Title: Technology%20and%20Innovative%20Home%20and%20Community%20Based%20Care
1Technology and Innovative Home and Community
Based Care
Majd Alwan, Ph.D., DirectorCenter for Aging
Services Technologies (CAST)Medicaid
CongressJune 5, 2008
2What is CAST?
Government Agencies
Providers ofAging Services
University Researchers
Tech Industry Partners
A national coalition of more than 400
organizations working together to improve the
aging experience through technology
3Why Were Here
CAST Mission ? Help older adults maximize their
independence ? Support professional and family
caregivers needs ? Improve quality of care and
quality of life ? Reduce our nations health
care costs ? Increase aging services providers
4The Trends
5Shift Left through Technology
6Technology-Enabled Care
Personal Health Maintenance
Service Provider
Analysis Archiving
Older Adult
Adult Child
Improved Communications
Healthcare Professional
Preventive Interventions
- Innovative care models with smart technology
more efficient care with reduced care burden
8Categories of Aging Services Technologies
- Safety in the Environment
- Physical Mental Health/ Wellbeing
- Social Connectedness to others
- EHRs Point of Care/ Point of Service
9Safety Technologies
- Wearable devices (PERS, automatic fall detectors,
fall prevention patches)
10Safety Technologies
- Environment/Passive (motion-based sensor
monitoring systems, embedded fall-detectors,
stove use detectors, temperature/smoke monitors,
safe lighting technologies)
11Physical Mental Health/Wellbeing
- Wearable devices (activity monitors, cardio
monitor, ambulatory blood pressure monitors) - Environment/Passive (motion-based activity
monitors, sleep/bed sensors)
12Physical Mental Health/Wellbeing
- Telemedicine/ Tele-health (biometrics blood
pressure, heart rate, glucose, temperature,
weight, breathing daily wellness check 2- way
video health consultations care coordination
medication compliance)
13Social Connectedness
- Phone enhancements (amplified phones, easy to use
cell phones) - One-way displays
- Two-way video conferencing
- Entertainment/ Theraputainment (cognitive and/or
Physical exercise)
14EHRs Point of Care Technologies
- EHRs
- Point of Care systems Electronic clinical
charting ePrescribing
15What is needed?
- Funding for large-scale demonstration projects
(objective outcome evaluations) - Reimbursing for efficacious and cost-effective
Used two-way video to talk to her son and the
grand children.
Electronic medication caddy notified son she took
her medicine, so he did not have to nag her.
Wearable sensors transmit health vitals to
healthcare professional.
Wristwatch tells caregiver of her location.
Telemedicine helped her send a picture of a
scrape to her doctor, avoiding a trip to the
Instrumented walker assesses gait and balance.
- Majd Alwan, Ph.D.
- Director, CAST
- malwan_at_agingtech.org
- (202) 508-9463
- www.agingtech.org