Title: 4WD SelfDrive Tourism
1Segmenting 4WD Tourism MarketsAndrew Taylor
(BA, GCertMgt, MBus) and Bruce Prideaux (BEc
(Soc Sc), BA, M.Ec, PhD )
2Why Segment?
For the Business or Destination
For the Consumer
- Group like customers
- Position marketing strategies
- Position products
- Develop new products
- Collaborate according to markets targeted
- Understand motivations
- Deliver on expectations
- Encourage repeat visits
Complex for 4WDers whats a 4WD?, whats a 4WD
trip?, what is the experience and motivation?
- Undertake consumer research on geographic,
demographic, psychographic or a combination of
attributes - Use research findings to look for like
characteristics - Motivations
- Behaviors and/or preferences
- Trip environments, trip lengths, trip frequencies
- Planning strategies
- Safety and information sources
- Describe and test the strength of these
- Identify and compare segments
Raw data
Knowledge of segments
Activity Seekers
Explorer Travellers
Adventure-thrill Seekers
6Segment Attributes
- Explorer Travellers
- Relatively infrequent and extended trips
- Emphasis on desert and outback areas
- Trips are mostly with friends, relatives or club
members to places decided by the group or new
trips and places. - Above the median age.
- Motivated by getting away, socialising and
personal discovery. -
- Activity Seekers
- Utilise a 4WD vehicle primarily for its ability
to get them to activity places (eg fishing) - Tend to repeat visits to destinations and take
relatively short trips. - Motivated primarily by the desire to undertake
the activity. -
- Adventure-thrill Seekers
- Relatively frequent and short excursions to
nearby environments - Seeking challenging experiences to test the
capability of the vehicle and the skills of the
driver and passengers. - Modifying the vehicle is considered relatively
important. - Primarily motivated by the challenges associated
with the interaction of terrain and vehicle and
opportunity to apply their skills.
But..- Location based - Hard rules used to
segment - Another segment likely (A to B
travellers eg to Birdsville races)
8Desert Implications
Desert businesses and communities must manage
impacts, maximise economic benefits, provide
experiences and develop products according to
visiting and target segments.
9Desert Implications