Title: Integer%20Programming
1Integer Programming
- Linear Programming (Simplex method)
- Integer Programming (Branch Bound method)
- Lasdon, L.S Optimization Theory for Large
Systems, MacMillan, 1970 (Section 1.2) - CPLEX Manual
- Cornuejols, G., Trick, M.A., and Saltzman, M.J.
A Tutorial on Integer Programming, Summer 1995,
2A problem and its solution
- maximise z x1 3x2
- subject to - x1 x2 ? 1
- x1 x2 ? 2
- x1 ? 0 , x2 ? 0
extreme point
-x1x2 1
x13x2 c
x1x2 2
3Linear Programme in standard form
- Indices
- j1,2,...,n variables
- i1,2,...,m equality constraints
- Constants
- c (c1,c2,...,cn) cost coefficients
- b (b1,b2,...,bm) constraint left-hand-sides
- A (aij) m n matrix of constraint
coefficients - Variables
- x (x1, x2,...,xn)
- Linear programme
- maximise
- z ?j1,2,...,n cjxj
- subject to
- ?j1,2,...,m aijxj bi , i1,2,...,m
- xj ? 0 , j1,2,...,n
- Linear programme (matrix form)
- maximise
- cx
- subject to
- Ax b
- x ? 0
n gt m rank(A) m
4Transformation of LPs to the standard form
- slack variables
- ?j1,2,...,m aijxj ? bi to ?j1,2,...,m
aijxj xni bi , xni ? 0 - ?j1,2,...,m aijxj ? bi to ?j1,2,...,m
aijxj - xni bi , xni ? 0 - nonnegative variables
- xk with unconstrained sign xk xk? - xk? , xk?
? 0 , xk? ? 0 -
- Exercise transform the following LP to the
standard form - maximise z x1 x2
- subject to 2x1 3x2 ? 6
- x1 7x2 ? 4
- x1 x2 3
- x1 ? 0 , x2 unconstrained in sign
5Basic facts of Linear Programming
standard form
- feasible solution - satisfying constraints
- basis matrix - a non-singular m m submatrix of
A - basic solution to a LP - the unique vector
determined by a basis matrix n-m variables
associated with columns of A not in the basis
matrix are set to 0, and the remaining m
variables result from the square system of
equations - basic feasible solution - basic solution with all
variables nonnegative (at most m variables can be
positive) - Theorem 1.
- The objective function, z, assumes its maximum
at an extreme point of the constraint set. - Theorem 2.
- A vector x (x1, x2,...,xn) is an extreme point
of the constraint set if and only if x is a basic
feasible solution.
6Integer Programming
- original task
- (IP) maximise cx
- subject to Ax b
- x ? 0 and integer
- linear relaxation
- (LR) maximise cx
- subject to Ax b
- x ? 0
paper 4
- The optimal objective value for (LR) is greater
than or equal to - the optimal objective for (IP).
- If (LR) is infeasible then so is (IP).
- If (LR) is optimised by integer variables, then
that solution - is feasible and optimal for (IP).
- If the cost coefficients c are integer, then the
optimal objective for (IP) - is less than or equal to the round down of the
optimal objective for (LR).
application to network design paper 2, section
7Branch and Bound (a Knapsack Problem)
- maximise 8x1 11x2 6x3 4x4
- subject to 5x1 7x2 4x3 3x4 ? 14
- xj ??0,1 , j1,2,3,4
- (LR) solution x1 1, x2 1, x3 0.5, x4 0,
z 22 - no integer solution will have value greater than
x1 1, x2 1, x3 0, x4 0.667
x1 1, x2 0.714, x3 1, x4 0
8Branch and Bound cntd.
- we know that the optimal integer solution is not
greater than 21.85 (21 in fact) - we will take a subproblem and branch on one of
its variables - - we choose an active subproblem (here not
chosen before) - - we choose a subproblem with highest solution
no further branching, not active
x1 0.6, x2 1, x3 1, x4 0
x1 1, x2 0, x3 1, x4 1
9Branch and Bound cntd.
there is no better solution than 21 fathom
x1 0, x2 1, x3 1, x4 1
x1 1, x2 1, x3 1, x4 ?
10Branch Bound - summary
- Solve the linear relaxation of the problem. If
the solution is integer, then we are done.
Otherwise create two new subproblems by branching
on a fractional variable. - A subproblem is not active when any of the
following occurs - you have already used the subproblem to branch on
- all variables in the solution are integer
- the subproblem is infeasible
- you can fathom the subproblem by a bounding
argument. - Choose an active subproblem and branch on a
fractional variable. Repeat until there are no
active subproblems. - Remarks
- If x is restricted to integer (but not
necessarily to 0 or 1), then if x 4.27 you
would branch with the constraints x???4 and
x???5. - If some variables are not restricted to integer
you do not branch on them.
