Title: CALIMERO Event Display
1CALIMERO Event Display
A 3D Event Visualization for TESLA Calorimetry
L. Aldon F. Chandez P. Gay S. Monteil
CALICE Collab.
2Out line
- Motivations
- Structure
- Main Features
- Conclusions
CALorimeter IMagE for RecO
3Motivation and framework
High granularity Calorimeters Visualisation event
(Si-W Ecal and Digital Hcal)
- Draw pretty views but mainly provide a tool for
event analysis (study shape showers, clustering,
track separation, ) and guideline for
- Application
- user-friendly,
- versatile
- And accept future evolution (esp. wrt Geometry)
- With respect to the previous version
- Whole architecture revisited
- New features (Navigation, files access, sorting,
- Input files ASCII files
- .HEPEvt (Generator level)
- .HITS from MOKKA
- Cf P. M. de Freitas Talk
- Tables for ECAL/HCAL Geometry managed w/ MySQL
- Graphics are handled with OpenGL GLUT, creation
of graphics interface with Fast Light Tool Kit
(FLTK), MySQL database, C
5Control and management
Main Window, navigation w/ Mouse or keyboard
Control Window
6Selections Standard
Generator Level after hadronisation anyway
Select an event
Select particles hits
7Selections basic objets
Select volumes
Select a given track
8Points of Views
Besides Classic XY, XZ YZ views, various
center of rotation are allowed.
- wrt to a module face center of rotation is
center of entry plate module - wrt to a track center of rotation is origin of
the track - wrt to a hit center of rotation is the hit
position it self - 3 angles may be chosen to define the direction of
the visualization
Direct access to the hit information from the
Standard Fields
Extra Fields (added during creation of HITS file
by user)
10Selections more complex operation
Write an elaborate selection condition in SQL
language combining information including extra
Example Piece 5 and Stave 7 and Emax between
2000 and 3000 and Icode ltgt 321 Select all hits
in stave 7 of HCAL barrel w/ Energy ? 2, 3 GeV
which arent K
11Save/Load Context
Save Context Collect all informations which
defined the present situation and load them in a
dedicated file .context
Load Context recover directly the
environnement defined by the .context file
Fast recover of the situation May be
used/imposed to others events
Context file is ASCII w/ simple grammar Easily
- 3D navigation
- Analysis tool w/ evoluate sorting based on simple
grammar and environnement memory - Open to next evolution of MOKKA simulation
- Available under Windows and LinuX plate-forms
- Future
- Improvements !
- Interfaces with reconstruction programs
- Relationships w/ general simulation tool and
other detector visualisator (tracker system esp.)