Title: IFX Version 2.0
1IFX Version 2.0
- Building upon the
- Service Oriented foundation of IFX v1
2Announcing v2.0a!
- Version 2 continues our commitment...
- To a business-first approach
- a Business Message Specification, driven by
business use-cases - independent of specific technologies
- To a service oriented approach
- from business services to SOA ,
- from stateless to REST
- Of cooperation with other standards setting
organizations - v.2 addresses shortcomings of v1 that can only be
addressed by breaking backwards compatibility - A decade of evolution
- A decade of learning
- A decade of implementation experience
IFX Forum will continue to support v1.x.
3Public Comment period
- v2.0a is available now for public comment
- Because IFX is committed to a long-term policy of
backward compatibility in a major release, we
reserve the privilege to correct errors
discovered during this comment period. - We will formally conclude the public comment
period within 3 6 months. - Go to www.ifxforum.org and pull down the IFX
Standard menu
- Specification Repository
- What it is
- How it can be accessed
- Its value to IFX members
- Its value to non-members subscription access
- Specification Details
- Key Concepts, Rationale, Comparisons
- Objects, Messages, Services - generally
- Customer, Party, Account specifically
- Interfaces, Operations - conceptually
- Object oriented documentation
- Object-centric approach
- Abstract Aggregates
- Aggregate Extensions
5IFX BMS Repository
- Key Concepts
- IFX is a documented standard, not a document
- Generates consistent content
- Enforces data integrity
- Rationale
- Improve navigation
- Improve integrity
- Generate schema and documentation.
- Tomorrow
- Demo of db UI
- Demo of Schema generation
- A 900 page MS-Word document
- A fully interactive database repository
- Generate HTML hyper-linked specification
- Generate XML schema
- Support various queries
6The IFX Standard Repository
The original concept
7Objects - Structure
- Key Concepts
- Consistent structure
- Distinguish manageable attributes from read-only
- Rationale
- IFX Objects have a state and set of data
attributes that can be maintained without sending
the entire object over the wire
- Tomorrow
- The specifics of the IFX Object pattern
- Conceptually consistent, but not structurally
consistent - Modifications are whole record replacements
- IFX defined inquiry capabilities
- Structurally consistent
- Modify only those attributes necessary
- More robust inquiry
- Privacy protection
8Objects Lighten Up!
- Rationale
- Support a mechanism to refer to one or more
fields or aggregates in a message or object - Add flexibility to Selection criteria in
Inquiries - Enrich information about error conditions
- Protect data privacy
- Key Concepts
- Lightweight inquiry
- Lightweight maintenance
- IFXPath is a scope-limited definition of the W3C
XPATH type
- Tomorrow
- IFXPath examples
- In Mod, Inq and Responses
- Full record replacement
- IFX defines which fields are available for
selection - Full records returned from AddRq, ModRq, InqRq
- Client can specify which data is returned from
9Objects - Referencing
- Key Concepts
- objRef is a standard element
- Object IDs are consistent data types
- Rationale
- Support multiple ways to reference objects
including business keys
- Tomorrow
- More about Ident
- Much more about Ref
- Only way to reference to an object is by its ID
- Some IDs are aggregate structures
- Objects have IDs, Idents and Refs
- Ident is an aggregate structure generally used to
hold business keys - Object Refs resolve to a single object
10Messages - General
- Key Concepts
- Service Wrappers are gone
- MsgHeaders contain transport specific
instructions - MsgHeaders contain read-only data
- Rationale
- The Service Wrapper concept inhibits
modularization - Internet transports have evolved significantly
- Tomorrow
- Much more about headers
- Credentials
- Messages are constrained to services, represented
on the wire by Service Wrappers
- Continued support of the concept of Interfaces,
but defined by implementers.
