Title: 8:00 Meeting
1800 Meeting
- Schedule
- Mini-Tower and EM CAL will be integrated on EM
Single Bay on Thursday Morning - Tests and Analysis
- EM Test Status L. Wai
2EM Test Status
Subsystem Test Description Reqd for Data Taking Status
TKR TOT Enabled Tests Errors vs threshold and vs TACK delay No Done by J. Cohen-Tanugi during swing shift.
TKR Bad Channel List and Data Mask Yes Johan is generating this configuration files will be controlled in new IT directory structure
TKR TACK delay optimization per layer charge injection occupancy vs TACK delay and vs threshold No Done for (12,12) on all layers, 50 events per point. Need to do for (0,24) and (24,0).
TKR Efficiency vs TACK delay and vs threshold 5-layer cosmic ray trigger No Need to run 100, 1000 events, layer by layer. Limit range of TACK step every 5 units.
TKR Error vs threshold test 6-layer trigger w/ TOT enabled No Need significantly higher statistics
CAL Trigger with zero-suppression turned off Yes Charge injection works but cosmics fails error may be introduced in data transfer from VME crate to PC will install direct ethernet cable to avoid SLAC LAN problem solved!
CAL ci_singlex16 test with different HE gain settings gain 0,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15. (while LE gain should be always nominal 5) No Test executed by L. Wai during day shift
CAL CAL Comprehensive Test Set Yes Tests being executed by L. Wai configuration files will be controlled in new IT directory structure
CAL 5-hr Cosmic Data Set Yes Data sets will be collected by L. Wai and J. Panetta
IT Global TACK delay optimization for external scintillator trigger- hits vs delay No Script is being prepared and tested by J. Cohen-Tanugi
3Test Schedule
Day and Shift CAL Tests CAL Persons TKR Tests
Tuesday swing CAL comprehensive test set L. Wai TACK delay studies H. Tajima / J. Cohen-Tanugi
Wednesday day CAL cosmic muon run CAL comprehensive test set (cont.) L. Wai Bad channels / TACK delay studies H. Tajima / J. Cohen-Tanugi
Wednesday swing CAL cosmic muon run J. Panetta TOT enable error rate study E. Bloom / L. Wai
Thursday day Integrate Mini-Tower and EM CAL to EMSB