Title: UpskillingFoundation Degree in Polymer Technology
1Upskilling/Foundation Degree in Polymer Technology
2The Challenge
- The polymer industry operates in a global market,
in competition with low cost economies - Added value is key, be it productivity, quality
or innovation, all are dependent on a skilled
workforce - But
- The UK has an ageing workforce
- The polymer industry is not attracting enough new
entrants - The UK polymer industry has skills gaps at levels
2, 3 4 - Polymer training has declined dramatically
3The Polymers Skills Issues
41 of the workforce is 45 years of age and
will retire in the next 20 years
4The Challenge
- The polymer industry operates in a global market,
in competition with low cost economies - Added value is key, be it productivity, quality
or innovation, all are dependent on a skilled
workforce - But
- The UK has an ageing workforce
- The polymer industry is not attracting enough new
entrants - The UK polymer industry has skills gaps at levels
2, 3 4 - Polymer training has declined dramatically
5The Polymers Skills Issues
The skills gap 2005 - Level 4 5 15,000
6The Polymer Industry is important
- Plastic Industry Turnover 19B per annum
- Exports 3.87B per annum
- Plastics Processed 4.8 million tonnes
- Plastics Companies 7,500
- Direct employees 181,000
- Supply Chain 286,000
- Gross Value Added 7.31B
- GVA/employee 37,102
7Addressing the Issues Upskilling
- To compete successfully in todays global market
UK companies must have a well trained, highly
skilled workforce - The Cogent Gold Standard is
- an aspirational standard to raise the
competitiveness of UK companies - a modular Continuing Professional Development
Programme - based on key job roles
- the standard for training and qualifications to
achieve world class performance
8Addressing the Issues Upskilling
- The Gold Standard covers 4 categories of skills
- Technical Competence
- Business ImprovementIncluding Quality
Innovation - Functional Behavioural Skills
- Compliance
It maps the training and qualifications in each
category for a world class skills set
9Addressing the Issues Upskilling
- The Gold Standard underpins the work of Cogents
Skills Academies - Based on modular bite sized qualifications
- Recognises and accredits employer training
- CPD will be captured on a personal passport
- Achievement is accredited
- Level 4 Gold Standard contains the Foundation
Degree Framework
10People and Skills
11Picture of Polymers
12The Will for Skill or The Wake?
- Population at 2005
- No Quals - 40,000
- Level 1 - 55,000
- Level 2 - 45,000
- Level 3 - 65,000
- Level 4,5 - 45,000
- Other - 20,000
- New Blood requirement by 2020 115,000
- Retired at 2020
- - 15,000
- - 25,000
- - 20,000
- - 25,000
- - 20,000
- - 10,000
Upskill requirement by 2020 115,000
13People and Skills
14The Will for Graduates
Graduate Destinations by Industry - Cogent Sector
15The Will for Apprenticeships
16The Will the Leitch Heritage?
Polymers Workforce
- A National Science and Engineering
Foundation-Degree Framework Piloted through the
Chemical and Nuclear Industries - An Industry Standard
- Consistency in National Provision
- Workforce Development in STEM
- Roll-out across the manufacturing sector
18HEFCE Bid Inputs
- capacity industry champions appointed to HEIs
- capability resources for HEIs to support an
industry-standard curriculum - employer reference groups
- project management and leadership
- marketing and launch
- consumables e.g. common portal web, travel
19HEFCE Bid Outputs
- national science and engineering FD framework
- named FD pathways in the fields of Manufacturing
Science to include - Chemical Science sector
- Pharmaceutical Science sector
- Bioscience sector
- integration, benchmarking, validation and
enhancement of FD developments in Manufacturing
Engineering to include - Polymer Technology
- Petrochemical Refining
- Nuclear Process Engineering
- flexible and accessible structure
step-on/step-off award structure - industry standard for upskilling
- common web portal for sector delivery and
national collaboration - legacy for the wider manufacturing
20Foundation Degree Framework
- The Industry Standard
- Endorsed by industry
- Work-based curriculum (active learning)
- Accessible (common web portal)
- Responsive (IT-supported outreach)
- Flexible (modular sub-awards)
- Portable (learner accounts, ASET)
- Quality Assured (provider infrastructure)
- CPD (e-portfolio of achievement and skills)
- Learning Agreements (3-way)
21FD Framework
22FD Framework
Exemplar Pathway