Title: Dos and Donts of Building Grand Challenge Application Teams
1Dos and Donts of Building Grand Challenge
Application Teams
Things I wish I could do with (or to) my Grand
Challenge Projects
- Ed Seidel
- Max-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik
(Albert Einstein Institute) - NCSA, U of Illinois
- eseidel_at_ncsa.uiuc.edu
- Co-Chair, GGF Applications Working Group
2My experiences what can we learn?
- Six large scale projects
- NSF BH Grand Challenge
- NASA NS Grand Challenge
- NSF KDI Astrophysical Simulation Collaboratory
Project - EU Astrophysics Network (5th Framework Program)
- EU GridLab Project
- German DFN-Verein TiKSL/GriKSL Projects
- They are largely about (MultiDisciplinary)
Community Building - Somewhat overlooked, even by the PIs
- Examples of Future of Science Engineering
- Require Large Scale Simulations, beyond reach of
any machine - Require Large Geo-distributed Cross-Disciplinary
Collaborations - Require Grid Technologies, but not yet using them!
3Black Hole Grand Challenge Alliance(4.5M,
Original NSF GC Program)
- Background/Goals
- 8 US Institutions, 1993-1998
- Solve problem of colliding black holes (try)
- Bring together computer and physical scientists
to solve problem on HPC hardware - Develop a community
- Problems
- Difficult community money brought them together
- No pre-existing Infrastructure for Computational
Collaborations - CS and Physicists had trouble together
- Not enough cycles where was the TFlop?
- Successes
- Community came closer together (though somewhat
scarred) - Learned what we needed Computational tools like
Cactus, GrACE, came out of lessons learned - Bandwidth needs very low
- Email, remote login, web pages (very new!)
4Neutron Star Grand Challenge(1.4M, NASA Round 2)
- Background/Goals
- 5 Institutions
- (Develop infrastructure to) solve problem of
- colliding NSs
- Issues
- Personality clashes
- Infrastructure (Cactus, GrACE under development)
- Computer Scientist in Charge of Science Project
- Project not seen as very successful in astro
community Wheres the physics? - But Project excessively performance milestone
based - Q How can you cut our postdoc funding?? Must
do Physics! - A If you achieve 100GF were pretty sure
youll find a way to do some physics - Successful, but mixed, perhaps even did some
damage - Bandwidth needs minimal, but could have been
much more (remote Viz, etc, too hard for people,
but should use!)
5Astrophysics Simulation Collaboratory (2.2M
NSF KDI Program)
- Background/Goals
- 4 US Institutions German Projects
- Basically a Technology program with application
Driver - Portal, AMR, NS collapse problem
- Issues
- Technologist or Scientist in charge?
- Deployment of Technologies Difficult
- Community Acceptance
- Scientists need this, but dont get it
- Criticized for using word
- Collaboratory in NRAC proposal!
- Bandwidth Needs
- Should be much higher than they are!
- Catch 22 again
6German TiKSL/GriKSL Projects(2.5MDM DFN-Verein)
- Background/Goals
- Develop remote Viz/steering/collaborative
- simulation, distributed computing capabilities
- Successes
- Wonderful technology all works!
- All research/dev steered by application needs
- Incredible Matching Effort
- Embedded in physics research group. Have a dozen
physics - postdocs/students in Potsdam, forced to use the
stuff! - Leverage Tightly coupled to ASC Project
- Visitor Program supplements effort considerably
- Problems
- Far too little travel money! I have to
supplement to make it work! - Technologies never quite mature enough for easy
adoption by community - Even in my group, people very reluctant to waste
time - Bandwidth Needs
- Aimed to drive high speed networking, Gbit
networks easily pushed (Shalf Gigabit Challenge
7EU Astrophysics Network(1.5M, EU 5th Framework
- Background/Goals
- 10 EU Institutions, 3 years
- Solve same problems, build on previous works
- Build/train community
- Problems
- No EU Computing centers, policies, etc
- Level of computational expertise in apps groups
very low - compared to US (OK train them right from
beginning!) - Cultural differences much bigger
- Successes/Advantages
- Draw on/integrate individual strengths no
forced march - People see scientific advantage of working
together - Existing Collaborative Infrastructure!
