Title: Guiding Science Experiences
1Guiding Science Experiences
2What is Science?
- science study of natural processes and their
products - Way of viewing universe
- Must explore and question
- Hands on for process and product
- Creative field of study
- Requires development of curiosity and imagination
- Gain understanding of why events happen
- No preset ideas
- Start to group info and generalize
3- Why Study Science
- Enhance curiosity
- Build skill in picking out similarities and
differences - Vocab improves
- Improve language skills and general knowledge as
concepts - Promotes reading readiness
- Fine-motor and hand-eye coordination
- Math skills enhanced
4Planning Science Activities
- Most successful unplanned
- Need to plan
- Focus on theme helps structure and organize info
- Can use in current centers
- Give children time to examine and explore
5- Science activities should offer
- Observe and explore
- Note differences and likenesses
- Make predictions and solve problems
- Collect samples
- Develop new interests and skills
- Listen to sounds
- View videos
- Look at books
- Collect pictures
6- Science Area
- Set apart from others
- Best near kitchen
- May have outdoor science area
- Equipment and Materials
- Questions to answer during selection
- Is the item safe?
- Do the children have the skills to use this item?
- science table- used to display science related
items - Should have a focus
- Collection should provide direction for advancing
learning - Concept related literature books included
- Children can be encouraged to bring own items
- Change items often
7Role of the Teacher
- Offer space, materials and activities
- Provide constant supervision
- Know when to help
- Need ample materials
- Provide many opportunities for practice observing
- Use effective questioning techniques
- open-ended questions- promote discussion and
require decision-making skills - closed-ended questions- few decision making
skills needed usually get a yes or no - Give time to answer
- Positive response given to all answers
- Use better answers by showing how they add to
others - Listen and show that they are heard
- Base activities on children's questions
- Let the children do the activity, read, listen,
watch and use process skills
8- Activities should promote development of 5 basic
process skills - Observing objects using five senses
- Drawing conclusions from observations based on
past experiences - Classifying objects into sets based on one or
more observable properties - Comparing sets of objects by measuring and
counting - Communicating by describing objects,
relationships, and occurrences
9Developing the Childs Understanding of Senses
- Feelings
- feely box- can be made by cutting a circle in a
box large enough for a child to put their hand in - Can also use a feely bag
- Put several different items in have each child
feel and try to guess - Give clues as to what used for if cant guess
- Also can use different textured things to feel on
table (group likes)
10- Smelling
- Use common items and have them name/describe
things by smell - Seeing
- I spy
- Name what is missing
- Hearing
- Tape recorder
- Record voice of each child
- Play tape to group when all recorded and have id
voices - Tasting
- Tasting party
- Blindfold give sample
11Using Color to Teach Science Concepts
- Naming
- Grouping
- Mixing colors
12Using Water to Teach Science Concepts
- Concepts taught with water
- Water flows when poured
- Water dissolves some foods
- Water takes many forms
- Water makes objects wet
- Water can be held in a container
- Some items float on water
- Some materials absorb water
13- Equipment and accessories
- If no water table can use other containers large
enough to hold water - Need accessories
- Funnels, spoons, sprinkling cans, nesting cups,
plastic containers, egg beaters, measuring cups,
strainers, corks, sponges, plastic tubing, soap,
food coloring - Protect floor
- Plastic aprons to protect clothes
- Fill water to level depending on age
- Younger 2-3 inches
14- Activities
- Freeze water
- Ice is frozen water
- Ice can melt
- Melted ice is water
- Ice can be picked up
- Ice melts in warm places
- Some materials absorb water
- Use sponges, terry cloth, tissues, paper towels,
cardboard, plastic wrap, waxed paper, newsprint,
finger paint, plastic - Make chart
- Floating
- Make chart
- Water dissolves
- Supply items that dissolve and that dont
- Ask what happens when you add
- Paint with water
15Using Foods to Teach Science Concepts
- Bread both process and product
- Read recipe
- Collect ingredients, pans, utensils
- Mixing correct ingredients
- Setting correct oven temp
- Checking when bread should be removed
- Activities should
- Prepare foods in different ways
- Use different tools
- Examine insides
- Observe way foods change during preparation
- Food varies in size shape color weight
16Using the Childs Own Body to Teach Science
- Use photographs and drawings
- People recognized by way they look
- Unique physical traits
- Growth chart used to teach measurement or weight
- Outline draw color each child life sized and
17Using Gardening to Teach Science Concepts
- Seeds and food
- Talk about one type of seed at time
- Ask questions to help them explore
- Introduce new seeds one at a time
- Compare new seeds to previously introduced seeds
- Seed Party
- Compare seeds by shells, where grown, taste,
which are nuts, texture etc.
18- Observing seeds
- Nature walk
- Give each child bags with names to collect with
- Use magnifying glass in science center
- Compare shapes sizes, colors and textures
- Planting Seeds
- Try and use transparent containers
- Name on containers
- Supply garden soil, have children fill container
- Choose seeds they want
- Add seeds cover with soil water and label
- Place in warm area when sprout children should
learn - Seeds planted in soil and given water warmth and
sunshine grow - Some seeds germinate earlier than others
- As plants grow, their size changes
19- Dish garden
- Cut off pineapple, turnip, carrot or beet tops
- Place in bowl with shallow water and sand
- Observe growth
- Vase garden
- Onion, potato, sweet potato, or avocado pit
- large jar to hold vegetable
- Suspend veg on toothpicks
- Add water from time to time
- Watch roots grow
- Bulletin board garden
- Soak paper towel fold place or put soil in
plastic bag with child's name on it - Add bean seed or flower seeds
- Outdoor garden
- If permitted grow outside garden share work and
results with children
20Using Air to Teach Science Concepts
- Teaching about air
- Balloons
- Bubbles
- Blow in water, bubbles
- Teaching About wind
- Streamers to help teach that wind moves
- Using weather
- Felt board
- Clothing and symbols to represent weather
21Using Magnets to Teach Science Concepts
- Best learned by hands on and teacher guidance
- Need variety of magnets
- Observe
- Magnets pull some things, but not others
- Some magnets are big others are small
- Some magnets are stronger than others
- Magnets pick up objects made of iron
22- Build concepts
- Collection of objects picked up by magnets and
some not - Have children pick up each object and say if
magnet picks it up or not - Give variety of magnets to use
23Using Wheels to Teach Science Concepts
- Use of wheels to learn
- Wheels are round
- Wheels roll
- Wheels usually turn on an axis
- Wheels make work easier for people
- Expose to many types of wheels
24Using Field Trips and Walks to Teach Science
- Promote curiosity
- supply opportunities for discovery
- encourage interaction with the environment
- Short walks with a focus
25Using Animals to Teach Science Concepts
- Classroom pets
- Care of Animals
- Humane care and treatment
- Provide for basic needs
- Value of Animals
- Teach following concepts
- Many kinds of animals
- Fun to watch
- Require care
- Depend on humans for proper care
- Many kinds of animals some large some small
- Different body coverings
- Move in different ways
- Different number of legs
- Different sounds made by animals
26- Animals as classroom pets
- Hamsters
- Snakes
- Toads and frogs
- Fish
- Rabbits
- Guinea pigs
Care of the Earth
- Keep it clean
- Recycling in the classroom