Title: A1256653845XcAYO
1ASP TAR Functions
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8TAMIS-R Training Ammunition Request (TAR) Email
Notification Subject ASP Accept TAR (FYI)
Action taken by AUSMC-STUDENT Date/Time
Requestor 21-JAN-2005 Date/Time Approver
21-JAN-2005 Date/Time ASP Acceptor
21-JAN-2005 Control Number 0210025 Requested
Pick Up Date 25-JAN-2005 0730 Requested Pick Up
Location TQ50 - 29 PALMS, CA - ASP MC Requested
by Name USMC_Student, A Unit M11230 - 1ST
BN 7TH MAR Title Student Account Email wcoving
ton_at_caci.com DSN Approved by
Name USMC_Student, A Unit M11230 - 1ST BN
7TH MAR Title Student Account Email wcovington
_at_caci.com DSN Requested Ammunition DODICReq
QtyApp QtyTAM QtyComments A131200020001000M1123050
21B001 Partially filled due to NIS. B643808080M112
305021B002 B647888M112305021B003
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12The full Document Nr for each DODIC has been
placed in the REMARKS for ROLMS input!
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