Adaptive Multiscale Estimation for Fusing Image Data - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Adaptive Multiscale Estimation for Fusing Image Data


1. K. Clint Slatton. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Center for ... Laser altimeter (LIDAR) Excellent accuracy, but covers small area. 4 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Adaptive Multiscale Estimation for Fusing Image Data

Adaptive Multiscale Estimation for Fusing Image
  • Introduction
  • Physical modeling
  • Data fusion methodology
  • Results
  • Conclusions

Research Motivation
  • Develop general capability for mapping and
    updating topography from multiple sensors
  • Historical data acquired from different sensors
  • Acquisitions often have different extents and
  • Sensor-dependent height uncertainty
  • Develop methodology for computing vegetation
    heights and surface topography in low relief
  • Some applications require 10 m horizontal
    resolution and 1 m vertical accuracy
  • Hydrology shallow water runoff channels (0.1 m
    vertical accuracy)
  • Seismology active faults (1 m vertical
  • Best technologies for low-relief topographic
  • Interferometric synthetic aperture radar (INSAR)
  • Covers large area, but insufficient accuracy
  • Laser altimeter (LIDAR)
  • Excellent accuracy, but covers small area

Measuring Topography with INSAR
  • Problem no direct measurement of zg in presence
    of vegetation
  • INSAR data provide height of phase scattering
    center zS
  • Cannot distinguish surface elevation zg from
    vegetation elevation zv
  • Neglecting noise, zS zg for bare surfaces
  • Proposed solution
  • Estimate zg and Dzv from INSAR data using
    electromagnetic scattering model
  • Incorporate additional high-resolution
    measurements (LIDAR)

zg ground height Dzv vegetation height zS
scattering center height (measured height)
  • (1) Combine physical modeling with multiscale
    Kalman filter to accommodate nonlinear
    measurement-state relations
  • Previous multiscale Kalman filters applied to
    problems in which
  • Observations are linearly related to state
  • Closed-form inverse exists for nonlinear
    measurement-state relationship
  • No closed-form inverse for multisensor estimation
    of topography in general
  • Physical-model inversion yields new set of
  • Enables application of Kalman-based fusion
    methods to estimating topography
  • (2) Develop spatially-adaptive multiscale Kalman
  • Kalman filter is optimal (in mean squared sense)
    if filter parameters are correct
  • Adaptive implementation can update incorrect
    process noise variance
  • (3) Improve estimates of zg and Dzv for remote
    sensing applications
  • True estimate errors are smaller than those
    obtained by other SAR methods (excluding studies
    that use controlled training sites with a priori
  • (4) Develop framework to update historical data
    with newer or complementary data
  • Robust fusion with independent weighting for each
    data type

  • Introduction
  • Physical modeling (contribution 1)
  • Characterizing INSAR measurements
  • Obtaining estimates of zg and D zv
  • Data fusion methodology
  • Results
  • Conclusions

INSAR and LIDAR Imaging
  • INSAR (nominal)
  • Side-looking
  • Single or repeat pass
  • Airborne or space-based
  • Fixed illumination
  • C-band - 6 cm wavelength
  • Vertical accuracy 2 m
  • 5-25 m pixel spacing

Large coverage area primary sensor
  • LIDAR (nominal)
  • Downward-looking
  • Airborne (until GLAS 2002)
  • Scanning illumination
  • 1 mm wavelength
  • Vertical accuracy 0.1 m
  • ? 1-5 m pixel spacing

complementary sensor
INSAR Processing
  • Antennas 1 and 2
  • Transmit modulated chirp pulses
  • Receive backscattered energy
  • Quadrature demodulation of received signals
    yields two complex-valued images
  • and
  • n1, n2 are pixel coordinates
  • Compute normalized interferometric cross
    correlation (NICC)

Single-pass INSAR
b baseline length hS INSAR altitude a
baseline angle qS incidence angle zS
height rS1, rS2 path lengths to yS
horizontal distance antennas 1 and 2
  • Compute height of phase scattering center zS
    Calculating height H.O.T.
  • Magnitude of NICC function of scattering
    coherence of target
  • Phase of NICC function of differential path
    length to target

