Use of Title II, Part A Funds, Con App and Budgeting - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Use of Title II, Part A Funds, Con App and Budgeting


LEAs may cut and paste the 'Stakeholder Involvement' section of their Equity ... The LEA Equity Plan may be cut and pasted into Descriptor 18. FY10 CLIP Descriptor 18 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Use of Title II, Part A Funds, Con App and Budgeting

Use of Title II, Part A Funds, Con App and
  • Title II, Part A Conference
  • March 18, 2009

Title II, Part A Intent
  • To support activities that improve teacher
  • To increase the number of highly qualified
    teachers, paraprofessionals, and principals in
    Georgia schools.
  • To provide all students, including poor and
    minority, equitable opportunities to instruction
    by highly qualified, effective teachers.

Title II, Part A Intent
  • To develop and recruit, hire, and retaining
    highly qualified teachers and principals
  • To provide an equitable opportunity to quality
    instruction for all students
  • Ultimately to increase student understanding and
    achievement in academic subjects

Use of Funds See Handbook Sec. VII, pp. 2-8
  • Systems have flexibility to develop and implement
    activities to address needs identified in the
    annual needs assessment process that
  • can result in a teaching staff that is highly
    qualified and able to help all students achieve
    high academic standards
  • provide principals with the knowledge and skills
    to lead their schools efforts to increase
    student achievement

Use of Funds See Handbook Sec. VII, pp. 2-8
  • Professional Development Activities
  • Recruitment/Employment/Retention Activities
  • Teacher Advancement Initiatives
  • Class Size Reduction

Professional Development Activities See
Handbook Sec. VII, pp. 2-8
  • To improve the knowledge of teachers and
    principals and paraprofessionals in
  • Content knowledge
  • Classroom practices
  • the use of challenging State academic content
    standards, and
  • effective instructional strategies and skills

Professional Development Activities See
Handbook Sec. VII, p. 2-8
  • To improve knowledge of teachers and principals
    in effective instructional practices that
  • Involve collaborative groups of teachers and
  • Address needs of students with different
    learning styles
  • Students with special needs including gifted
    and talented
  • Students with limited English proficiency

Professional Development Activities See
Handbook Sec. VII, pp. 2-8
  • Provide training to enable teachers and
    principals to
  • improve student behavior in the classroom and
    identify appropriate interventions to help
    students with special needs
  • involve parents in their childrens education,
    especially parents of limited English proficient
    and immigrant children
  • use data and assessments to improve classroom
    practice and student learning

Innovative Professional Development Activities
See Handbook Sec. VII, pp. 2-8
  • Designed to improve the quality of the teaching
  • Technology literacy
  • GACE preparation and testing
  • Performance standards training
  • Alternative preparation

Leadership Development and Professional
Learning See Handbook Sec. VII, pp. 2-8
  • Designed to improve the quality of principals and
  • Includes the development and support of academies
    to help principals and superintendents become
    outstanding managers and educational leaders

Recruitment/Retention Model Development See
Handbook Sec. VII, pp. 2-8
  • Developing and implementing mechanisms to assist
    schools to effectively recruit and retain highly
    qualified teachers, principals, and specialists
    in core academic areas (and other pupil services
    personnel in special circumstances, as noted in
    the August 3, 2005 Federal Guidance, Section

Recruitment/Employment/Retention Activities See
Handbook Sec. VII, pp. 2-8
  • Providing monetary incentives for scholarships,
    signing bonuses, or differential pay for teachers
    in academic subjects or schools in which LEA has
  • Recruiting teachers of special needs
  • children
  • Recruiting qualified paraprofessionals an
    teachers with special skills for working with
    high poverty and/or minority students

Recruitment/Employment/Retention Activities See
Handbook Sec. VII, pp. 2-8
  • Providing routes to teacher certification for
  • Recruiting guidance counselors
  • Only if system is meeting annual measurable
    objectives described in Title I, Section
    1119(a)(2) of ESEA
  • In a manner consistent with recruitment/retention
    of HiQ teachers and principals

