
owner Gwen )
23Prepared Statements - SQL
- ability to set up a statement once, and then
execute it many times with different parameters. - replace building ad hoc query strings, and do so
in a more efficient manner. - First implemented in the C API
- Available in Connector/J server-side starting
from version 3.1
24How databases execute queries
- parse the query
- invoke the optimizer to determine best query
execution plan - caches the plan query is the key to fetch plan
from cache
25Prepared Statement - Example
id? - SET _at_pet_id1
- EXECUTE sel_stmt USING _at_pet_id
26JDBC Dynamic Query Example
- Statement stmt con.createStatement()
- for int(i1 ilt10 i)
- String stmtString select name from pet
where id - I
- ResultSet rs stmt.executeQuery(stmtString)
- while (rs.next())
- System.out.println(rs.getString(1))
- rs.close()
- statement is parsed by the database each time
- new query plan is created for each select
statement and cached (entire stmt being the key)
27JDBC PreparedStatement
- PreparedStatement ps con.prepareStatement(
- select name from pet
where id ? ) - for int(i1 ilt10 i)
- ps.setInt(1, i) -- variable binding
- ResultSet rs ps.executeQuery()
- while (rs.next())
- System.out.println(rs.getString(1))
- rs.close()
- ? is called placeholder
- query is parsed only once and only 1 execution
plan is created and caches for it - executed many times after binding variables
28Placeholders- Setter methods
void setInt(int parameterIndex, int value)
void setString(int parameterIndex, String value)
void setDate(int parameterIndex, java.sql.Date value)
void setTimestamp(int parameterIndex, java.sql.Timestamp value)
void setLong(int parameterIndex, long value)
29Disconnecting from the database
- close a connection to the database to release
resources - Make sure you first close all component that use
that connection - Close components in the reverse order you opened
them. - rs.close()
- stmt.close()
- conn.close()