Addressing Vegetation Effects in INSAR
  • Empirical statistical relationships
  • Most common approach to date
  • Relate NICC to backscattering coefficient so
    using regression Wegmuller Werner, 1995
  • Use regression equations to distinguish forest
  • Results apply only to training sites used in
  • Relate volume scattering to vegetation height
  • Calculate tree heights from NICC phase Hagberg,
    Ulander, Askne, 1995
  • Assume nearly opaque canopy so phase scattering
    center at tree tops
  • Heights 50 underestimated when forest not
    extremely dense
  • Relate zg and Dzv directly to INSAR measurements
  • Use interferometric scattering model M
    scattering model
  • Treuhaft, Madsen, Moghaddam, van Zyl, 1996
  • No assumptions on vegetation density (t
    extinction coefficient) required
  • Nonlinear optimization (iterative)

Contribution 1
  • Scattering model M is nonlinear mapping from
    parameters to observations
  • Need M -1 to solve for terrain parameters x, but
    no closed-form inverse exists
  • Invert M numerically using nonlinear constrained
    optimization SQP
  • Use two INSAR observations (2 baselines) to solve
    for three parameters baseline sensitivity
  • Estimate zg and Dzv from INSAR data by solving
    the objective function vegetation sensitivity
  • Improvements
  • Formulate the problem in a constrained
    optimization framework
  • Solve the problem at the pixel level (no spatial
    averaging required)
  • Fuse estimates with LIDAR to improve accuracy
    obtained from model inversion

Measuring Topography with LIDAR
  • LIDAR measures zv directly
  • Optical wavelengths do not penetrate vegetation,
    except in gaps
  • Process raw data to obtain zg and Dzv using first
    and last returns Weed Crawford, 2001
  • Simplified algorithm
  • N is the set of all LIDAR pixels
  • Now have zg and Dzv from both INSAR and LIDAR data

  • Introduction
  • Physical modeling
  • Data fusion methodology (contribution 2)
  • Kalman filter for data fusion
  • Adaptive estimation
  • Multiscale Kalman filter
  • Results
  • Conclusions

Kalman Filter Model
  • Use state-space approach
  • Can model any random process having rational
    spectral density function with finite state
    dimension Brown Hwang 1997
  • Can estimate internal variables not directly
    observed block diagram
  • Able to track non-stationary data
  • Use discrete formulation
  • Data from sampled (imaged) continuous process
  • Noise sequences w and v have white
    autocorrelation and zero cross-correlation

Kalman Filter Algorithm
  • Kalman filter is widely used to estimate
    stochastic signals
  • Linear, time-varying filter
  • Implemented in time domain by a recursive
  • Requires prior model for filter parameters F, Q,
    H, R
  • Bounded estimate error covariance Pkk
  • Reach steady state if F, H are constant and w,
    v are WSS Grewal and Andrews 1993

Determining Model Parameters
  • R determined by sensor characteristics and data
  • RS standard deviation of heights (meters) due to
    phase noise Madsen, Martin, Zebker, 1995
  • RL standard deviation of heights (meters) due to
    pulse distribution
  • H is a binary indicator function
  • INSAR and LIDAR data transformed into estimates
    of zg and Dzv prior to fusion
  • H1 where observations are available
  • State parameters F and Q determined by signal
    (data) model
  • Robust techniques exist for adaptively estimating
    Q Mehra, 1972
  • Corrections for F require additional knowledge of
    process dynamics
  • R, H, and F assumed correct
  • Assume any model errors reside in Q
  • implement adaptive correction for Q

Detecting Errors in Q
  • Innovations represent prediction error uk yk -
    Hxkk-1 Hek vk
  • Where ek xk - xkk-1 denotes error in estimate
  • Sequence uk is Gaussian, white sequence for
    optimal filter statistics
  • Model errors cause assumptions of uncorrelated
    noise to be violated
  • Yield correlation in uk , Euk uTj ? 0 in
  • Detect correlation uk using autocorrelation
    function (ACF)
  • Non-white ACF(uk) implies model errors
  • Relate model parameters to ACF(uk) to update Q
    estimating Q
  • Innovation-correlation method Mehra, 1970

