Title: Sara Davidson LIBR500
1Journey to the Land of Sand
- Sara Davidson LIBR500
- sara7_at_interchange.ubc.ca
2Perhaps my most exotic moment in life was a trip
with colleagues from Bouaké, Ivory Coast
north to . . .
3. . . Malis Timbuktu in December 2001 during
Christmas break.
4We, as traveling friends, shared some
similarities including a lack of French language
skills and last names all ending with son.
- Davidson
- Henderson
- Maxson
- Davison
5Our modes of transportation included
6The first leg of our trip included a 20 hour van
Once arriving in Sikasso, Mali we upgraded to a
bus which had few safety features but lots of
music blaring at 1 a.m.!
7We arrived at Mopti and took a couple days to see
the surroundings including Dogon Country.
8From Mopti, we rented a boat, with a crew of
three, to take us up the Niger River to Timbuktu.
9The trip was a strange combination of beautiful
sunshine, cold nights, water bailing, and . . .
10 . . . training for future tight rope walking.
This occurred when we had to walk along the
boards on the boats edge to reach the modern
pit stop facility!
11Finally after hours on the boat, we
arrived in Timbuktu (English spelling) /
Tombouctou (French spelling).
12We had a number of highlights during our
time in TB2.
13First Highlight
- We visited a project which reclaims desert land
for agricultural purposes so that locals can
provide for their families.
14Water reserves, obtained by wind power, provide
moisture togrow items such as
- lemons
- lettuce and
- potatoes
15Second Highlight
A tour of the city included interesting
information about its architecture and history.
Did you know that TB2 was once a major center of
learning in the 15th and 16th centuries?
16Final Highlight
Our most humorous highlight was a camel ride into
the Sahara Desert with an Arabic tea break half
way through.
17Timbuktu was definitely a worthwhile adventure.
Land of Sand
18Links General Informationhttp//www.thesalmons.
org/lynn/wh-timbuktu.htmlTimbuktu and
uktu/PBS site with reference to Dogon country
of Timbuktu and Great Pictureshttp//www.danhelle
r.com/timbuktu.htmlAAA Clipart (red arrow and
moving bus)http//www.aaa-clipart.com/index.shtml
Maps used with permission fromhttp//www.graphi