Title: Bulk matter properties in RHIC collisions
1Bulk matter properties in RHIC collisions
- Hadronic ratios.
- Resonance production.
- pT spectra.
Tc Critical temperature for transition to
QGP Tch Chemical freeze-out (Tch ? Tc)
inelastic scattering stops Tfo Kinetic
freeze-out (Tfo ? Tch) elastic scattering
3RHIC detectors designed for PID
So far the RHIC experiments have published
identified particle spectra for p?, p0, K?,
K0s, p, d, L, X , W r0, f, D, h, K0(892),
S(1385), L(1520) D0, D, J/Ys (
4A theoretical view of the collision
Chemical freezeout (Tch ? Tc) inelastic
scattering stops
5What can Kaons tell us?
Kaons carry large percentage of strangeness
content. K- ?us K ?su Ratio tells about
baryon transport even though not a baryon.
Changing rapidity slice changes chemistry
6Models to evaluate Tch and ?B
- Statistical Thermal Model
- F. Becattini P. Braun-Munzinger, J. Stachel, D.
Magestro - J.Rafelski PLB(1991)333 J.Sollfrank et al.
PRC59(1999)1637 - Assume
- Ideal hadron resonance gas
- thermally and chemically equilibrated fireball
at hadro-chemical freeze-out - Recipe
- GRAND CANONICAL ensemble to describe partition
function ? density of particles of species ?i - fixed by constraints Volume V, , strangeness
chemical potential ?S, isospin - input measured particle ratios
- output temperature T and baryo-chemical
potential ?B
Particle density of each particle
Qi 1 for u and d, -1 for ?u and ?d si 1 for
s, -1 for ?s gi spin-isospin freedom mi
particle mass Tch Chemical freeze-out
temperature mq light-quark chemical
potential ms strangeness chemical
potential gs strangeness saturation factor
Compare particle ratios to experimental data
7Centrality and Energy Dependence
STAR preliminary AuAu at vsNN200GeV
and 62 GeV
Energy dependence but small Nch dependence
8Rapidity Dependence
- Tch, gs
- Small sensitivity to y
- Close to strangeness equilibration in central
collisions over y0-3 (ybeam6) - mq, ms
- Reflect baryon density with y
Fit results Mean Upper/Lower error
9(In)dependence of mid-rapidity yields
- T, µB, and V can all vary with energy, but in
such a way as to ensure yields stay constant
10Results of Fit
200 GeV pp
Strangeness Enhancement
STAR Preliminary
pp particle ratios well described
AuAu only stable particle ratios well described
11How does volume affect production?
- Canonical (small system i.e. p-p)
- Quantum Numbers conserved exactly.
- Computations take into account energy to
create companion to ensure conservation of
strangeness. - Relative yields given by ratios of phase space
volumes - Pn/Pn fn(E)/fn(E)
- Grand Canonical limit (large system i.e. central
AA) - Quantum Numbers conserved on average via
chemical potential Just account for creation of
particle itself. - The rest of the system picks up the slack.
When reach grand canonical limit strangeness
will saturate.
Not new idea pointed out by Hagedorn in
1960s (and much discussed since)
12How can we observe this
- Canonical suppression
- increases with decreasing energy
- Canonical suppression increases with increasing
s(Npart) / Npart e s(pp) e gt 1
13SPS at vs 17.3 8.8 GeV
NA57 (D. Elia QM2004)
- C to GC predicts a factor 4 - 5 larger X-
enhancement at vsNN 8.8 GeV than at 17.3 GeV
Yields dont have time to reach limit hadronic
system? Temperature assumed is incorrect?
14And then at RHIC (200 GeV)...
L not flat any more!
But does it over saturate or ONLY just reach
15Rcp of strange particles
Baryons and mesons are different
16RAA of strange particles
Phase space suppression in pp vs jet suppression
in AuAu.
Baryons with s quarks scale differently to
17Is there a scaling?
- The more strangeness you add the less it scales
with Npart.
Npart scaling
Normalized to unity for 0-5 data
18Is there a scaling?
- The more strangeness you add the less it scales
with Npart.
- The larger strangeness content scales better with
Nbin. - Still not perfect.
Nbin scaling
Normalized to unity for 0-5 data
19s quarks have different scaling?
- How about scaling according
- to quark content?
- u, d scale with Npart
- already observed.
- s scale with Nbin
- appears better for strange
- particles.
- K0s 1/2Npart 1/2Nbin
- p Npart
- L 2/3Npart 1/3Nbin
- 1/3Npart 2/3Nbin
- f Nbin
- W Nbin
Pretty good!