Leveraging all the above Cactus, ASC, etc - Bandwidth Needs growing, but people make due
- Want conferencing for collabs, training
- Could use grid technologies for science Catch
22 bandwidth not there, so dont push
8GridLab Project and Others like it(5M, EU IST
- Background/Goals
- Co-develop innovative Grid infrastructure and
applications/experiments - Cactus, Triana, Grav. Wave Astro, others
- Bring others in later
- Use other Apps projects for testing
- Grass roots effort Egrid testbed came first
- Success (Not started yet)
- Created excited community
- Brussels agreed to send money to US!!!
- Problems
- Excessive regulation, control by Brussels
- Hard to find experienced people
- Lack of applications
- No money for conferencing facilities,
coordinating with other projects - Bandwidth needs can be very large!!
9Summary of Issues
- The Obvious Basic Application-Driving-Technolog
y Model is Correct - Need, must encourage application teams for high
bandwidth grid apps to drive program - Chair of Apps group of GGF Small, small
fraction of groups using the grid!!! - Need programs like this to force centers to
provide capabilities - How to Achieve Real Collaboration/Communication
in such projects? - Basic Principle People do NOT naturally
communicate, projects always confused - Push, encourage, fund collaborative technologies
(makes a huge difference) - VTCs, Full scale AG nodes, Smaller scale way to
connect - Better if embedded in real groups not just
developed in void! How to do this? - Dont forget obvious time difference can be
significant hindrance, sometimes advantage - Adequate, and GENEROUS travel allowances many
projects strangled - Explicitly ask proposers to explain how they will
work coherently, how they will use/make used the
10How to achieve real leverage within projects?
- Real Progress requires real effort, real people
- People typically too busy to do their jobs
- Dont hire 10 people at 10 each!
- Visitor money very important (single most
important in my experience) - Exchanges between project members at different
sites - Significant Matching/Embedding can be good sign
(e.g. my TiKSL project) - Need to encourage strong PIs
- Apps teams headed by apps people
- CS teams headed by CS people
- Need good standing in community, good social
11Achieving Leverage Between Projects
- Encourage, provide specific mechanism for
clustering/linking - App/Infrastructure balance in single project is
good, BUT - Explicit linkage in between mostly tech and
mostly apps good, too - People may work better, focus better this way
- Technology projects without apps groups sometime
have no rudder, go awry - Must couple them, either by PI design or Agency
encouragement - Provide money for exchanges, travel, joint
meetings, etc - Cross Grand Challenge/eScience/Infrastructure
Workshops - Generally people dont know what each other do,
or how to use it - Encourage collaboration with schools of
sociology, psychiatry - Interagency links should be encouraged
- Pair up with EU, Asian agencies this is a
global world! - Get Centers closely involved in such projects
- Somehow encourage projects to force centers to
provide needed services - Dedicate person at centers to consult/aid/watch
over, as well as resources bandwidth, disk,
CPU, etc
12More General
- Educational Mission
- Major emphasis of EU Network, good idea
- Appalling amount of ignorance/lack of imagination
out there in apps! 2 Groups to educate - Apps community
- New Generation of Apps people
- Struggling to find their place it is here.
- Even within projects, people do not try to use
the technology!! - Must provide adequate support for prototype ---gt
production - Testing
- Documentation, support
- Old NCSA Problem lots of hardware, not as many
people to develop/use/support it (and it is
better than other places!)
13Final Suggestions/Thoughts
- Reasonable milestones for focus, but not
smothering requirements - Good Balance between engineering approach (large
coordinated machine) and individual research
freedom encourage people to make sure they fit
together - Allow adequate administrative support
- Encourage people to be ambitious
- Allow risky proposals through!
- Get participants to think Big, understand their
responsibilities to puch communities forward