Title: Get Active London
1Get Active London
2Presentation Contents
- S3 What is it?
- S4 Development. Where we are now.
- S5 Who is it aimed at?
- S6 How does it work?
- S7 Why is it needed?
- S9 Outcomes?
- S10 Key Benefits and Features
- S12 Who is managing the project?
- S13 IT Supplier
- S15 What does it look like?
- S16 How do you use it?
- S18 Search Criteria/Data Fields
S19 Data Collection/Input and Management S20 IT
Spec S21 Reports S22 Coverage and promotional
tools S23 Communication Tool S24 Local
Promotion S25 Next Stages S26 What next for
Boroughs? S27 Cost S28 Branding S29 Timescales
S30 Feedback?
3What is the Active London Web Portal?
- One-stop-online-shop of sport and physical
activity opportunities across London - Signposting tool
- Not intended to collect every bit of information
about that opportunity
4Development. Where we are now
- As PRO-ACTIVE East London met many of you last
year to discuss - The project, it is important to update you on its
development. - July 08 Initially a PRO-ACTIVE East London Pilot
with Active Hub. - October 08 Pilot proposal presented to 5
PRO-ACTIVE London partnerships and accepted as
the pan London model. - Nov 09 Steering group formed (5 PRO-Actives,
NHS, Sport England, SSP, NGB and LA
representatives) - Dec 09 Project spec developed through steering
group. - Jan 09 Project went out to tender.
- Feb 09 Nemysys appointed as the supplier.
- Current We are currently in the design /
development phase and would wish to use your
feedback to inform our thinking
5Who is it aimed at?
- The public to find and receive information on
sport and physical activity opportunities - P-AL staff and partners
- As a source of management, performance, trend and
reporting information - As a communication tool with activity providers
- For signposting members of the public to activity
6How does it work?
LAs, SSPs, GPs
Web Display
P-AL, Your London
V a l i d a t i o n
Regional e.g. Summer of Sport
Media e.g. Mobiles, e-mail, advertising
Promotional Platforms
Social networking
National e.g. NGBs, Active Places, Sport Unlimited
7Why is it needed?
- Participation barriers faced currently.
- Public and stakeholder research has reported that
the lack of accessible information on
opportunities available is a barrier to
participation in sport and physical activity e.g.
Henley Centre - A study by the Football Association showed that 1
million young people would play more football if
they had access to information on where to
participate in the local area. - No Facility (both a perception of and an actual
lack of) was the predominant reason behind non
participation in sport London Borough of Tower
Hamlets Sports Search Health and Physical
Activity Report 2006/07.
8- Helping to fulfil Government Requirements (Local
Authorities) - Support all Local Authorities to fulfil their
statutory duty to publicise and keep up to date
information on positive activities for young
people part of the Every Child Matters
agenda - Proven format for accessing sports data
- A feasibility study conducted by the steering
group revealed that 86 of end-users and 92 of
partners were supportive of the concept of a
one-stop-online resource.
- Ultimately the system will be one of the
initiatives used to increase participation in
sport and physical activity in London and is
intended to contribute to - the 5-hour offer for young people
- 1 increase in sport and physical activity by
adults - The London 2012 Legacy Plan (Mayor of London)
- And contribute to your targets, objectives and
10Key Benefits Features
- Functionality and Ease of Use for Borough
- Extensive, up-to-date data pan-London as service
users operate cross-border. Covers clubs,
facilities events / activities - Sophisticated mapping and search facility
- Back-end can be used for reporting on key stats
- Quality controlled using local administrators and
recognised validators e.g. NGBs - Includes a communication system with providers
- System can produce hard copy version
- System can be embedded (plug-in) into your
website providing a seamless view for end users - Ability to monitor effectiveness built-in
- Self-managed by opportunity provider
- Low cost (500 a year)
- Training for administrators then ongoing
support (tel. / email) and manual
11Key Benefits Features
- Strategic
- Benefit from central marketing campaign
- Backed by the GLA as part of the 2012 London
Legacy Plan - Fulfils Government requirements re online
activities for young people - Contributes to your objectives e.g. LAAs
- Development assisted by NHS London, Sport
England, SSPs, Local Authorities and NGBs. - Benefits to Clubs and Providers?
- Easy to use and update
- Extensive exposure pan-London
- Incentives package (can be personalised per
borough) - Regular e-newsletter
- Development support from local / sub-regional
staff - Discounts and Prize Draw? (e.g. Workshops, venue
hire, kit, suppliers)
12Who is Managing the Project?