11Messages FieldSelect
- Key Concepts
- Modify only desired attributes
- Inquire with complete flexibility
- Responses can be tailored
- Rationale
- Conserve bandwidth
- Protect privacy
- Align with common technology practices
- Full record inquiry
- Full record replacement
- Client can specify which data is returned from
server - Modify only those attributes necessary
- More robust inquiry
- Privacy protection
12Messages - Responses
- Key Concepts
- Default behavior is to return a StatusRec
- Client can request additional information
- If server doesnt support Light Objects it must
return entire record
- Rationale
- Conserve bandwidth
- Protect privacy
- Align with common technology practices
- Tomorrow
- Detail 1
- Detail 2
- Full record inquiry
- Full record replacement
- Full record response
- If server doesnt support Light Objects it must
return entire record
13Service Profiles
- Key Concepts
- Services are no longer defined by IFX
- Service wrappers dropped
- Rationale
- Businesses must have flexibility to define
service boundaries - Continue to support blind-routing of messages
to SPs
- Tomorrow
- Service Profile details
- Activating Services
- Describing Interfaces
- Service Profiles describe messages supported
- Service Profiles are virtual object
- Service Profiles describe services and interfaces
- Service Profiles are true IFX objects
- Key Concepts
- Party replaces Customer
- Party can be a person or an organization
- Partys have a relationship to accounts at the FI
- Rationale
- CustID was too many things to too many aggregates
- Reuse the common party info whether Organization
or Person
- Tomorrow
- Authentication
- IssuedIdent
- PartyRef
- Customer is an object
- Customer signs on
- One authentication per session
- Party is the object
- Transactor authenticates
- Multiple authentications supported
- OBO easier to support
- Key Concepts
- Significantly re-factored in v2
- AcctRef replaces xTypeAcctId in 75 other
elements - Added new objects AcctStmt, AcctTrnImg, AcctTrn
- Rationale
- Simplify referencing accounts in transactions
Ignore details not needed to conclude
transactions - Simplify spec maintenance
- Address naming inconsistencies
- Tomorrow
- Refactoring details
- PartyAcctRel
- Various Acct Types are XORd in transactions
- Each new Transaction requires duplicate
maintenance - Adding new Acct types is significant effort
- AcctRef greatly simplifies things
- Party-Acct association supports role-based
16Relationship Objects
- Key Concepts
- Maintainable objects store references to related
objects (such as Party-Acct) - Leverages objectRef concept
- Rationale
- Be explicit about the details of related objects
- Support multiple relationships between objects
- Tomorrow
- Party-Acct details
- ERD illustrations
- Sometimes supported by repeating elements
- Sometimes related objects are embedded
- Explicitly create Rel objects (such as
PartyAcctRel, PartySvcRel, SvcAcctRel) - Rel objects have Info that contain information
about the relationship (such as Role)
17Foreign Exchange
- Key Concepts
- Completed redesign - existing messages replaced
and new messages added - Enhanced functionality supports more business
processes and use cases
- Rationale
- Support common business practices such as
offering a rate and accepting a deal - Solved limitations and inconsistency issues in
existing messages
- Includes robust objects for Rate Quotes, Deals
(Contracts) and Rate Sheets - Supports cross-currency, two-way pricing models,
FX swaps, FX offsets, one-step deal process
- Minimal messaging support
- Does not include explicit Cancel for Quotes, or
Rate Sheets - No support for cross-currency
- Limited options for Deal types and
18Card Object
- Key Concepts
- Standard IFX Object
- Will have Party-Card and Card-Acct relationship
- Rationale
- Formalize Management and Servicing of cards
- Support association of cards with persons and
- Tomorrow
- All working groups joint meeting with focus on
- Minimal messaging support
- New Working Group will focus on this object and
its interactions throughout the BMS
- Key Concepts
- Create new functionality by combining messages
- Define simple rules governing processing and
error handling
- Rationale
- Allows explicit creation of complex functionality
using existing messages
- Tomorrow
- Operation Definition
- Operation Rules
- Documented Business Rules govern processing rules
for related messages - Example ATM Implementation Guide
- No message support
- Explicit operation definition
- An Operation is an aggregate of messages
- Key Concepts
- An Interface forms a contract between service
provider and IFX client - Packages messages and operations
- Rationale
- Flexible replacement for fixed service wrappers
- Allows modularized schema generation
- Tomorrow
- How are Interfaces defined
- Fixed Service wrappers defined by IFX
- Defines groups of functionality
- IFX schema must be hand crafted to simplify and
make it usable
- Interfaces can be defined for business areas by
the forum or by service providers
- Key Concepts
- BMS Repository
- Generate XML Schema
- Available to members and subscribers
- Object formalization
- Structure
- Referencing
- Abstraction and Extension
- Capturing object relationships
- Data types
- Messages
- Drop Service Wrappers
- Changes to Authentication
- Light Objects Field Select
- Operations
- Define your own Interfaces
- Specific Objects
- Party Replaces Customer
- Account
- Service Profile
- Foreign Exchange
- Card
IFX v2.0a is available now for public review.
