Title: Americas Aerospace Quality Group Registration Management Committee
1Americas Aerospace Quality GroupRegistration
Management Committee
Boeing Supplemental Oversight Assessment Results
January 22, 2008 Presented by Brian
Simons Boeing Oversight Representative The Boeing
2Topics for discussion
- Boeing supplemental oversight process
- Assessment Activities
- Strengths and Issues
- Corrective Action Expectations
- Assessment results
- Statistics
- Significance
- Corrective Action Responses
- Questions and comments
3Boeing Supplemental Oversight Process
- Supplemental assessment activities
- Semi-annual CB performance review to identify 6
month planned activity - Risk-Based assessment for each CB using
- - Aggregate client (supplier) performance
(product and QMS) - - Previous Boeing oversight activity
- - Total quantity and change of client base
- Ad Hoc or unplanned (Throughout the year)
- - Primarily based on unsatisfactory supplier
performance - - BOR (Boeing Oversight Representative) Support
Requests - - Management requests
- - Field Representative questions and inquiries
- Approximately 80 of Boeings supplemental
oversight is Ad Hoc
4 Boeing Supplemental Oversight Process Jan
June 2008 - Americas Sector - Oversight
Y Axis Influence
X Axis Performance
5Boeing Supplemental Oversight Process
- Types of supplemental oversight activity
- OASIS database and certificate information
validation - Audit report review (Audit summary, AS9101
checklist, non-conformances, corrective action,
etc.) - Client validation (on-site, including audit
report review) - - Required for risk CBs identified on RAT
- CB auditor witness audit
- CB/ANAB office audit
6Boeing Supplemental Oversight Process
- Strengths and Issues (SI) document
- Issue (CA required) or Comment
- Issues documented in a 3 part format
- Requirement Reference clause number and
verbatim statement of requirement (e.g. AS9104
clause 8.4 The AQMS audits shall be documented on
the Aerospace Assessment Report.). - Issue (Nonconformance) Restatement of
requirement in the negative (e.g. The AQMS audits
are not documented on the .) - Evidence Documentation of evidence collected,
proceeded by For example (e.g. For example, no
evidence of completed AS9101 checklist for
surveillance assessment 123, dated 1/22/08) - The BOR team will begin providing ANAB with a
courtesy copy of all SIs issued to CBs beginning
7Boeing Supplemental Oversight Process
- Sample SI - Issue 1
- Requirements
- AS9104 clause 8.3 Nonconformity No certificates
or approvals to AQMS Standards or any combination
of AQMS Standards with ISO 9001 shall be issued
unless all major and minor nonconformities have
been satisfactorily corrected with the root cause
analysis and corrective action verified by the
CRB. - IAF Guidance on the Application of ISO/IEC Guide
62 G.3.8.5. The implementation of the corrective
action should not be deemed to have been
completed until its effectiveness has been
demonstrated and the necessary changes made in
the procedures, documentation and records. - Issue
- The CRB does not verify the satisfactory
implementation, completion and effectiveness of
corrective action for nonconformities, including
demonstration that the necessary changes were
made in the procedures, documentation and
records, as necessary. - Evidence
- For example, The client corrective action for
NCRs 2 and 3 from the recertification audit
were not completed prior to CB X closing the
NCRs. NCR 2 client corrective action states that
inspector training will be completed by February
15, 2007. The training record provided by the
client for this action is dated 4/4/2007. NCR 2
was closed on 2/5/07. NCR 3 client corrective
action states that before February 10, 2007 the
client will implement a revision to the
procedures manual addressing AS9100 clause As of November 1, 2007, there is no
evidence of a revision to the client's Quality
Procedure Manual for clause (Procedure
does not exist) or the Quality Assurance Manual
(current revision December 2003). NCR 3 was
closed on 2/5/07.
8Boeing Supplemental Oversight Process
- SI Corrective Action expectations (5 part
format) - Immediate Correction
- - Address and correct the evidence
- - Identify the Direct Cause
- - Notify affected personnel
- Root Cause Statement
- - Identify fundamental process deficiency
- - Personnel error or mistake is unacceptable
- Root Cause Corrective Action (CA) Plan
- - Address the Root Cause
- - Identify what, who and when
- - Include reference to revised QMS policy,
process, etc. (title/number)
9Boeing Supplemental Oversight Process
- SI Corrective Action expectations (5 part
format) - (Continued)
- Verification of Corrective Action Plan
- - Verify RCCA actions have been completed per
commitments - - QMS process updated, training completed,
clients assessed, etc. - Follow-up audit
- - Determine of CA plan is effective in
preventing recurrence - - Conducted 6-9 months following verification
10Boeing Oversight Assessment Results
- BOR oversight activity from January 1, 2006
through December 31, 2007 - 19 out of 34 domestic Certification Bodies
Assessed (CBs associated with Boeing suppliers) - CBs assessed based on RAT and Ad Hoc requests
- 69 out of 79 oversight activities resulted in at
least 1 issue - (87 rejection rate)
- 32 - OASIS database and Certificate validations
- 26 - Client Validations (includes audit report
review) - 9 - Audit Report Reviews (Desktop review)
- 1 - Office Audit
- 1 - Witness Audit
- 143 total issues identified (Nonconformance to
industry requirement)
11Boeing Oversight Assessment Results
12Boeing Oversight Assessment Results
- Supplemental oversight from January 1, 2006
through December 31, 2007 - Inadequate QMS assessment (31)
- OASIS update gt 30 days (21)
- Audit report deficiency (16)
- Multi-site issue (13)
- Assessment days below minimum requirement (11)
- CB contract deficiency (7)
- Certificate deficiency/error (7)
- Certificate issued with incomplete client
corrective action (7) - NC soft grading (6)
- OASIS errors (5)
13Boeing Oversight Assessment Results
- Supplemental oversight from January 1, 2006
through December 31, 2007 - Certificate validity
- Inadequate QMS assessment (31)
- Audit report deficiency (16)
- Multi-site issue (13)
- Assessment days below minimum requirement (11)
- Certificate issued with incomplete client
corrective action (7) - NC soft grading (6)
- CB Administration
- OASIS update gt 30 days (21)
- CB contract deficiency (7)
- Certificate deficiency/error (7)
- OASIS errors (5)
14Boeing Oversight Assessment Results
- Inadequate Quality Management System Assessment
(31) - Ineffective QMS management processes (Client
validation) - Management Review, Quality Objectives, Internal
Audit, Corrective Action, Analysis of Data,
Continual Improvement, etc. - Ineffective product control processes (Client
validation) - Configuration Management, Production
Documentation, Identification, Accountability,
Control of Nonconforming Product, etc. - Completed audit reports lack sufficient evidence
to justify satisfactory result - - Prompts Boeing oversight investigation and
results comparison - Unsatisfactory Boeing supplier performance
- Compare Boeing 2nd party QMS audit results vs. CB
audit results - Prompts Boeing oversight investigation
15Boeing Oversight Assessment Results
- Certification Body Corrective Action Response
- Corrective action response due within 30 days
(typical) - Initial submittal rejection rate approx. 90-100
- - 5 part format not followed
- - Evidence cited in SI not addressed and
corrected in Immediate Action - Root Cause identifies human error or mistake
- Root Cause is an explanation or rationalization
of the condition - Root Cause Corrective Action does not address
Root Cause - Root Cause Corrective Action does not address
long term process improvement - CA Verification and Follow-up are confused and
mixed together - BOR policy is to elevate unsatisfactory SI CA to
ANAB for resolution - - 2 SIs were elevated in 2007 for ANAB
investigation and action -
16Thats all folks!