Title: Northwestern Polytechnic University
1Northwestern Polytechnic University Lee
Winters, MD, MBA Faculty Professional
Development for DiWan University Professors
In Cooperation with DiWan University Presents
2Introductions Expectations Agenda for this
week Instructing Instructors How to
Teach Building a Course Using Blooms
Taxonomy Effective Teaching Strategies for
Adults Preparing for the first class Assesment
and Evaluation of Student Learning Agenda for
Next Week Standard American English
Pronunciation and Accent Reduction
3Todays Topics
1. Effective Teaching Environment 2. Effective
Presentation 3. Motivating Students 4. Dealing
With Disengaged Students
1. Good teaching is as much about passion as it
is about reason 2. Good teaching is about
substance and treating students as consumers of
knowledge 3. Good teaching is about listening,
questioning, being responsive, and remembering
that each student and class is different
4. Good teaching is about not always having a
fixed agenda and being rigid, but being flexible,
experimenting, fluid, and having the confidence
and flexibility to react and adjust to changing
circumstances 5. Good teaching is also about
style 6. Very important -- good teaching is about
7. Good teaching is about caring, nurturing, and
developing minds and talents 8. Good teaching is
supported by strong and visionary leadership, and
very tangible institutional support
- 9. Good teaching is about mentoring between
senior and junior faculty, teamwork, and being
recognized and promoted by one's peers - 10. At the end of the day, good teaching is about
having fun
8What can we do on the first day of class? What
should we do?
1. Involve students quickly 2. Identify the value
and importance of the subject 3. Set
expectations 4. Establish rapport 5. Reveal
something about yourself
9What can we do on the first day of class? What
should we do?
6. Establish your own credibility 7. Establish
the "climate" for the class 8. Provide
administrative information 9. Introduce the
subject matter. 10. Find common ground
10Effective Presentation
Preparation 1. Plan Your Presentation
Carefully 2. Know Your Audience 3. Practice Your
Presentation 4. Speak Comfortably and Clearly 5.
Talk to Your Audience 6. Enjoy Your Presentation
11Effective Presentation (Cont)
Effective Slides 1. Include Any Necessary
Information 2. Slide Contents Should be Self
Evident 3. Avoid mega data slides 4. Seven words
a line, seven lines a slide
12Effective Presentation (Cont)
Graphics 1. Present information graphically 2.
Art can illustrate a point 3. Graphics need to be
big and bold
13Effective Presentation (Cont)
Template 1. Use a template for your slides 2.
Template provide design 3. Use the right
colors 4. Logo in bottom right corner 5. Limit
use of colors 6. Font size communicate importance
14Motivating Students
1. Capitalize on students' existing needs 2. Make
students active participants in learning 3. Ask
students to analyze what makes their classes more
or less "motivating. 4. Synthesize your
presentation and class discussion based on your
analysis. 5. Evaluate and modify as needed.
15Incorporating Instructional Behaviors That
Motivate Students
1. Hold high but realistic expectations for your
students. Challenge them build their
curiosity. 2. Help students set achievable goals
for themselves 3. Tell students what they need to
do to succeed in your course 4. Strengthen
students' self-motivation 5. Avoid creating
intense competition among students 6. Be
enthusiastic about your subject, and show it
16Structuring the Course toMotivate Students
1. Work from students' strengths, Interests, and
curiosities. 2. When possible, let students have
some say in choosing what will be studied 3.
Increase the difficulty of the material as the
semester progresses 4. Vary your teaching methods
17Structuring the Course toMotivate Students
- 5. Have discussion groups where you find common
ground on the new topic. Ask the groups of four
students to define a topic you will introduce. - Example What do you think are five important
characteristics of a business leader? (for a
basic management class) - Give the students 5 minutes to get acquainted, 10
minutes to come up with five characteristics.
18Structuring the Course toMotivate Students
- Then, ake 10 minutes and call randomly on
students to report from their discussion groups
what they listed and discuss which are most
important. See the overlap in groups. As
instructor, be prepared to add some
characteristics that were not mentioned.
19Structuring the Course toMotivate Students
- 6. Use topics in conjunction with current events.
Using leadership as an example, have students
compare Ex-President George W. Bushs leadership
style with President Barack Obamas leadership
style. Or, Steve Jobs of Apple with Larry Ellison
of Oracle.
20De-emphasizing Grades
1. Emphasize mastery and learning rather than
grades 2. Design tests that encourage the kind of
learning you want students to achieve 3. Avoid
using grades as threats
21De-emphasizing Grades (cont.)
- 4. Grades should reflect accomplishment in
learning the material and developing the behavior
that will be successful in the workplace. - Focus on
- Turning in homework on time, Using the proper
format, and Following directions. - Offer challenges in the assignments not just
busy work. Students see through it.
22Motivating Students by Responding to Their Work
1. Give students useful feedback as quickly as
possible. 2. Introduce students to the good work
done by their peers. 3. Be specific when giving
negative feedback. Use the indirect approach. 4.
Avoid demeaning comments 5. Avoid giving in to
students' pleas for "the answer" to homework
23Motivating Students to Do the Reading
1. Assign the reading and homework at least two
sessions before it will be discussed. 2. Assign
critical thinking and study questions. 3. If your
class is small, have students turn in brief notes
on the day's reading that they can use during
exams. 4. Ask nonthreatening questions about the
reading or in a quiz format. 5. Use in-class
discussion groups to discuss the reading and
report back comments to the class.
24Dealing With Disengaged Students
1. One of the most basic things to do is get to
know your students and get them to know each
other. 2. Assess their progress often via tests,
class participation and assignments 3. Consider
using the students to help teach. Have a few
students present a topic from a new chapter each
week. 4. Take advantage of students' existing
skills, knowledge and experience.
25Take Away From the class
26Thank You