Title: Australian Foreign Policy
1Australian Foreign Policy
The Search for Security Prosperity
2Creating the Australian Space
3Colonial Encounters
4Exploring the Frontiers
5The First Australian Wars
6New Arrivals
9The Fathers of Federation
10Celebration of the (new) Nation
11Symbols of a new nation
12A Call to War
13Off to World War One
15The Peace Conference at Versailles
16Off to World War Two
17The bombing of Darwin
18For Queen and Country?
19Egypt, World War Two
20Prisoners of war
21Leaving for Vietnam
22Protesting Vietnam
23Fighting in Vietnam
24Returning from Vietnam
25Fleeing Vietnam
26Relationships and Alliances
27The ANZUS Alliance
28All the way with LBJ!
29Indonesian Friends
30A Special Relationship
31Friends in the Pacific
32A Steadfast Ally
33Contemporary Issues
34Intervention in East Timor
35Intervention in the Solomon Islands
36Death in the Solomon Islands
37Free Trade
38Global Trade
39Global Poverty
40Global Environment
41Border Protection
42Mandatory Detention
43The Pacific Solution
44September 11
45War in Afghanistan
46War in Iraq
47Defending Freedom?
48Guantanamo Bay
49What Next?
50Stay Tuned
51Australian Foreign Policy Semester One, 2005