- The 5 PRO-ACTIVE Partnerships are leading and
procuring the project with steering group support
from key stakeholders including - London Sports Forum for Disabled People
- Sport England London Region
- London NGB Forum rep
- NHS London Physical Activity Co-ordinator rep
- The steering group are also using
- focus groups with potential users to help inform
the design and delivery of the project - A pilot phase with trailblazer boroughs to help
inform the design and delivery of the project
13IT Supplier
- The system will be supplied by a collaboration of
Nemysis and Substance - Nemysis are the supplier of the 5 Pro-Active
London websites and have an extensive track
record in supplying IT / communication solutions
to the sports and other sectors. Clients include - www.badmintonengland.co.uk
- www.bsac.com
- www.anglingtrust.net
- www.bucs.org.uk
- www.londonyouthgames.org
- www.englandhockey.co.uk
- www.paralympics.org.uk
- www.englishgolfunion.org.uk
- www.manchester2008.org
- The system will include Nemisys industry leading
Google Map activity search (as seen as
14IT Supplier continued
- Substance won the Department for Children,
Schools and Families Information and
Signposting of teenagers positive activities
contract in August 2008 - This contract builds on the Plings project
places to go and things to do which provides a
bank through which providers of activities can
pool and aggregate information. This
information is then published through a variety
of channels, including websites, mobile phones,
digital television and social networking sites
making the information widely accessible. - By working in partnership, the GAL project can
exploit both the data that is being captured via
the PLINGS project and the features that are
being developed as part of this project e.g.
Promotional platforms - By taking part in this project the local
authority will automatically be supplying the
sport and physical activity element of the
positive activities for young people project
15What does it look like?
Your website / branding
16How do you use it?
17Other Tabs
- More Information
- Get directions
- Views
- Map or list view
- Borough boundaries included
- Organisation to select initial map on display ie
borough or London
18Search Criteria / Data Fields
- Users will be able to search using all the data
fields provided - The document below (attached with this
presentation) outlines these fields.
19Data Collection, Input Management
- Collection via purpose built internet admin
system - Will integrate with
- Active Places
- Plings
- National Land Property Gazette and NGB data
- If significant data sources exist already we
should look at how best to utilise on a case by
case basis. - Data is held on full redundant, burstable system
hosted at www.rackspace.com
20IT Spec for embedding in your website
- The Activity Search will be available in the
first phase via iframe functionality. - IT Team to contact Nemysis if they require more
details - We may also be preparing a widget to allow a
simple search that can be inserted on home pages,
based around the name Get Active London.
21Reports (available to partners)
- Completeness of data (i.e no. of fields completed
per provider) - Standard reports to give you valuable information
e.g. - Number of Clubmark clubs offering disability
access in XYZ sport - Can be exported to excel
- Bespoke reports can be created
22Coverage promotional tools (utilising PLINGS
- Users will be able to register to receive
information automatically via various platforms
23Communication Tool
- The system can be used to generate e-mails to
clubs and activity providers e.g. For promotional
purposes, reminders etc - NOTE
- Will need to do this in co-ordination with your
Pro-Active Partnership to avoid duplication and
24Local Promotion
- Prominent on website
- Promote URL in printed media
- Promote at all partner and community meetings /
events - Local launch
- Links with other sections
- Youth Service
- Leisure Centres
- Customer Services (front-line)
25Next Stages
- Appointment of Project Manager
- Support for Pro-Active leads and local
administrators - Execute Marketing Plan
- Partner sign-up and placement
- Social networking and media campaigns
- Search engine optimisation
- Launch
- Income generation to support marketing activity
re-invest in development - System development
- Negotiate discounts for Activity Providers e.g.
Sports equipment
26What next for Boroughs?
- A PRO-ACTIVE East team member will speak to you
in more detail about the next steps listed
below. - Sign-up in-principle by email (Service Level
Agreement to then follow) - Supply existing or collect new data
- Appoint one main Administrator
- Verify all new entries submitted online for your
borough - Attend training
- Liaise with your IT Team to arrange plug-in on
your website
27How much does it cost?
- Colour schemes and tag lines are currently being
discussed. Some examples are as follows
30Your feedback?
- Your feedback on the following would be
appreciated and of much value. - Brand
- Data fields
- Data collection process
- Integration with your website
- Cost