Title: Effingham Sunrise Rotary
1Effingham Sunrise Rotary
Trisha Mason, Executive Director East Central
Illinois Development Corporation
2East Central Illinois Development Corporation
- Christian, Clark, Coles, Crawford, Cumberland,
Douglas, Edgar, Effingham, Jasper, Moultrie,
3Scope of Work
4Scope of Work
- Provide Professional Development
5Scope of Work
- Support and Assist Local ED Orgs
6Facilitate adoption of Open Source Economic
Scope of Work
Based on open information sharing and building
relationships of trust through doing Building
collaborative partnerships between education,
workforce development, and economic
development Wealth is created by tying together
extraordinary assets in your communities
7Scope of Work
- Recognize Leaders Businesses
Business Ethics Social Involvement
Awards Lifetime Achievement Award Excellence in
Economic Development Award
8Scope of Work
- Provide Resources to our Membership
9Scope of Work
Detailed Demographic Reports Detailed Street,
Aerial, or Thematic Maps Traffic County Reports
and Maps Consumer Expenditure Data Market
potential information Gap Analysis Customer
10- Market Analysis Case Study
- Marshall, IL Full-Service Restaurant
How many full-service restaurants are there
11- Market Analysis Case Study
- Marshall, IL Full-Service Restaurant
How much does the average household spend on
eating away from home yearly?
12- Market Analysis Case Study
- Marshall, IL Full-Service Restaurant
How much of this market is being captured? Is
there room for another full-service restaurant?
13- Market Analysis Case Study
- Marshall, IL Full-Service Restaurant
What type of restaurant would be the most
successful in accords to the market area?
14Scope of Work
Find more examples and more information on our
website www.ecidc.com
All market analysis services are rendered in a
confidential manner unless we have received full
disclosure from the member to use their cases as
15East Central Illinois Development Corporation
- Trisha Mason, Executive Director
- (217)540-3517 office
- tmason16617_at_lakeland.cc.il.us
- www.ecidc.com