Title: Friends Forever
1Friends Forever
2Friends do lots of things together.
3Friends do lots of things together.
4Friends do lots of things together.
5Friends talk to each other.
6Friends talk to each other.
7Friends talk to each other.
8School is a great place to make friends!
9School is a great place to make friends!
10School is a great place to make friends!
11Friends walk together.
12Friends walk together.
13Friends walk together.
14Friends like to help each other.
15Friends like to help each other.
16Friends like to help each other.
17Friends like to eat snacks together.
18Friends like to eat snacks together.
19Friends like to eat snacks together.
20Friends like to giggle together.
21Friends like to giggle together.
22Friends like to giggle together.
23Friends like to whisper to each
24Friends like to whisper to each
25Friends like to whisper to each
26Friends like to play games together.
27Friends like to play games together.
28Friends like to play games together.
29Friends like to play musical instruments
30Friends like to play musical instruments
31Friends like to play musical instruments
32Sometimes friends just like being together.
33Sometimes friends just like being together.
34Sometimes friends just like being together!.