11Basic approaches to combinatorial optimisation
Combinatorial Optimisation Problem given a
finite set S (solution space) and evaluation
function F S ? R find i ? S minimising F(i)
- Local Search
- Simulated Annealing
- Simulated Allocation
- Evolutionary Algorithms
12Local Search
Combinatorial Optimisation Problem given a
finite set S (solution space) and evaluation
function F S ? R find i ? S minimising
F(i) N(i) ? S - neighbourhood of a feasible
point (configuration) i? S
A modification steepest descent
begin choose an initial solution i ? S
repeat choose a neighbour j?N(i) if
F(j) lt F(i) then i j until ??j?N(i),
F(j) ? F(i) end
Unable to leave local minima Quality (rather
poor) of LS depends on the range of the
neighbourhood relation- ship and on the initial
13Local Search for the Knapsack Problem
Solution space S x wx ? W, x ? 0, x -
integer Problem find x ? S maximising
cx Neighbourhood N(x) y?S y is
obtained from x by adding or exchanging one
14Simulated Annealing
Combinatorial Optimisation Problem given a
finite set S (solution space) and evaluation
function F S ? R find i ? S minimising
F(i) N(i) ? S - neighbourhood of a feasible
point (configuration) i? S
- uphill moves are permitted but only with a
certain (decreasing) probability (temperature
dependent) according to the so called - Metropolis test
- neighbours are selected at random
paper 5, section 3
Johnson, D.S. et al. Optimization by Simulated
Annealing an Experimental Evaluation, Operations
Research, Vol.39, No.1, 1991
15Simulated Annealing - algorithm
begin choose an initial solution i? S
select an initial temperature T gt 0 while
stopping criterion not true count 0
while count lt L choose randomly a
neighbour j?N(i) ?F F(j) - F(i)
if ?F ? 0 then i j
else if random(0,1) lt exp (-?F / T) then i
j count count 1 end while
reduce temperature end while end
Metropolis test
16Simulated Annealing - limit theorem
- limit theorem global optimum will be found
- for fixed T, after sufficiently number of steps
- Prob X i exp(-F(i)/T) / Z(T)
- Z(T) ?j?S exp(-F(j)/T)
- for T?0, Prob X i remains greater than 0
only for optimal configurations i?S
this is not a very practical result too many
moves (number of states squared) would have to
be made to achieve the limit sufficiently closely
17Simulated Annealing applied to the Travelling
Salesman Problem (TSP)
Combinatorial Optimisation Problem given a
finite set S (solution space) and evaluation
function F S ? R find p ? S minimising
F(p), N(p) ? S - neighbourhood of a feasible
point (configuration) p ? S
TSP S p set of all cyclic permutations of
length n with cycle n p(i) - city visited
just after city no. i F(p) ? i1,2,,n
cip(i) ( cip(i) - distance between city i and
p(i) ) N(p) - neighbourhood of p (next slide)
application to network design paper 2, section
18TSP - neighbourhood relation
Hamiltonian circuit to Hamiltonian circuit any p
reachable from any q
19Evolutionary algorithms - basic notions
- population a set of ? chromosomes
- generation a consecutive population
- chromosome a sequence of genes
- individual, solution (point of the solution
space) - genes represent internal structure of a solution
- fitness function cost function
Michalewicz, Z. Genetic Algorithms Data
Structures Evolution Programs, Springer, 1996
20Genetic operators
- mutation
- is performed over a chromosome with certain (low)
probability - it perturbates the values of the chromosomes
genes - crossover
- exchanges genes between two parent chromosomes to
produce an offspring - in effect the offspring has genes from both
parents - chromosomes with better fitness function have
greater chance to become parents
In general, the operators are problem-dependent
21( ? ? ) - Evolutionary Algorithm
begin n 0 initialise(P0) select an
initial temperature T gt 0 while stopping
criterion not true On ? for i 1
to ? do On On?crossover(Pn) for ? ?On do
mutate(?) n n1, Pn
select_best(On?Pn) end while end
22Evolutionary Algorithm for the flow problem
- Chromosome x (x1,x2,...,xD)
- Gene
- xd (xd1,xd2,...,xdm(d)) - flow pattern for
the demand d -
- 5 2 3 3 1 4
- 1 2 0 0 3 5
- 1 0 2 1 chromosome
- 2 3
paper 7
23Evolutionary Algorithm for the flow problem cntd.
- crossover of two chromosomes
- each gene of the offspring is taken from one of
the parents - for each d1,2,,D xd xd(1) with probability
0.5 - xd xd(2) with probability 0.5
- better fitted chromosomes have greater chance to
become parents - mutation of a chromosome
- for each gene shift some flow from one path to
another - everything at random