Effect of Model Errors in Kalman Filter
  • 1-D simulation, dimensionless
  • Autocorrelation function of innovations not white
    for non-adaptive filter setup
  • Non-white innovations indicate error in Q

Autocorrelation function of innovations with
correct Q
Autocorrelation function of innovations with
incorrect Q
Multiscale Data Fusion
  • Multiscale signal modeling has been heavily
    studied in recent years
  • Motivation
  • Captures multiscale character of natural
    processes or signals
  • Combines signals or measurements having different
  • Common methods
  • Fine-to-coarse transformations of spatial models
  • Direct modeling on multiscale data structures,
    e.g. quadtree MKS model
  • Chou, Willsky, Benveniste, 1994
  • Multiscale Kalman Smoother (MKS) algorithm
  • Use fractional Brownian motion data model for
    self-similar processes like topography Fieguth,
    Karl, Willsky, Wunsch, 1995 stochastic data

Contribution 2 Adaptive MKS
  • Q (height variance) not constant for INSAR images
  • Terrain is non-stationary in general, e.g. forest
    changing to grassland
  • MKS assumes Q is uniform at each scale
  • No mechanism to make Q spatially varying in MKS
  • 1-D adaptive estimation of Q
  • Innovation-correlation method used to estimate
    constant but unknown Q Mehra, 1970
  • Extended to estimate Q locally in sliding window
    Noriega and Pasupathy, 1997
  • Develop adaptive MKS algorithm (AMKS) Slatton,
    Crawford, Evans, 2001
  • Use innovation-correlation method in sliding
    window of Ns pixels
  • Assume separable dynamics
  • Apply 1-D Kalman filters on coarse-resolution
  • Incorporate into multiscale framework algorithm
  • Update Q locally by applying spatial Kalman
    filters to image data in quadtree
  • Apply to data with dense coverage (INSAR) for
    physically meaningful innovations

Adaptive Multiscale Estimation
  • Benefits
  • Filter compensates for modeling errors in Q
  • Spatially-varying Q better represents images of
  • Updated Q images provide insight about the state

Evolution of Q(m, i, j)
  • 2-D simulation showing evolution of process noise
    variance Q(m, i, j)
  • For QMKS lt Qtrue, Adaptive Multiscale Kalman
    Smoother revises Q upward

Root node
variance (m2) Qtrue 32 (uniform) QMKS 0.3
(uniform) avg(Qtrue QAMKS) 25 avg(Qtrue
QMKS) 35
Leaf nodes
Fused Estimates
  • Simulated observations are ground truth plus
    measurement noise
  • Achieve smaller mean squared error (MSE) than MKS

Actual error (m2) MSEcoarse obs 102 MSEMKS
93.4 MSEAMKS 79.1 D (AMKS,
MKS) 15
Computational Complexity
  • Scattering model inversion
  • Iterative
  • Operations per pixel 15 (nominal), 300 (max)
  • MKS
  • Non-Iterative
  • Operations
  • Let N2 number of leaf nodes, then have
    floor4/3 N2 total nodes
  • Number of operations grows linearly with N2
  • Innovation-correlation component of AMKS
  • Non-Iterative
  • Operations
  • If non-white innovations detected, solve Nlag
    equations (at one scale only)
  • Additional complexity versus estimate improvement
  • Implemented at scale mM-1, have (N /2)2 nodes
  • 1.25 times more complex than MKS
  • Achieves reduction in MSE up to 15 (data
  • Current implementation is a development tool
  • CPU time 7 min for 256 x 256 on 400 MHz Sun
    Ultra Sparc, single processor
  • Computes data model in separate operations and
    2-D power spectra

  • Introduction
  • Physical modeling
  • Data fusion methodology
  • Results (contributions 3 and 4)
  • Application 1 Combine INSAR and LIDAR data
  • Colorado River, Austin, Texas
  • Application 2 Combine Data from multiple INSAR
  • Finke River, Australia
  • Conclusions

