Title: Escaping Stigma and Neglect
1Escaping Stigma and Neglect
People with Disabilities in Sierra Leone
Working paper 164 forthcoming Giuseppe
Zampaglione Mirey Ovadiya Africa Human
Development 2 With support from the Disability
and Development Team World Bank
2Objective of the Policy Note
- Provide a diagnosis on the scale and nature of
the problem - Analyse current public policies in support of
People with Disabilities - Review public and private programs and
- Propose policy options to policy makers and
development partners.
3A. Diagnosis
- Poverty a cause and consequence of disability
4A. Prevalence of Disability in Sierra Leone
- 2004 Census prevalence of disability at 2.4
- Likely to be underestimated Census only
captures severe physical disability not including
mental disability - Reasonable global estimate is 10-12 prevalence
- Estimated 5 of HHs have one or more disabled
5A. Nature of Disability
6A. Geographic Distribution
- Incidence of People with Disabilities higher in
the South and East, and more pronounced in rural
areas than in urban ones. - People with Disabilities more concentrated in the
Southern (2.9) and Eastern regions (2.8),
followed by the Northern (2.2) and the Western
(1.7) regions.
7A. Access to Basic Services and Employment
- Access to Health
- Access to Education
- Access to Transport/Mobility
- Income and employment
8B. Policy Framework in support of PWD
- Legal Framework
- Institutional Environment and Policies
- Constitution
- Parliament
- Human Rights Commission of SL
- Ministry of Social Welfare, Gender and Children
Affairs - NaCSA
9C. Public and Private Programs in support of PWD
- Public Programs
- NGO implemented programs
- Successes to date
- Challenges
- Funding
- Involve more CSO communities
- Strenghten DPOs
- Definition
10B. Definition beyond the emergency
- From People made disabled by an act of violence
during the war/ People with a preexistent or war
unrelated disability - To All Sierra Leoneans were disabled by the war
and all people with a disability were victims of
the war
11D. Policy Options
- Grouped as
- (i) measures that will specifically target people
with disabilities and - (ii) measures that will work to mainstream
disability issues through sector programs.
12D. Policy Options (2)
- The recommended measures are grouped under three
categories - (i) knowledge building and analysis
- (ii) strengthening of the legal and institutional
framework and - (iii) amelioration of public and private service
coverage and financing
13D. Knowledge building
14D. Coverage and financing
15D. Legal and Institutional Framework