Recruitment/Employment/Retention Activities See
Handbook Sec. VII, pp. 2-8
  • Retaining highly qualified teachers and
    principals, particularly in schools of
    low-achieving students
  • induction and support for new teachers and
    principals during their first three years
    including mentoring
  • financial incentives to retain teachers and
    principals with a record of helping students to
    achieve academic success

Teacher Advancement Initiatives See Handbook
Sec. VII, pp. 2-8
  • Initiatives that promote professional growth and
    emphasize multiple career paths, such as
  • mentor teacher
  • master teacher
  • academic coach

Class Size Reduction See Handbook Sec. VII,
pp. 4-5
  • Hiring highly qualified teachers to reduce class
    size, particularly in the early grades (must be
    based on greatest need of student numbers or
    student performance)
  • Regular classroom teacher
  • Co-teacher part-time or 100
  • Resource teacher for a particular subject(s)
    reducing regular class numbers on continuous

Professional Development Activities - Private
Schools See Handbook Sec. VIII, p. 14
  • Annual notification of eligibility to participate
    in Title II-A
  • Calculation of equitable participation
  • Private school(s) included in annual needs
  • Private school opportunity for input in planning
  • Grievance mechanism

FY10 Con App Dates See Handbook Sec. VIII,
  • CLIP opening date
  • CLIP closing date
  • Budget is closed until CLIP has been approved,
    funds are board approved and posted
  • Budget completion date December 31, 2009
  • Amendment deadline May 15, 2010

2141(c) Agreement See Handbook Sec. V, p.27
  • A Local Education Agency (LEA) not meeting100
    percent highly qualified requirement and not
    making AYP for three consecutive years must
    include in its improvement plan actions to enable
    the LEA to achieve the annual measurable
    objectives as described in NCLB, Section

2141(c) Agreement See Handbook Sec. V, p.27
  • In addition, the LEAs must enter into an
    agreement with the Georgia Professional Standards
    Commission on its use of Title II, Part A funds.
  • The 2141(c) Con App Agreement must be signed
    and by the Title IIA coordinator and
    superintendent before the CLIP is uploaded.

FY10 CLIP Descriptor 1 See Talking Points
  • Includes a description of the LEAs comprehensive
    needs assessment process to include Title II,
    Part A, or a description of the Title II, Part A
    needs assessment process. Be sure to include ALL
    of the following
  • recruitment
  • retention
  • professional learning (including meeting diverse
    student needs)
  • class size reduction
  • non-HiQ teachers and paraprofessionals
  • equitable opportunities for all students in the
    areas of teacher quality, teacher experience and
    class size

FY10 CLIP Descriptor 1 See Talking Points
  • Statement/list of the resources utilized for
    valid needs information and data
  • List of the prioritized needs for Title II, Part
    A must be provided at the end of Descriptor 1
  • Statement identifying any school/system EQUITY
    need(s) MUST be placed after the LEAs
    prioritized list of needs. If the system has no
    equity needs, the LEA must make a statement to
    that effect. Example The LEA has no
    identified equity needs for FY10.

FY10 CLIP Descriptor 15 See Talking Points
  • A description of the following must be included
  • Stakeholder involvement in the systems
    comprehensive process of assessing system needs,
    action planning, and assessing the action plan
  • How parents are notified of non-highly qualified
  • How parents are notified of the parents Right
    to Know
  • LEAs may cut and paste the Stakeholder
    Involvement section of their Equity Plan into
    this descriptor if it contains the above three
    elements. Please place at the end of descriptor15

FY10 CLIP Descriptor 18 See Talking Points
  • Descriptor 18 must contain the following
  • FY09 updated information on teacher and
    paraprofessional highly qualified LEA
    percentages, with supporting remediation plans
    for non-HiQ teachers and paraprofessionals
  • Statement describing the process for development
    and monitoring remediation plans of teachers and

FY10 CLIP Descriptor 18 See Talking Points
  • FY09 updated information on system wide teacher
    and paraprofessional highly qualified
    percentages, with supporting remediation plans
    for non-HiQ teachers and paraprofessionals
  • Statement describing the process for development
    and monitoring remediation plans of teachers and
  • The LEA Equity Plan may be cut and pasted into
    Descriptor 18

