Integrated Stave Mechanics/Cooling Backup - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Integrated Stave Mechanics/Cooling Backup


Work on the integrated stave began in the Fall of 2006 ... Starting to peel SE4445. Silicon detector after removal and before cleanup ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Integrated Stave Mechanics/Cooling Backup

Integrated StaveMechanics/CoolingBackup
  • ATLAS Upgrade Workshop
  • Valencia
  • December 2007
  • M. Cepeda, S. Dardin, M. Gilchriese, C. Haber and
    R. Post
  • LBNL
  • W.Miller and W. Miller
  • iTi

  • We collect here some backup information for the
    presentation on integrated stave
  • A few notes
  • Work on the integrated stave began in the Fall of
  • The dimensions of prototypes, and a number of FEA
    calculations, were set then when detectors were
    assumed to be about 6cm in width.
  • Thus prototypes were built assuming about 6 cm
    wide detector dimensions rather than the current
    10cm baseline. Thus a principal goal of the 6
    cm prototypes is to validate FEA estimates of
    the thermal performance, and then use the FEA to
    calculate for 10 cm
  • In addition, the properties assumed for
    materials, particularly for thermal FEA
    calculations have evolved somewhat with time as
    have assumptions for detector power after
  • Link to information on integrated stave
  • http//

Reminder of Prototype Concept
Link to drawings is here
  • For prototypes..fixed gt 1 year ago
  • K13D2U, high-modulus facings
  • Adjust facing thickness(layers) to achieve
    stiffness desired
  • Carbon-fiber honeycomb in-between facing, fixed
  • Three types of tubes
  • Flattened(C3F8)
  • Big round with POCO foam(C3F8/C2F6)
  • Small round with POCO foam(CO2)

POCO foam about 0.5 g/cc thermally conducting
carbon foam
Prototype Stave Core Assembly
Length (m) Facing Material of Plys Facing Tube Type Purpose Status
1 0.35 CN60 10 Flattened Assembly trial Complete
2 0.35 K13D2U 10 Flattened Short, thermal prototype Complete
3 1.0 K13D2U 10 Flattened For modules Complete
4 0.35 K13D2U 3 4.8 mm round/ POCO foam Foam bonding, thermal prototype Complete
5 0.35 K13D2U 3 2.8 mm round/ POCO foam CO2 thermal prototype Complete
6 ? K13D2U ? ? ? TBD in 2008
Weight and Material
  • Measured weights for 1m prototype(10 ply facings)
    and extrapolation to thinner facings(3 ply) and
    width for 10cm detectors given below. Note
    assumes minimal side closeouts
  • Tube is flattened. Would get similar numbers for
    POCO foamsmaller tube

Thermal Measurements
  • Measurements before and after thermal cycle 50
    times to -35C are summarized below
  • Delta T calculated from average of inletoutlet
    water T for convenience. Max and min given to
    nearest 0.5C. Delta T rounded to nearest degree.
  • No difference between before and after thermal
    cycle within errors
  • Note tube(4.8) with foam compared to flattened is
    better as is smaller tube with foam. We attribute
    this to better coupling to tube
  • FEA results are given(for fixed fluid temperature
    everywhere). Agreement within 20 or roughly
    1.5C. Writeup of FEA is at link here

  • We have completed a number of trials of gluing
    glass and silicon with SE4445 adhesive that was
    used to attach all pixel modules to local
    supports in the current pixel detector. Has
    decent thermal properties and already tested to
    50 MRad for pixels.
  • Attach, let cure(both week long and about 2 month
    long tested), remove, clean and replace.
  • Straightforward mechanically, only need simple
    tooling for close-together detectors promising
    (no surprise since did this already for pixels)
  • Pictures on next pages, although hard to see

Removal Pictures
  • Glass slide after removal(slide at bottom of
  • Starting to peel SE4445
  • Silicon detector after removal and before cleanup
  • After about 2 month cure.
  • Done with two detectors, same result

Thermal FEA
  • Some of the most recent results are included here
  • Many previous studies with somewhat different
  • See the wiki

Thermal Runaway in 10cm Module
  • Thermal Runaway Issue Based on new detector
    heating curve- (revised by Nobu-MIWG meeting
    November 2007)
  • Quarter section from 10cm wide stave, single
  • Spacing of U-Tube divides heat load collected by
    each symmetrically
  • Chip heat load and surface heating treated as

Thermal Runaway Model Parameters
Surface Heating Curve
New curve based on 1mW/mm2 at 0ºC (Nobu-MIWG Nov.
2007) and exponential temperature dependence
Thermal Runaway Solutions
Plot of peak detector temperature leading up to
runaway (as function of tube surface wall
Surface heating 1mW/mm2 _at_ 0C Exponential
temperature dependency
(Nobu-MIWG Mtg. Nov. 2007)
Thermal Runaway-Variable Surface Heating
Comparing effect of surface heating using
0.25W/chip as baseline
Surface Heating
Detector Surface Heating
Curve at right shows slight deviation of solution
Deviation caused by using peak silicon nodal
temperature whereas solution is based on the
detector outer surface edge average
Thermal Runaway-Typical Thermal Plot
Chip 0.5W Coolant Tube Surface -16.8ºC Peak
chip 6.18ºC Peak detector edge 5.17ºC
Throughout solutions peak chip and peak detector
differential temperature stays near 1.0 to 1.1ºC
With 0.25W/chip the temp difference is nominally
Nearly thermal runaway point
Bridge Thermal Model
  • Salient Features
  • High conductivity (700W/mK, 0.5mm thick) CC
    bridge material support for 0.28mm thick
  • 40 chips _at_ 0.25W/chip
  • Detector 0.28mm thick, 148W/mK
  • Allcomp carbon foam for bridge support (isotropic
  • Carbon Foam for tube support (45/45/45 W/mK)
  • Reduced density over POCO foam (0.2g/cc versus
    0.5 g/cc)
  • Sandwich foam
  • Allcomp foam option, 0.1g/cc _at_ 3W/mK
  • Comparison with Hybrid on 10cm Detector
  • Thermal solution with both with inner tube wall
    at -28ºC
  • Simulates -30ºC with 8000W/m2K
  • No change made to material properties in 10cm
    detector with integrated hybrid