Application 1 Combining INSAR and LIDAR
  • Exploit advantages of both sensors (data fusion)
  • INSAR is best option for large-scale coverage,
    LIDAR is best for highly-accurate small-scale
    mapping (e.g. urban areas) Wang and Dahman,
  • Austin, TX typical urban floodplain area with
    trees and grassland
  • Fuse INSAR _at_ 10 m with high resolution LIDAR _at_
    1.25 m
  • Color infrared aerial photograph
  • Acquired during winter
  • Deciduous trees appear gray
  • Grass and understory appear red

Contribution 3 Improved Estimates Dzv
  • AMKS algorithm improves estimates of Dzv
  • Significant improvement over scattering inversion
  • Slight improvement over MKS
  • Impact of AMKS lessened because implemented 3
    levels above LIDAR

MSEinversion 9.33 m2 MSEMKS 5.56
m2 MSEAMKS 5.55 m2 D (inversion, MKS)
40.4 D (inversion,AMKS) 40.5
no data
no data
Improved Estimates zg
  • AMKS algorithm improves estimates of zg
  • Sparse LIDAR acquisition

MSEraw 6.1
m2 MSEinversion 1.3
m2 MSEAMKS 0.1 m2 D
(raw,AMKS) 98 D (inversion,AMKS)
Contribution 4 Updating INSAR Data
  • Update topographic map with data fusion
  • Spaceborne ERS (1996) provides large coverage
    area, but poor vertical accuracy
  • Airborne TOPSAR (1996 2000) provides higher
  • Phase unwrapping errors and radar shadowing can
    produce erroneous data
  • Finke River study area in Australia
  • Semi-arid region of geological interest

ERS European Remote Sensing Satellite
(European Space Agency) TOPSAR
Topographic SAR (NASA/Jet
Propulsion Laboratory)
Fuse Three Data Sets
  • Combine ERS _at_ 20 m, TOPSAR _at_ 10 m, and TOPSAR _at_
    5 m
  • Phase Unwrapping error in ERS is compensated by

Fused Estimates
  • Differences in resolution apparent quadtree
  • Transects show details for estimator performance
  • Estimates track ERS when TOPSAR not available,
  • High RERS prevents filter from tracking noisy ERS
    data too closely
  • Estimated process lies between the TOPSAR

Perspective View
estimate uncertainty
  • Introduction
  • Physical modeling
  • Data fusion methodology
  • Results
  • Conclusions

  • Combining physical modeling and
    spatially-adaptive multiscale estimation yields
    near-optimal estimates of zg and Dzv (MSE sense)
  • Under assumption of separable dynamics and
    variations in Q with extent gt2Ns pixels
  • Physical modeling and target-dependent
    measurement errors allow proper fusion of
    dissimilar data
  • Adaptive framework accommodates errors in Q
  • Significantly smaller mean squared error than MKS
    in simulations
  • Modest improvement with data from study site
  • INSAR 8 times lower resolution than LIDAR
  • Spatial variations in true Q are small
  • Algorithm does not track rapid changes (ltNs
    pixels) in Q
  • Roughly 15 additional computation time
  • Contributions
  • Combined physical modeling with multiscale
    estimation to accommodate nonlinear
    measurement-state relations
  • Developed spatially-adaptive multiscale Kalman
  • Improved estimates of zg and Dzv for remote
    sensing applications comparison
  • Updated and improved topographic imagery using
    multiple INSAR data sets

Future Work
  • Non-separable 2-D Kalman filters
  • Implement spatially-adaptive component of AMKS
    using a reduced-update Kalman filter Woods
    Radewan, 1977
  • Accommodates 2-D spatial correlation in images
  • Requires extending innovation-correlation method
    to 2-D
  • Non-iterative methods for estimating zg and Dzv
    from INSAR
  • Current nonlinear optimization is most
    computationally intensive part of the data fusion
  • Investigate methods that relate INSAR
    decorrelation to volume scattering from
    vegetation Rodriguez Martin, 1992
  • These methods are approximate but non-iterative
  • Multi-model (filter bank) approaches
  • Develop sets of Kalman model parameters for
    generalized terrain types, e.g. forest and
  • Implement a different filter for each terrain, or
    a linear combination of filters
  • Combining with image segmentation could avoid Ns
    latency of innovation-correlation approach
  • Change detection
  • Flexible incorporation of new information from
    different sensors
  • Weight recent observations more heavily (R)
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