Title: Advanced Computer Graphics (Spring 2005)
1Advanced Computer Graphics
(Spring 2005)
- COMS 4162, Lecture 15 Ray Tracing/Global
Illumination - Ravi Ramamoorthi
Slides adapted from unit 5 (lectures 21-22) of
COMS 4160
2To Do
- Enjoy spring break!!
- If you want, you can work on raytracer/project
during break, but this is not required
3Course Outline
4Course Outline
Rendering (Creating, shading images from
geometry, lighting, materials)
Modeling (Creating 3D Geometry)
Unit 1 Foundations of Signal and Image
Processing Understanding the way 2D images are
formed and displayed, the important concepts and
algorithms, and to build an image processing
utility like Photoshop Weeks 1 3. Assignment 1
due Feb 15
Unit 3 Ray Tracing Weeks 7 9. Ass 3 due Apr
Unit 2 Meshes, Modeling Weeks 4 6. Ass 2 due
Mar 10
5This lecture
- High-level overview and summary of ray tracing /
global illumination (from 4160) - After spring break technical details of writing
a ray tracer for assignment 3 and more advanced
Chapters 15.10 and 16 are useful background,
although they dont follow treatment here
6Effects needed for Realism
- (Soft) Shadows
- Reflections (Mirrors and Glossy)
- Transparency (Water, Glass)
- Interreflections (Color Bleeding)
- Complex Illumination (Natural, Area Light)
- Realistic Materials (Velvet, Paints, Glass)
- And many more
7Image courtesy Paul Heckbert 1983
- Ray Tracing
- Global Illumination and Rendering Equation
9Ray Tracing History
- Appel 68
- Whitted 80 recursive ray tracing
- Landmark in computer graphics
- Lots of work on various geometric primitives
- Lots of work on accelerations
- Current Research
- Real-Time raytracing (historically, slow
technique) - Ray tracing architecture
10Ray Tracing
- Different Approach to Image Synthesis as compared
to Hardware pipeline (OpenGL) - Pixel by Pixel instead of Object by Object
- Easy to compute shadows/transparency/etc
Demo applet http//www.cs.berkeley.edu/efros/jav
11Ray Casting
Virtual Viewpoint
Virtual Screen
Ray misses all objects Pixel colored black
Ray intersects object shade using color, lights,
Multiple intersections Use closest one (as does
Light Source
Virtual Viewpoint
Virtual Screen
Shadow ray to light is unblocked object visible
Shadow ray to light is blocked object in shadow
13Shadows Numerical Issues
- Numerical inaccuracy may cause intersection to
be - below surface (effect exaggerated in figure)
- Causing surface to incorrectly shadow itself
- Move a little towards light before shooting
shadow ray
14Mirror Reflections/Refractions
Virtual Viewpoint
Virtual Screen
15Recursive Ray Tracing
- For each pixel
- Trace Primary Eye Ray, find intersection
- Trace Secondary Shadow Ray(s) to all light(s)
- Color Visible ? Illumination Model 0
- Trace Reflected Ray
- Color reflectivity Color of reflected ray
16Problems with Recursion
- Reflection rays may be traced forever
- Generally, set maximum recursion depth
- Same for transmitted rays (take refraction into
17Turner Whitted 1980
18Effects needed for Realism
- (Soft) Shadows
- Reflections (Mirrors and Glossy)
- Transparency (Water, Glass)
- Interreflections (Color Bleeding)
- Complex Illumination (Natural, Area Light)
- Realistic Materials (Velvet, Paints, Glass)
Discussed in this lecture so far Not discussed
but possible with distribution ray tracing Hard
(but not impossible) with ray tracing radiosity
19Ray/Object Intersections
- Heart of Ray Tracer
- One of the main initial research areas
- Optimized routines for wide variety of primitives
- Various types of info
- Shadow rays Intersection/No Intersection
- Primary rays Point of intersection, material,
normals - Texture coordinates
- Work out examples in next lecture
- Triangle, sphere, polygon, general implicit
20Ray-Tracing Transformed Objects
- We have an optimized ray-sphere test
- But we want to ray trace an ellipsoid
- Solution Ellipsoid transforms sphere
- Apply inverse transform to ray, use ray-sphere
- Allows for instancing (traffic jam of cars)
- Mathematical details worked out in class
- Testing each object for each ray is slow
- Fewer Rays
- Adaptive sampling, depth control
- Generalized Rays
- Beam tracing, cone tracing, pencil tracing etc.