FY10 CLIP Descriptor 18 See Talking Points
  • Equity Plan must include the following
  • Narrative including student equitable
    opportunity belief statement
  • Needs assessment
  • Equity of stakeholder involvement
  • Teacher quality equity
  • Teacher experience equity
  • Class size equity
  • Teacher preparation to meeting diverse
    student needs
  • Recruitment and placement
  • Retention
  • The LEA Equity Plan may be cut and pasted into
    Descriptor 18

FY10 CLIP Descriptor 19 See Talking Points
  • Procedures of how the LEA prepares all
    teachers to meet diverse needs of students must
    be placed in descriptor 19. You may cut and paste
    Teacher Preparation to Meet Diverse Needs of
    Students of the Equity Plan for this
    Descriptors IIA requirement.

FY10 CLIP Descriptor 21 See Talking Points
  • A statement to include the following must be
    provided at the end of the descriptor
  • Percentage of professional learning opportunities
    for FY09 that were scientifically based (high
  • Percentage of teachers that participated in at
    least one high quality professional learning
    activity during FY09

FY10 CLIP Approval Process
  • LEA coordinator signs off on CLIP
  • Superintendent receives, reviews and signs off (5
    business day timeline begins)
  • State program manager receives email of sign off,
    reviews, and sends approved CLIP to con
  • app coordinator
  • State con app coordinator compiles all program
    approvals and notified state plan approver of
    CLIP being ready.
  • State plan approver emails LEA CLIP is approved

FY10 CLIP Revision Process
  • State program manager (s) request a revision
    within the 5 business days
  • State con app coordinator compiles all requested
    revisions and emails State plan approver
  • State plan approvers request for revision is
    forwarded to the LEA
  • LEA amends CLIP and resubmits within 5 business
  • State program manager reviews revisions,
    approves, and notifies state con app coordinator
    within 5 business days
  • State con app coordinator send revisions to state
    plan approver who notifies LEA of approval

Budget Criteria See Handbook Sec. VII, p.11
  • Budget must align with annual plan and plan must
    align with prioritized needs.
  • Title II-A funds must be set-a-side to target
    the following
  • Non-HiQ teachers and paraprofessionals
  • NI and non-AYP schools
  • Identified equitable student opportunity
  • needs linked to teacher quality and
  • experience

Title II-A Funds See Handbook Sec. VII, p. 9
  • Should be coordinated with other funding sources
    to meet system needs
  • Must be used to supplement, not supplant, state
    and local funds
  • LEA must demonstrate effective use

Budgeting for Consolidation of Funds
  • Option 1 1000-881
  • Option 2 If LEA knows how school(s) will apply
    funds, the LEA may use appropriate function code
    with object code 881

Carry-over LimitSee Handbook Sec. VII, p.12
  • Title IIA carry-over funds from FY10 may not
    exceed 15 percent of the FY10 grant amount.
  • Title IIA carry-over funds from FY09 may not
    exceed 20 percent of the FY09 grant amount.
  • Waivers are not allowed for Title IIA.

Restricted Use of Funds
  • LEAs must restrict the use of Title II-A
    funds for central office/system-level
    administrative positions to 10 percent or less of
    the total annual Title II-A allocation.  
  • If more than 10 percent of the annual
    allocation is budgeted for central
    office/system-level administrative positions, the
    LEA must
  • Document a hardship need and/or effectiveness of
    the position in addressing prioritized Title II-A
  • Obtain the written approval of the Title II-A
    consultant documented on the budget approval form

Budget Amendments See Handbook Sec. VII, p.12
  • Amendments are required if there is
  • Increase or decrease in total grant amount
  • Change in the scope of the grant
  • 25 change on use of funds at the function level

Title IIA Summary Points
  • Know what is allowable and reasonable
  • Include all stakeholders in process document
  • Plan collaboratively based on assessed needs
  • Budget collectively based on action plan
  • Monitor remediation of Non-HiQ
  • Develop and monitor effective use of funds
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