Title: ProDataSets
- John Campbell
- CTO, ProStar Software
2Short Introduction
- Delivering Excellence in the Progress
- Community since 1985
- Our mottos is how we work
- Creators of TailorPro
- Authors, consultants, trainers, developers
- What They Are
- Why They Were Invented
- How They Work
- How They can be Used
4Technical Introduction
- Comparison with Temp-tables
- Similarities
- Provides standard means of normalizing and
handling data - Differences
- Container for Multiple temp-tables
- Richer Functionality
- Conceptually more intricate
5What Else You Need to Know
- Designed to work efficiently
- Locally Across app server
- Using multiple data sources
- With .NET
- Collection of temp-tables
- Static or Dynamic
- We'll use static for clarity
- Multiple "kinds" of data
7Examples of data in ProDataSets
- Related "family" sets
- Order-orderline
- Patient-appointment
- Can contain Lookup data
- Customer-order and state table
8Code Sample Temp Table Defs
define temp-table ttOrder like Order field
OrderTotal as decimal field CustName like
Customer.name field RepName like
SalesRep.RepName. define temp-table ttOline like
OrderLine. define temp-table ttItem field
ItemNum like item.ItemNum field ItemName like
item.ItemName field Price like item.Price
field Weight like item.Weight field OnHand
like item.OnHand field OnOrder like
9Code Sample DataSet Definition
define dataset dsOrder for ttOrder, ttOline,
ttItem data-relation OrderLine for ttOrder,
ttOline relation-fields (OrderNum,
OrderNum) data-relation LineItem for
ttOline, ttItem relation-fields (ItemNum,
- Internal definition of relation
- Roadmap for navigation
- Defines an implicit query
11Field pairs
- Explicit denotation of fields
- First from parent
- Second from child
12Associating a DataSet
define variable hDSOrder as handle
no-undo. assign hDSOrder dataset dsOrderhandle
- Allows various sources of data
- Progress
- XML, Excel etc.
- Foreign DBs
14Code Sample DataSource
define data-source srcOline for OrderLine keys
15Progress Data-sources
- Query
- Buffer
- Can use both in a dataset
16Specifying Keys
- Creates an explicit key for eliminating duplicates
17Datasource and Dataset
- Why data-source is distinct from dataset
- Dataset may need to draw data from multiple
sources - Different DBs, non-db sources
- A data source is only meaningful locally
- Attached to one dataset at a time
18DataSources and Queries
- Queries are not mandatory
- When you Don't need them
- Implicit relation is adequate
- You want all records from a table
- When You Want them
- Custom filters of data
- Mid-level or top-level tables
19Attaching a Data Source
- Only possible with handles
- Still possible with static temp tables
- Field Mapping for asymmetric names
- Not all DBs use the same name for the same field
20Attaching A DataSource
buffer ttOlineattach-data-source(data-source
21Populating a Dataset
- If using a query as datasource, "prepare" the
query first - Static queries not permitted for filling
- You've done all the work, so it's easy
- Dataset-handlefill().
22Attaching A DataSource
23What does fill do?
- 1. Does a get-first on top-level query
- 2. Creates and populates top-level record
- 3. Prepares child query, opens, does get-first,
creates child record - 4. Repeats step 3 for all child records
- 5. Repeats steps 1-4 with get-next.
25Types of Fill-mode
- Empty
- No-fill
- Append
- Merge (default)
26Multiple Datasets
- Using the same temp table in multiple datasets
- Different datasets with different data
27Attributes, Methods and Events
- There are 15 attributes
- For managing fills
- Articulating the structure
- Handling errors
- Misc.
- Sixteen methods
- Filling and Saving Data
- Creating and Instantiating the Dataset
- Misc.