- Faster Intersections
- Optimized Ray-Object Intersections
- Fewer Intersections
22Acceleration Structures
- Bounding boxes (possibly hierarchical)
- If no intersection bounding box, neednt check
Bounding Box
Spatial Hierarchies (Oct-trees, kd trees, BSP
23Acceleration Structures Grids
24Interactive Raytracing
- Ray tracing historically slow
- Now viable alternative for complex scenes
- Key is sublinear complexity with acceleration
need not process all triangles in scene - Allows many effects hard in hardware
- OpenRT project real-time ray tracing
25Raytracing on Graphics Hardware
- Modern Programmable Hardware general streaming
architecture - Can map various elements of ray tracing
- Kernels like eye rays, intersect etc.
- In vertex or fragment programs
- Convergence between hardware, ray tracing
- Purcell et al. 2002, 2003
- http//graphics.stanford.edu/papers/photongfx
26(No Transcript)
- Ray Tracing
- Global Illumination and Rendering Equation
28Global Illumination
- Diffuse interreflection, color bleeding Cornell
29Global Illumination
- Caustics Focusing through specular surface
- Major research effort in 80s, 90s till today
30Reflectance Equation (review)
Cosine of Incident angle
Reflected Light (Output Image)
Incident Light (from light source)
31Reflectance Equation (review)
Sum over all light sources
Cosine of Incident angle
Reflected Light (Output Image)
Incident Light (from light source)
32Reflectance Equation (review)
Replace sum with integral
Cosine of Incident angle
Reflected Light (Output Image)
Incident Light (from light source)
33Global Illumination
Surfaces (interreflection)
Cosine of Incident angle
Reflected Light (Output Image)
Reflected Light (from surface)
34Rendering Equation
Surfaces (interreflection)
Cosine of Incident angle
Reflected Light (Output Image)
Reflected Light
35Rendering Equation (Kajiya 86)
36Rendering Equation as Integral Equation
Cosine of Incident angle
Reflected Light (Output Image)
Reflected Light
37Linear Operator Equation
Kernel of equation Light Transport Operator
Can be discretized to a simple matrix
equation or system of simultaneous linear
equations (L, E are vectors, K is the light
transport matrix)
38Ray Tracing and extensions
- General class numerical Monte Carlo methods
- Approximate set of all paths of light in scene
Binomial Theorem
39Ray Tracing
Emission directly From light sources
Direct Illumination on surfaces
Global Illumination (One bounce
indirect) Mirrors, Refraction
(Two bounce indirect) Caustics etc
40Ray Tracing
Emission directly From light sources
Direct Illumination on surfaces
Global Illumination (One bounce
indirect) Mirrors, Refraction
OpenGL Shading
(Two bounce indirect) Caustics etc
41Rendering Equation
Surfaces (interreflection)
Cosine of Incident angle
Reflected Light (Output Image)
Reflected Light
42Change of Variables
- Integral over angles sometimes insufficient.
Write integral in terms of surface radiance only
(change of variables)
43Change of Variables
- Integral over angles sometimes insufficient.
Write integral in terms of surface radiance only
(change of variables) -
44Rendering Equation Standard Form
- Integral over angles sometimes insufficient.
Write integral in terms of surface radiance only
(change of variables) - Domain integral awkward. Introduce binary
visibility fn V
Same as equation 2.52 Cohen Wallace. It swaps
primed And unprimed, omits angular args of BRDF,
- sign. Same as equation above 16.3 in Shirley,
except he has no emission, slightly diff.