Does strangeness see a different correlation
f Npart
20A theoretical view of the collision
Chemical freezeout (Tch ) 170 MeV Time between
Tch and Tfo
21Resonance survival probability
- Initial yield established at chemical
- freeze-out
- Decays in fireball mean daughter
- tracks can rescatter destroying part of
- signal
- Rescattering also causes regeneration
- which partially compensates
- Two effects compete Dominance
- depends on decay products and
- lifetime
Chemical freeze-out
Kinetic freeze-out
Ratio to stable particle reveals information on
behaviour and timescale between chemical and
kinetic freeze-out
22Resonance ratios
Thermal model 1 T 177 MeV
mB 29 MeV
K rescatt. gt regen. L rescatt. gt regen. D
rescatt. lt regen. S rescatt. lt regen.
Need gt4fm between Tch and Tfo
1 P. Braun-Munzinger et.al., PLB 518(2001) 41
D.Magestro, private communication 2 Marcus
Bleicher and Jörg Aichelin Phys. Lett.
B530 (2002) 81-87. M. Bleicher, private
Small centrality dependence little difference
in lifetime!
23A theoretical view of the collision
- Chemical freezeout (Tch ) 170 MeV
- Time between Tch and Tfo ? 4fm
- Kinetic freeze-out (Tfo ? Tch) elastic
scattering stops
24Hydro-dynamical model
Shape of the mT spectrum depends on particle
mass Two Parameters Tfo and b
Lattice QCD Tc 170?10 MeV
PHENIX Au-Au 200 GeV
E.Schnedermann et al, PRC48 (1993) 2462
?r ?s (r/R)n
STAR Preliminary
Tfo 110 MeV, lt ?? gt 0.8 c
25Multi-strange Kinetic Freeze-out
- ?, K, p Common thermal freeze-out at Tfo 90
MeV - lt??gt 0.60 c
- ? Shows different thermal freeze-out behavior
- Tfo 170 MeV
- lt??gt 0.45 c
Blastwave parameterization
Higher temperature Lower transverse flow Probe
earlier stage of collision?
- Hydro does not need different T for multi-strange
- Freeze-out T different Is blastwave realistic?
Are re-interactions till freeze-out realistic
26pp is not trivial
27pT spectra vs multiplicity
1) Re-bin and Divide by min.bias 2) Scale
byltNMBgt/ ltNkgt
L high mult. spectra are more enhanced at high pT
then K0s ? More contribution of Minijets ??
- Appear to have strangeness saturation at most
central top - RHIC
energies but not before (gs 1). - Do s quarks see a different correlation volume
to light quarks? - There is a rescattering between Tch and Tfo.
- There is strong radial flow in Au-Au system.
- Seems that X and W freeze-out differently.
- 62.4 GeV rather similiar to 200 GeV
Our simple thermal pictures are only
approximately correct. The devil is in the
details but we have the data to figure it all out.
29Backup from here
30What happens to other particles?
p Npart scaling ?p slight increase phase
space suppression of baryons? K0s only small
phase space suppression of strange mesons?
Not flat with centrality
Contains?s and s quark, so not strange should
show no volume dependence
What about the f?
factor 2 increase relative to p-p
31from BaBar
32Scale (Nud/Nq)Npart (Ns/Nq)Nbin
Scale (Nud/Nq)0.5Npart (Ns/Nq)Nbin
33SIS energies
KaoS M. Mang et al.
C N V2 (V? 0) GC N V (V ??) Assume V
Npart Pions/Apart constant
grand-canonical! Kaons/Apart rising
J. Cleymans, H. Oeschler, K. Redlich, PRC 59
34Seems OK at SPS too
Again not bad except for peripheral bin -
errors large.
Normalized to unity for 0-5 data
35Thermal model reproduced data
Created a Large System in Local Chemical
Data Fit (s) Ratio
Do resonances destroy the hypothesis?
Used in fit
36Constraining the parameters
37How about at SPS?
- Again
- The more strangeness the less the particle
scales with Npart. - Nbin scaling not correct either.
- u,d vs s quark scaling,
- not bad except for most peripheral bin - errors
Npart scaling
Nbin scaling
Normalized to unity for 0-5 data
38RAA of strange particles
K, K0s, f and h- all scale similarly
p, L, X show hierarchy.
Phase space suppression in p-p fighting jet
suppression in Au-Au.
39Flow Effect on Spectra
Flow increases as centrality increases
PHENIX, STAR Preliminary 200 GeV
40Baryon transport to mid-rapidity
Clear systematic trend with collision energy
- ?B - all from pair production
- B - pair production
- transported from ybeamto y0
- ?B/B ratio 1
- - Transparent collision
- ?B/B ratio 0
- - Full stopping, little pair production
- 2/3 of baryons from pair production
- First time pair production dominates
- Still some baryons from beam
41Collective motion in Au-Au
data / power law
not absolute mT scaling...
but if you rescale
not in Au-Au