Title: Dr. Jana Tafi
1Water statistics and accounts in the Republic of
Water Data Centre project/ Ministry of Ecology
and Natural Resources of the Republic of
2National demand for water statistics
- Moldova has signed the International Conventions
and agreements related to water resources and has
to fulfill its obligations Convention on
protection trans boundaries rivers and lakes
(Helsinki, 1992), Black Sea convention on the
environment (1994), Sofia convention on the
Danube River (1994), RAMSAR (1971).
- The Parliament and the Government of Moldova has
adopted Framework of national policy in the water
resources domain 2003-2010 (N 325-XV din
18.07.2003 )
3Water statistics
- Monitoring surveys for
- quantitative and qualitative indicators of the
availability, state and use of water resources - Water as resource for population
- agriculture
- Pressure on water resource
- (in Moldova households pollution has replaced
industrial) - Supports sustainable development in country
4Methodology used for water accounts case study in
- Physical accounts for water resource in raw
quantities using SEEA - 2 projects
- 1998-2000 initial project by the statistical
institute (DASS) IFEN (French Environment
Institute) - Since October 2001 lead by Ministry of Ecology
(with IFEN Beture Cerec)
5The set of environmental and economic accounts
for water
Accounts of
Main Linkages to
Monitoring Surveys
National Accounts
the domain
Resource accounts
Supply Use accounts
I-O Tables,
Emission accounts
I-O Tables,
Quality accounts
Expenditure accounts
- The accounts presented above are a gateway
between the domain of economic statistics (the
National Accounts and their input-output tables
(I-O Tables) and the domain of environmental and
resource monitoring and assessment (generally
presented by means of indicators).
6Water accounts cover
- From the economic perspective,
- Resource usage per sector
- Polluting discharges per sector (emissions from
sectors) - Expenditure for resource protection and
operation. - From media point of view
- The resource system (hydrological system)
- Water quality (rivers and aquifers, at least)
- Discharge of pollutants to the media.
7Main data sources
- Meteo data (Hydrometeo service)
- Hydrological data (Hydrometeo service)
- Groundwater survey data (AgeoM Ministry of
Health) - Surface water survey data (Ministry of Health)
- Inventory data lakes, dams, wells, WWTP ( State
Ecological Inspectorate, Apele Moldovei, AgeoM
Ministry of Health ) - Surveys consulting companies IFEN (
Beture-Cerec, TAHAL) -
- Annual Survey by Apele Moldovei, the National
Water Agency (reports from companies, communal
services and irrigation supply) - Household Budget Survey Special household
surveys related environmental needs (NBS -
Statistical Institute) - Annual technical economical report by Communal
services (NBS Water Company)
8Water resource the sources of data depend on
the natural conditions and on the monitoring
- Meteorology (precipitation, but also basis of
calculation of potential evapotranspiration) - Institute of agronomy Water stock of the soils
and vegetation coverage (for the calculation of
actual evapotranspiration). - Hydrology/Hydrogeology institute, flow in the
water-courses and groundwater table level, - Various services reserves in dams, cartography,
9Primary Data Sources for Resource Accounts
10Survey about water consumption run by Apele
Moldovei the National Water Agency
- Annual mandatory questionnaire sent to economic
agents - Data give view about abstraction, supply, use,
discharge of water in m3 emissions of
pollutants in tones - From 1983 the survey was exhaustive
- Presently, new approach by Apele Moldovei
- Selective survey
- Water accounts
11HBS used as a basic survey to study ecological
needsone page added to the main
Questionnaire1 1999 survey
- First ecological survey to define current
ecological problems - actual ecological problems of the population of
the country, - populations attitude to problems,
- level of environment pollution directly caused by
households - Including a number of questions on water issues
- Used type of water resources
- Volume consumed water
- Quality of drinking water
- Influence of water to human health status.
