Title: CS 306 Aug. 25th
1CS 306Aug. 25th 28th
2CS 306
- The human dilemma is as it has always been, and
it is a delusion to believe that the
technological changes of our era have rendered
irrelevant the wisdom of the ages and the sages.
all technological change is a trade-off A
Faustain bargain
3CS 306
- First Idea Faustain bargain
- Giveth and taketh away
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Examples
- Automobile
- Air Craft/plane
- Medical Technology
- Banks
- Cell phone
- Idea number one, then is that culture always pays
a price for technology. -
4CS 306
- Second Idea Winners/losers in technological
- Second Idea is about the distribution
- Advantages and disadvantages of new
technologies are never distributed evenly among
population. - There are always winners and losers in
technological change. - Favors some people and harms others
5CS 306
Second Idea Winners/losers in technological
- Who specifically benefits from the development
of a new technology? - Which group,
- what type of person,
- what kind of industry will be favored?
6CS 306
Second Idea Winners/losers in technological
- And, of course, which groups of people will
thereby be harmed? - Winners
- Big businesses and Big Company
- Multi-national corporations
- Name it large-scale organizations like
military, Govt (tax collection), bank, Medical
science (researchers) etc.
7CS 306
Second Idea Winners/losers in technological
And Steel workers, Vegetable store
owner, Automobile mechanic Bakers, bricklayers,
dentists?? lives the computer now
8CS 306
Second Idea Winners/losers in technological
Intrusion Junk mail from advertising
company Name it MS always encourages (losers
p.4) to be enthusiastic and use or upgrade
their new products What interests you
represent? To whom are you hoping to give power?
From whom will you be witholding power?
9CS 306
- Third Idea The medium is the message.
- Embedded in every technology there is a powerful
idea, sometimes two or three powerful ideas. - Hidden
- Abstract nature
- The medium is the message.
10CS 306
Third Idea The medium is the message.
The consequences of technological change are
always vast, often unpredictable and largely
11CS 306
- Fourth Idea Technological change is not
additive it is ecological.
- Capitalism
- Risk takers
- Invention
- Innovation
- Now, is it up Bill Gate?
- Capitalists are, in a word, radicals.
12CS 306
- Fifth Idea myth
- Refers to a common tendency to think of our
technology creations as if they were God-given,
as if they were a part of natural order of things
- Roland Barthes
- The best way to view technology is as a strange
intruder. - Science can purify religion from error and
superstition. Religion can purify science from
idolatry and false absolutes. Pope John Paul
II -
- Capitalism
- Risk takers
- Invention
- Innovation
- Now, is it up Bill Gate?
- Capitalists are, in a word, radicals.