- Eight Events
- For manipulating data during fill or change
28Passing datasets
- Statically
- Dynamically
- Dataset-handle
- Handle
- Static to Dynamic
29Passing Datasets contd
- Local
- Remote
- Implications of Static vs. dynamic
30By-reference vs. by-value
- Progress' default is by-value for temp-tables
- By-value copies the whole structure and data
- By-reference reduces overhead
- Automatic, dynamic pointer to the static
structure - Irrelevant in remote calls
31Importance of deleting Datasets
- If it's dynamic remember Bruce's Law
- "You create it, you delete it"
- (Even if it's an input dataset-handle parameter)
- It takes up memory
- New attributes for all temp-tables
- Not just dataset temp-tables
- Use if static definition exists on the client
- Reduces network traffic for big tables
- No-schema-marshal leaves the schema behind
- Min-schema-marshal leaves formats, labels, help
etc behind
33Finer Points Why ProDataSetsare SO Powerful
- i.e., more technical stuff
34Fill Events
- Two on dataset
- Two on temp-table
- Two on individual row
35Event Types
- Before-fill (Dataset and Temp-Tables)
- After-fill (Dataset and Temp-Tables)
- Before- and After-row-fill
- Database Connections
- Preparing unique queries
- Detach data-sources
- Verify, accept, reject fills
- Modify data
37Set-callback-procedure method
- Three Parameters
- Callback-type
- Before-fill, after-row-fill, etc.
- Internal Procedure Name
- Name of procedure to run on this event
- Procedure Context Handle
- Default is this-procedure
- Could be another persistent procedure
38Dataset States
- Fill mode
- Navigation Mode
- Change Mode
- Fill and navigation are logically the same
- Change mode has special circumstances
39Change Tracking
- A little like "old buffer" concept of schema
triggers - Ability to compare old and new values of data
- Handled by the tracking-changes attribute
- Done at the temp-table level
40Importance of no-undo
- Temp-tables with change tracking must NOT be
no-undo - Gives a runtime error
- Standard before-imaging not used with no-undo
- LBI tracking essential for tracking changes
41Row-state Attribute
- Row-unmodified
- Row-deleted
- Row-modified
- Row-created
- Integer values (like lock levels and other things)
42Before and After Tables
- Before table keeps original record image
- After table is modified or created record
43Whats in the after-table
- The after-table is the modified copy of the
record - No record buffer is in the after-table if it is
deleted - Also contains newly created records
44What's In the Before Table?
- Unless changes are made, it is empty
- The before-table is the original copy of the
record - There IS a record buffer in the before-table for
deleted after-table records - No syntax available to modify before-table
records - (Once placed there, theyre unchangeable)
45Creating Tracking Table
- Before-table
- For static Temp-Tables, they are only definable
at Compile Time - For dynamic Temp-Tables, this can be done at
46Other Before After Info
- Both are part of the dataset
- Both are passed with the dataset
- Both have row-state attributes
- The same is true for row-modified
47More BA Information
- No record in before-table for row-unmodified
- No record in after-table for row-deleted
- Blank (template) record in before-table for
row-created - Original record in before-table for row-modified
48Dataset Change Tracking
- Use a "change" dataset
- Use create-like the origin dataset
- This is the original dataset
- You will copy changes in the original to it
- A dataset is returned to the server from the
client - If the server modifies any rows, it can track
changes and errors - Server side changes can then be "copied" into the
origin DB - Errors can be passed at the temp-table or row
level - Merge-changes permits server changes to be
visible on the client
50More on merging
- You can accept or reject changes at three levels
- Dataset
- Temp-table
- Individual Row
51Saving Data
- Once changes have been finalized you can save
them - Save-row-changes method
- Can be tracked by temp-table or individual row
- Stored in error-string attribute
- Result of server validation or other logic
- Allows you to inspect and make decisions on the
- There is a rejected attribute on each dataset,
temp-table and row buffer - Can indicate which rows were not saved
- Allows you to identify "problem" records
54Change Callbacks
- Same syntax as fill callbacks
- Events are
- Row-create
- Row-delete
- Datasets are a powerful new feature of OE10
- Guss favorite
- However, they are complex
- Perhaps the most complex new 4GL feature EVER
- They are generally straightforward
- Extremely well-documented (by John Sadd)
- Plenty of examples
56Thank You!
- ProStar and John Campbell thank you
- Creators of TailorPro
- Author of Making Good Progress
- Publishers of Progressions
- And several other books
- Visit us at www.tailorpro.biz