Title: Benzocaine Derivatives
1Benzocaine Derivatives
- PABA is a sunscreen that has been in the market
for several years. - Dr. Furlongs class organic chemistry 2411,
recently developed several derivatives from PABA. - Namely Benzocaine, n-Octyl p-aminobenzoate,
Benzyl alcohol and Butyl- PABA.
4Purpose of the experiment.
- To analyze and compare the effectiveness of PABA
in blocking UV light to the five novel
derivatives. - The class were divided into several groups and
each group were assigned a specific task which
they will be sharing with you.
5NusoProNuclear Solar Protection, Inc. One
Research Plaza2000 Clayton State Blvd.Morrow,
Georgia 30260Tel (404) 642-9478
- Founders and CEOs Renee McFarlane, M.S.
- Michelle Furlong, Ph.D.
- Caroline Clower, Ph.D.
- Research Scientists Moses Akanmu, Leland
Haraszti, Xuan Duong
6Compound C
Compound D
Compound E
Our Hypothesis Compound D will absorb UV light
the most, since it has 2 benzene rings (the
benzene rings are conjugated having single and
double bonds), which absorb UV light very well.
We also hypothesis that Compound A will absorb UV
light the least since it has the shortest branch
chain from the single benzene ring (the shorter
the branch chain, the less UV light the compound
will absorb).
Compound B
Compound A
- MyLinh Ngo
- Tam Han
- Chau Hoang
- Theresa Sihaphonh
8Experiment Setup
- Several trials are carried out for the whole
experiment - 4 plates for each trial
9Experiment Setup
- 4 plates for each trial
- 1 for experimental
- 3 for control
- No UV
- UV only
- UV with oil and saran wrap
10Experimental Data
Results from A
- Expected 3 growth for no UV.
- Expected O growth for SM w/
- UV, but got 1 growth.
- -Expected O growth for oil/
- Wrap, but got 1 growth
- Hence, UV light can penetrate
- Wrap and oil as penetrated
Results from E
11Data graph for all derivatives
- Overall A had the highest survival rate under UV
light. - Active ingredient in sunscreens
- Standard deviation supported this due to lower
standard deviation vs. the other groups. - PABA was a completely pure compound.
- Is the actual compound
- Compound A
- Derivatives
- All the others are derivatives of PABA
- Some of the physical properties are incorrect
- Impure
- Compounds B-E
- What would we do differently?
- Ensure the use of pure samples of the benzocaine
derivatives - Avoid unnecessary controls, allowing more reps of
the controls and experiment that count - The actual experiment and the control which
consisted of the oil, saran wrap and UV - Consistency in the amount of UV light shined onto
the samples, as well as the distance of UV light - Using the same scientist (technique) each time
- This eliminates the error created by different
streaking techniques - Determine the exact amount of oil needed to
suspend the derivative
Oil Wrap W/ UV Control