Title: W
2Wages v Growth
Why have wages failed to deliver us thefreedom
we desire?
3Wages v Growth
Progress is captured in higher land prices This
benefits the owners of the earth. Many still are
dreaming of their slice of the pie A Resource
Rental system sees all citizens gaining a share
to the bounty of the land.
4What does this have to do with Sustainability?
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8Speculative Sprawl
Drives us into the sprawling suburbs that have no
PT. Time drained in traffic jams adds to the
carbon wave. No energy left to walk/ ride to
shops, or to remember our hessian shopping bags.
9Producers or Speculators?
The economic system has been altered to support
buying and selling rather than producing. We
need the Green Tax Shift.
10Walkable Communities
By placing a premium on prime locations, urban
density is enhanced. By capturing any upkick in
land values for the Community, we can afford to
develop new public transport, retrofit more
housing with insulation, solar etc With more
wealth to be shared -gt less violence
11Land is a natural resource with no alternative
So is Carbon
12The Role of the Environment in the economy
Is there one?
13Carbon Tax or Trade?
14Any resource
crucial to our survival, garners unique
value. If speculators can purchase carbon
permits off gamblers for a bargain price, what
will they do?
15Hoard them!
Speculative middlemen will buy up permits from
the needy early on in the trade period (say
February). They will hold them until Nov - Dec,
when polluters are Desperados. They will sell
them for millions in profits.
16The drive for unearned income
Will undermine the carbon trading system. We will
be told it was a learning experience. However
economic theory already alerts renegades! Crucial
years will be lost in the battle for
17Australia Or Ireland
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21True Cost Economics
- A well rounded environmental
- economic system includes
- the entire global commons
- Land
- Air
- Water
- Minerals - coal, oil, uranium
- Licences - public broadcast licences
- TV, radio, 3G
- GM permits (if ever approved!)
22What is needed
A progressive revenue raising system that
counters the regressive nature of carbon
taxes. A Resource Rental system is
progressive. Locations in Toorak pay more than
those in Werribee.
26Renegade Economists
5.30 - 6pm Wednesdays 3CR www.earthsharing.org.a
u K2_at_earthsharing.org.au
27International Equity
- Allows countries to converge on equality.
- At the end of the convergence period countries
receive - entitlements in proportion to the size of their
population. - Initially, Developed countries make large cuts
in their - emissions levels.
- Developing countries are permitted to keep
increasing - their emissions levels for a period before also
beginning to - cut their emissions.
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29Environmental Trusts
We ought to create a new class of property --
common property -- that lies somewhere between
private property and state property. This would
act to protect the Global Commons
30Sky Trust
31Sky Trust
Environmental Trusts could manage such assets,
sharing all profits via a Citizens Dividend.
32Cap Dividend
With a Sky Trust, no money goes to the
government. Users of fossil fuels will pay a
cost for carbon disposal--a cost that was not
charged before. But this cost is due to the
physical scarcity of sky, and will be set by
markets, not politicians. Most importantly, it
will be fully returned to citizens in the form
of dividends. Without a trust, sky income could
be mingled with taxes, or go to large
corporations, and citizens might never see it
This increased cost is due to the physical
scarcity of sky, and must be set by markets, not
politicians. Reducing emissions will cause the
Sky Trust's revenue (and hence individual
dividends) to rise.
34Hoard Lords
Hoarding of permits will be curtailed by Limited
life spans per permit (is that enough?) Or Permits
require a 10 Resource Rental charge p.a
35Is Carbon enough?
What about toxic pollutants? Ie insecticides,
herbicides What other forms of pollutants does
carbon trading overlook? How can we maximise our
ability to reduce Global Warming?
36Policy Developments
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39Values natural resources
Such as grasses, trees Cut down a rare box
gum, must pay to protect 8 others. 4 acres of
grassland 1 habitable acre of grassland value
40Our biggest challenge to deal with GW?
TIME! Time to think. Time to Act. Time to
learn. Time to remember Our time is threatened by
incredible work hours, needed to pay
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43Former World Bank Vice President Joseph Stiglitz
was asked what he would do to aid the Majority
World I would go to the heart of landlordism
and reform the land tenure system, which
typically sees landlords charging 50
share-cropping rents.
44In another powerful statement, Stiglitz
says Rent is a secret tax the wealthy charge
the poor
45Populate or Perish?
Believe population is the biggest problem facing
the world This is perfect for the ruling
classes It lets them off the hook. A great
diversion away from their over-consumption
and speculative fetishes.
47Populations naturally decline
- When wealth is shared more equitably
- An effective tax system will raise enough revenue
for - health
- education
- Birth rates universally fall with the extra
48An Ethiopian farmer no longer has to have 10
kids because he knows the majority will now