10cm Detector-No Bridge
  • Material Properties
  • See previous slide (2)
  • 40 chips per detector, 80 total
  • 0.25W/chip Q (Si)0W
  • Tube inner surface -28ºC, no convection
  • Interest in ?T from chip and detector surface to
    tube surface
  • Peak chip temperature
  • Middle hybrid region -20.5ºC
  • Peak Detector
  • Middle hybrid region -21.5ºC
  • ?T in region of max gradient 6.5ºC

10 CM Wide Stave-No Bridge
  • Solution
  • Replaced honeycomb core with Allcomp carbon foam
    (lt0.2g/cm3 45W/mK)
  • Also, replaced POCO foam tube support with same
  • Peak Chip Temp -22.7ºC
  • Peak Detector -24ºC
  • ?T (referenced to tube wall)
  • 4ºC

10 CM Wide Stave-No Bridge
  • Solution Simulate outer long strip detector
  • One upper and power hybrid for 10cm detector
  • 20 chips _at_ 0.25W/chip
  • Coolant tube inner surface -28ºC
  • Materials, see slide (2)
  • Detector
  • Peak temp beneath hybrid -24.8ºC
  • ?T in region of max gradient 3.2ºC
  • Chip Peak Temp -24.1ºC

Thermal Bridge Model (1/2 of 10cm)
1mm air gap for bridge
Wire bonds, simulated as thin solid, reduced K to
Al Cooling tube 0.21mm ID
Chips 0.38mm thick (148W/mK)
Separation between facings 4.95mm
Foam bridge support
Bridge Thermal Model
Enclosed bridge model in an air box. Air
participates only through pure conduction. Air
fills all cavities not occupied by a solid
Air box
Model Parameters
Cable and adjacent adhesive layers modeled as
single layer 0.227mm and K0.31W/mK
Solution with -30ºC Tube 8000 W/m2K 0.5W/chip Q
Slight asymmetry caused by variance in interior
coolant wall temperature
Chip peak-16.5ºC
Detector max-21.4ºC
Solution with -30ºC Tube 8000 W/m2K 0.25W/chip Q
Slight asymmetry caused by variance in interior
coolant wall temperature
Chip peak-23.3ºC
Detector max-25.8ºC
Solution with -30ºC Tube 8000 W/m2K 0.25W/chip Q
Sandwich foam core 3W/mK, density 0.06 g/cm3
Bridge foam and tube foam 45W/mk, density 0.2
g/cm3 (no POCO foam)
Peak chip-21.8ºC
Peak detector temp -24.2ºC
Wire bonds 97W/mK
Fluid Calculations
  • C3F8 calculations are here for flattened tube and
    here for round tube
  • CO2 calculations are here and here.
  • Summary from main talk reproduced below
  • Note ?T(film) is an average around the loop
  • ?T(loop) follows from the P vs T curves for the
    fluids and is rounded to the nearest 0.5C
  • These calculations are complex and need
    validation by measurements

Adhesive Joint Considerations
  • There are numerous analytic solutions for
    adhesive joint shear stress caused by thermal
    expansion of dissimilar materials
  • General theme is that the shear stress is a
    maximum at the ends of joint, and essentially
    zero at the center
  • Maximum shear stress at the end is independent of
    the length of the joint
  • Key factors are
  • modulus of elasticity, CTE, and thickness of
    joined materials
  • thickness and shear modulus of the adhesive
  • Temperature differential
  • A useful reference to bound the problem Thermal
    Stresses in Bonded Joints, W.T. Chen and C.W.
  • Suggests for carbon foam joined to aluminum tube
    with CGL7018 (very compliant adhesive) or EG7658
    (semi-rigid) that shear stresses remain within
    material limits for a 100C temperature change
  • Prototype testing will confirm our expectations

Carbon Foam to Aluminum Tube Joint
  • 100C temperature differential
  • Cure temp to -25C
  • Foam thickness8mm, G690MPa, a4ppm/C
  • Aluminum wall thickness 0.305mm, E10Msi,
  • Adhesive thickness0.10mm, Compliant G40MPa
    (5862psi), Rigid G1 GPa
  • Max shear stress, t1062psi, compliant t 42psi

Computer-Based Solutions
  • Structural Problems
  • NASTRAN FE solver
  • Recent solutions with NE NASTRAN with FEMAP
  • Prior work with MSC NASTRAN, but MSC no longer
    can bundle the NASTRAN solver with FEMAP
  • Choose not to use PATRAN pre-processor
  • Fluid/Thermal Problems
  • Use CFDesign computational fluids dynamics code
  • Very versatile
  • Allows use of shell elements for describing
    interface resistances
  • HEP Silicon-Based Tracking Detectors
  • Issue with very, very thin solids mixed in with
    larger solids
  • In reasonable sized geometry, some solids may
    have only surface nodes, and no internal nodes
  • possible consequence is reduction of solution
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