- In December 1999, 520households (families) were
enrolled with a total number of 1,4 thousand
persons, 63 of them in rural areas
12HBS used as a basic survey to study ecological
needsone page added to the main
Questionnaire2 2001 survey
- Second survey concentrated only on water problems
and other related issues state, pollution,
consumption, water supply and water management. - To analyze the current trends, some questions
from the first survey were included in the second
survey access to water supply, water
consumption, quality of drinking water in wells
and springs, influence of state of water on
health status - On April 2001, representative sample of 521
households, involving 1404 persons, from urban
and rural areas
13Climatic characteristics data set
14Rivers and streams in Moldova data set
15Flows characteristic of rivers and streams,
Moldova data set
16Reservoirs and lakes, Moldova data set
17Groundwater resource, Moldova data set
18Outcome of water accounts studies in Moldova
- Implementation of Physical accounts on water
resources - Asset water accounts for 1994,1998 2000
- Water Supply Use Accounts for 1994,1998, 2000
2002 - Methodology
- Combined supply use table (SEEA tables 8.3
8.5) - Data collection with a set of interlinked sub
accounts tables intermediate tables - Gaps lack of data about water
- Detection of unreliable data on abstraction
consumption agriculture, communal plants,
manufacture - Absence of data on households water consumption,
specially in countryside - Orientation for improvement
- For statistics
- Creation of an informatics database on water in
19Water resource account, first, 1994
20Water resource account, first, 1998
21An asset account for water, 1994, SEEA, Table 8.7
22Transfers between water resources, SEEA, Table
8.8, 1994 1998
23An asset account for water, SEEA Table 8.7, 1998
- Resource Availability Indicators
- e.g. Groundwater replenishment rate, Natural
inflows, Annual available resource (net) - Resource Use Indicators
- e.g. Intensity of abstraction by sectors, Total
consumption of water, Returns of waste water - Resource Depletion Indicators
- e.g. Evapo-transpiration inducted by irrigation,
Depletion of groundwater (net accumulation)
25Policy making indicator
- Water balance is essential for the optimization
of water management and use - Renewable water resource
- Non-renewable water resource
- Quality of water resource is determined by
natural factors and by human activities - Population connected to wastewater treatment
- Industrial agriculture activities
- Urbanization process impact
26Implementing water accounts
- Physical accounts require validation by policy
makers Water Agency, Ministry of Economy,
Ministry of Environment - Possibility of making detailed physical water
accounts has to be checked (lack of data on
consumption by farmers, small business, rural
households) - Difficulties for statistical institute to
maintain such type of accounts because physical
water accounts are asking for combination skills
of statisticians ecologist, hydrologist,
chemistries - Implementation of water accounts demanding
multi-institutional involvement
27Water resources quality indices
- the average annual concentration of pollutant in
the locality, on the spot, in the river basin,
mg/l - media-variant, which corresponds to the
probability rate of 50, in - recurrence of pollutant content in the water
higher than SCL (Standard Concentration Limit),
10SCL, 30SCL, 50SCL, 100SCL, - enabling to characterize the state of water for
the purposes of compliance with the current norms
and standards.
28Pollution of water resources, Moldova, 1980-2002
Year Events of high pollution, units Ammoniacal nitrogen Nitrite nitrogen
1980 79 15 12
1985 185 54 127
1990 145 49 70
1994 54 22 32
1998 35 14 21
1999 20 8 12
2000 24 10 9
2001 20 14 6
2002 20 14 6
- Source Hydrometeo Service
29Sanitary Hygienic monitoring surface water
resources, Moldova
Year Number of samples, units Out of which with deviation from standards In
1997 880 512 58
2002 877 379 43
- Source Ministry of Health
30 Step to water resources quality account quality
data (from Ecology and Health) merged and
processed with Nopolu using the French SEQ-eau
31Expenditure for protection and efficient use of
water resources
- Current expenditures
- Capital investment
- Cost of water protection fixed assets
- Taxes for water pollution
- Fees for accidental pollution
- Tariff for water supply
32Expenditure for prevention protection
- mandatory report
- Annual
- Economic agent to maintain environmental
equipment - National Bureau of Statistics
33Capital investment data in preventing
protection environment
- Mandatory report
- Annual
- Companies
- Implement environmental projects measures
34Capital investment for prevention protection
water resources, Moldova
Year Total, in current prices, th lei In to total environmental investments
1985 16,5 61
1990 14,3 47
1995 6715,3 58
1996 1826,7 29
1997 12450,7 75
1998 1467,1 34
2000 1314,6 22
2001 3257,2 27
2002 4248,3 29
- Source National Birou of Statistics
35Cost of fixed assets for prevention protection
water resources, Moldova
Year average annual balance value, in current prices, mil lei In to total of environmetal fixed assets
1985 0,3 99
1990 0,4 99
1995 133,3 86
1996 487,8 96
1997 869,5 85
1998 910,8 82
2000 889,4 91
2001 861,1 89
2002 880,8 88
- Source National Birou of Statistics
36Water accounts in the Moldavian news letters and
37Institutional cooperation for water accounting