Title: Leveraging Resources for Success
1Leveraging Resources for Success
2Who we are
- A statewide Economic and Workforce Development
grant - Comprised of 12 centers located throughout
California - Centers are housed within the community college
system and support and often drive state and
regional workforce training needs
3Who we are
- 12 Community
- College Workplace
- Learning Resource
- Centers (WpLRC)
- Los Rios Community College District. Sacramento,
CA - Chabot-Las Positas Community College District,
Pleasanton, CA - Mission College, Santa Clara, CA
- Merced College, Merced, CA
- Kern Community College District, Bakersfield, CA
- Oxnard College, Oxnard, CA
- El Camino Community College District, Hawthorne,
CA - Long Beach City College, Long Beach CA
- Rancho Santiago Community College, Santa Ana, CA
- North Orange Community College District,
Anaheim, CA - College of the Desert, Palm Desert, CA
- Cuyamaca Community College, El Cajon, CA
4Who we are
- College of the Desert WpLRC
- Integrated within the Center for Training and
Development - Institute for Sales Service Excellence
- Isabel Hildebrandt, Director
- Voice 760.862.1365
- Fax 760.837.9657
- Email ihildebrandt_at_collegeofthedesert.edu
5What we do
- Provide public and private businesses with
customized training services - Skills Assessment
- Workplace Basics
- English as a Second Language (ESL)
- Contextualization of Basic Skills
- Customer Service Training
- Communication
6What we do
- Provide community college faculty with training
support services including - Contextualization of Basic Skills
- Technical Assistance
- ESL/VESL program development and integration
- Learning Objects Database
- Curriculum Resources
- Faculty training events and workshops
- Conference attendance funding
7Delivery Challenges
- Time
- Money
- WpLRC awareness
- Brand Identity
- Demand for faculty training services
- Limited resources
- The Hub project was launched to
- Combine marketing efforts
- Support faculty training and development
- Develop new programs and support business
development - Leverage curriculum resources
- Create a reusable learning object library
- Includes two managing centers
- North Orange CCD
- Merced WpLRC / Mission WpLRC
9Key Deliverables
- North Orange CCD
- Initiative wide marketing
- Develop faculty training opportunities
- Community outreach
- Business development
- Create strategic partnerships
10Key Deliverables
- Merced College in Partnership with
- Mission College
- Develop and house a reusable learning objects
library - Workplace Enhanced Learning Library (WELL)
- Includes
- Customizable to learning object level
- Online, face-to-face, or blended delivery
- Common Branding Elements
- Umbrella Web site
- Marketing Programming
- Strategic Partners
- Faculty Training
- Curriculum Sharing
- Workplace Enhanced Learning Library
- Pilot Program
- Contributor Partnerships
12Branding Elements
Tagline Were training Californias
Workforce Value Proposition Affordable.
Flexible. Customized.
13Web site wplrc.org
- Statewide and Regional Marketing
- Ad Planner
- Online Advertising
- Email
- Off line Advertising
- Community Outreach
- Grass Roots / Viral Marketing
- Marketing Exchange Program
- Provide partners with resource for promoting
events, news and courses - Featured Partner
- Email Campaigns
- Joint promotions and sponsorship opportunities
16Strategic Partners
- Curriculum providers (Turn-key,
train-the-trainer, licensed, other initiatives) - EWD and other initiatives
- Government agencies
- Foundations and Non-profits
- Partner colleges
- Businesses (Customized Corporate Programs)
17Faculty in Service Training
- Time to Learn
- Sponsoring 20 faculty members to attend a Basic
Skills Conference this spring - CCCAOE
- Other
18Curriculum Sharing
- Wide range of curriculum available
- Workplace Basic Skills
- Business Writing
- Leadership with Communication
- Basic Industrial Maintenance
- VESL Housekeeping, Landscaping, Wait Service
and Healthcare - Microsoft Office Applications
19Workplace Enhanced Learning Library (WELL)
- Establish a Central Repository
- Store Core Learning Content
- Store Contextualized Learning Content
- Provide Tools to create custom, derivative
versions of content - Eliminate Redundancy of Content Creation
- Network Developers Across the System
- Empower End Users to Create Unique Contextualized
Lessons - Facilitate Demand Driven Training
20Learning Object Concept
Any entity, digital or non-digital, that may be
used for learning education and training.
21Development Process
22Pilot Programs
- Launching ESL Pilot Program
- Dec 08 March 09
- Satellite Design Team Development
- System Demonstrations
- Enlist core teams throughout the state
- Design Team Training
23Developer Portal
24Faculty Portal
25WELL Benefits
- Pedagogically sound core learning objects
- Easily identifiable
- User friendly
- Fully customizable
- Output to Word, PPT, Flash, HTML
- SCORM compliant (compatible with LMS)
26Hub Benefits
- Enhances WpLRC marketing efforts
- Increases efficiencies in program and curriculum
development - Allows directors to focus on other business
objectives and community outreach - Provides curriculum resources to WpLRCs and other
community colleges - Supports faculty growth and enrichment
- Isabel Hildebrandt, COD WpLRC Director
- ihildebrandt_at_collegeofthedesert.edu
- Bruce Whistler
- bruce_whistler_at_wvm.edu
- Barbara Fanning
- barbara_at_mindswingconsulting.com