Title: Creating cut through using Bus and TV
1Creating cut through using Bus and TV
In October 2008, Nestle ran a campaign for Aero
bubbles using TV and Bus Supersides. Creating
advertising cut through and raising brand
awareness in the crowded confectionary
marketplace was vital, along with promoting the
benefits and slogan of the product Have you felt
the bubbles melt?
Pre and post research was carried out with 16-34
year old social impulsives with a female bias
Consumers believed that advertising Aero bubbles
on Bus as well as TV gave the campaign a
blockbuster feel and acted as a prompt to
purchase on the high street
Coverage gained by both the TV Bus campaign was
high with bus adding significant incremental
11 Incremental cover added by bus
- Consumers clearly felt that the Bus campaign
added memorability and stature to the TV
advertising as well as a prompt to purchase on
the high street (top chart) - 72 of consumers who saw the TV campaign saw the
Bus adverts and the Bus Supersides also added
significant incremental cover (above left) - Consumers who saw the Aero bubbles advertising on
both mediums, as opposed to TV only, had the
highest levels of spontaneous brand awareness
(above right) - Consumers who saw both the Bus and TV creatives
were also the most likely to recall the slogan
for Aero bubbles
Consumers who saw both the Bus and TV adverts
were most likely recall the slogan for Aero
Research Campaign details Dipsticks Research
Pre 584 online interviews (30th Sept -5th Oct)
Post 1035 online interviews (19th -30th Oct)
London GB key cities Target audience 16-34
year olds who travel into town 3 times a week
for work, shopping, socialising (70 female/30
male) Media 2,550 National Supersides TV
campaign 450 TVRs October