Title: Music
1Music Physical Ed.
Monthly Newsletter November 2008
Monthly Community Assemblies
The Theme of this years concerts for the Holidays
are PEACE LOVE. The 3rd 4th grade chorus
has already began to work on their music! The
concert will be December 18, 2009 _at_ 700 PM. The
students are working hard and will provide
fantastic music entertainment. Stay Tuned for
more info to come.
- October held many joys of learning in our
community assembly. We talked about Integrity
and the meaning behind action within the meaning.
Kaylee Leone was interviewed by Mt. Murray about
what Integrity meant to her and how it should be
handled in certain school situations. Also, two
Principal Awards were given for persons showing
Integrity on a regular basis.
- We sang Get on Board Little Children and
What To Wear?
Boys Attire for Concert Dress pants / khaki,
dress shirt, dark socks, dress shoes Girls Attire
for Concert Dress / skirt or dress pants,
slacks, blouse or sweater, dress
- Mrs. Garrett, our Superintendent recognized the
students with birthdays in October, giving them a
certificate and a Note pad.
The Music Room Look whats been happening in Mt.
Morriss Elementary Music Classes
- As a group at the end of our October assembly, we
learned what it meant to be respectful to our
flag and why we stand when we sing the National
Anthem . Students were asked to identify some
reasons why respect for Nation and Flag are
important. We then practiced singing The Star
Spangled Banner once again with great
enthusiasm! Good Work Everyone!!!!!
- 2nd Grade
- Stephen Foster Oh Suzanna
- Giaccimo Rossini - Opera
- - William Tell Overture The Marriage Of
Figaro - Ballet The Nutcracker
- - storytelling with dance and purpose of
movements -
- Kindergarten
- Old MacDonald traditional and Rock
- Goo Goo Gaa Gaa
- Music Games team character rules
- Music recognition
- Music listening
- Genres what is the meaning
- 1st Grade
- Boomwackers following directions
- with instruments
- Solfege
- Chop-sticks
- Sharps and Flats
- Musicals storytelling with music and
- acting High School Musical
- 3rd Grade
- Partner Songs and Rounds
- -This Old Man Michael Finnigan
- Ensemble groups
- - different groups of performances
- - Instrumental and singing groups
- - accompanied and a cappella
- Meaning of Opera - storytelling with singing
only - - speak and response - Video examples of
Pavoratti - Meaning of Operetta - The difference in genre to
opera - - Gilbert Sullivan - The Pirates of
Penzance - - genres of music and appropriate
behavior for presentations
Be sure to mark your calendar! Next Assembly
Thanksgiving Riddles 1. What do you call a
bunch of turkeys playing football? (Fowl
play!) 2. Why did the turkey cross the
road? (To show that he wasnt chicken!) 3. What
do turkeys like to eat on Thanksgiving?
(Nothing they are already stuffed!)
Congratulations! - to the following November Good
Sports recipients! Joanna Regatuso, Erica Morgan,
Emily Sutherland, Montel May
Happy Thanksgiving!
Elementary Physical Education Update Kindergarten
through third grade are finishing up their
fitness unit ask your Kindergartner where their
heart is, where to find their pulse, just what
does the heart do anyway? First through third
graders are also working very hard on their
Physical Fitness Testing which covers- speed,
strength, endurance, flexibility.