Title: Preceptor Workshop: Syllabus
1Preceptor Workshop Syllabus Calendar
- May 2008
- Presented by Jamie Joy, Pharm.D.
- Purpose of a Syllabus Calendar
- What to include
- Examples
3Purpose of a Syllabus
- Provides students with info about rotation
- Establishes goals, objectives, expectations
- Can be used to explain activities students will
be involved in during the rotation - Provides written record for students and
4What can be included in a syllabus?
5Rotation Organization, Content
- Explains what the rotation is about and what
students will be doing at the site - Examples
- Round with medicine team
- Write SOAP notes on patients
- Present patients to preceptor
- Counsel patients on OTC or herbal products
6Rotation Goals, Objectives
- Explain what the student will learn during the
rotation - Examples
- Anticoagulation monitoring and education
- Diabetes teaching and counseling
- Pediatrics dosing
- Specific topics that will be discussed
- Assignment requirements
- Journal club
- Drug information questions
- Presentations, projects
- Assess students using a set of competency
8Competency Questions example
- What is the goal HbA1c in most diabetics?
- What is the goal blood pressure in most
diabetics? - What lab parameters should be measured in a
patient on ACE inhibitor therapy? - What are the contraindications to metformin
therapy? - What are the most common side effects with
9Other Activities
- List other non-traditional or one time activities
that students may participate in - Screenings
- Brown bags
- MTM sessions
- P T or other committee meetings
- Special presentations or projects
10Rotation Project /or Presentation
- List expectations of project
- Outline, rough draft (rough draft due date)
- Include timeline
- Six week rotations go fast so timeline is
recommended - Note Consider keeping a binder of past student
projects for ideas. This tends to increase the
quality of student projects as they can see
examples of past projects.
11Preceptor Info
- If multiple preceptors will be participating in
the rotation, explain this who they are - Include all preceptors in feedback on evaluations
- List resident info if student will be interacting
with resident
12Preceptor Expectations of Student
- Examples
- Maintain professional conduct
- Be self motivated, independent learner
- Look up drug information before asking preceptor
- Practice time management
- Prepare adequately for discussions when asked to
do so - Complete assignments on time
13Student Expectations of Preceptor
- Examples
- Provide timely feedback (good bad)
- Enhance students critical thinking,
organizational time management skills - Refer students to appropriate DI literature
- Provide constructive feedback of oral written
communication skills - Serve as professional role model
- Be on time every day
- Call if going to be later than 5 minutes or
absent - College absence policy
- If student wants a day off for professional
reasons, this should be arranged during the first
day of rotation (or as soon as possible)
15Patient Privacy Confidentiality
- Dont discuss patients in elevators, halls,
bathrooms, outside of the facility, etc - Only discuss with healthcare providers who are
involved in patients care - Remember HIPAA policies
- Cell phone policy
- Email policy
- Should they check email daily?
- Internet use at site
- Fax use
17Dress Code
- Name tag required
- White coat required or optional
- Professional dress
- Notify them of special dress code requirements
for your site - No open toe shoes, long hair pulled back, no long
fingernails, etc
18Orientation Checklist
- Checklist could include
- Communication methods
- General rules and goals
- Work hours, student interests, preceptor
availability during day - Syllabus review
- Expectations of students and preceptors
- Rotation schedule
19Orientation Checklist (cont)
- Tour of pharmacy, clinic, facility
- Introduce students to other staff
- Assess baseline experience
- Dress code
- Internet, fax, phone, computer, cell phone,
printer use at site
Click here for an example orientation checklist
20Acknowledgement Form
- Consider requiring students to sign a form
acknowledging they have read and understand the
Click here for an example acknowledgement form
21Student Interests Experience
- Consider assessing prior pharmacy experience
- Including past rotation experience
- Ask what they have not been exposed to yet
Click here for an example format to assess
student interests experience
22What should be included in a calendar?
- Consider developing master calendar for students
to include - Daily activities
- Special events or activities
- Meetings, journal club, screenings
- Due dates for DI questions or projects
- Discussions
- Can be kept electronically or hard copy
- Can keep a shared master copy posted
- Dry erase board or bulletin board
- Great for sharing with everyone including other
staff members
Click here to see example calendar
25Electronic Copies Available
- Word documents are available with example
syllabus and calendar - Use what we have as an existing syllabus or
calendar, or modify for your rotation - To request a copy, send an email to Jamie Joy at
26Tell us what you think
- We are developing these modules to help you, our
preceptor! - Send a quick note to Jamie at joy_at_pharmacy.arizona
.edu and tell her if you think this info is
useful and if you have ideas for future topics. - Thank you for precepting our students!