IFX Forum will continue to support v1.x.
- Holding place for extra details about various v2
24IFX Object- The Basic Pattern
- Key Concepts
- All IFX Objects adhere to a basic pattern
- Object Status can also be found in a named
StatusRec - This pattern is enforced in the Standard
25Object- Info and Envr
- Key Concepts
- All objects have Info
- All objects have Envr
- All xxxEnvr extend BaseEnvr
- The Info aggregate generally defines the
modifiable properties of the defined object - The Envr aggregate defines properties of the
object environment including computed properties.
- BaseEnvr expresses most commonly used
server-generated data. All other Envrs extend
26Object- Data Types, etc
- Key Concepts
- There are a few new data constructions
- Abstract Aggregates
- IFXPath is a scope-limited definition of the W3C
XPATH type
- Abstract Aggregate
- Timeframe
- Measurement
- External standard references (Codes)
- IFXPath (next page)
27Object- IFXPath
- Key Concepts
- IFXPath is a scope-limited definition of the W3C
XPATH type - Used in Inquiry, Modify and ErrorPath
IFXPath limitations
- Primary purpose of a path field is to refer to
one or more fields or aggregates in a message or
object - Fully qualified
- Locations must always be fully qualified
(specified from the xxxRec). - Comparative predicates will be limited to , ?,
lt, gt, lt, gt. - In ErrorPath
- Location is fully qualified relative to the
original Rq. - Positional predicates are supported to indicate
which of the multiple occurrences are in question.
28Services - SvcProfile
- Services are defined by IFX
- SvcProfile is virtual object
- Service Wrappers are a message construct
- Customers sign-on and deliver messages
- Services are defined by you
- Service Profiles are true objects
- Service Wrappers are gone
- Users authenticate and customers are a party in
messages or transactions
29v1.x Service-Account Linkage
30v2. Party-Account-Service
31v2. Relationships
32v2. Relationships
- Relationship objects are created with
- Rel objects are manipulated like other IFX
objects, responding to Mod, Del, etc. messages - Rel objects have data (info), status, etc.
- Rel objects have references to the objects they
relate - Activating a service for a particular customer is
accomplished via PartySvcRelAddRq which creates
the necessary PartySvcRelRec.
33v2. Party
- PartyInfo is an abstract aggregate that will
manifest itself as either Organization or Person
35v2. Party
- PartyData is an abstract aggregate that will
manifest itself as either Organization or Person
36v2. Party-Account-Service
37v1.x v2.x Transition, part 1
Customer will be replaced with Party
Service Profiles become true IFX objects
- Service Profiles are objects
- Services are defined by implementer
- Key Concepts
- The related instances of objects are indentified
by objectRefs
- Relationship objects are created with
39Relationship Objects
- Rel objects are manipulated like other IFX
objects, responding to Mod, Del, etc. messages - Rel objects have data (info), status, etc.
- Rel objects have references to the objects they
- Key Concepts
- Relationship Objects are true IFX objects
- They explicitly identify 2 or more relationships
- Attributes specifically describing the
relationship are in the Info aggregate
- Key Concept
- IFX defines some aggregates as Abstract
- PartyInfo is an abstract aggregate that will
manifest itself as either Organization or Person
- Key Concept
- Extending aggregates is key to consistent
structures and re-use
- PartyData is an abstract aggregate that will
manifest itself as Org/Person Data
42Message Headers- Intro
- The message request header aggregate contains
common information for request messages
- Key Concepts
- MsgRqHdr
- CredentialsRqHdr
- ContextRqHdr
- FeeRqHdr
- There are Rs equivalents
- The CredentialsRqHdr contains the credentials of
the user / client. - Multiple credentials with different roles can be
supplied - The abstract SecToken is replaced by a real Token
- Key Concepts
- CredentialsRqHdr
- SubjectRole
- Multiple extensions of abstract SecToken
- SecTokenLogin
- SecTokenCard
44Message Headers- Fees
- Use DebitRef to specify the fee
- Complete Info aggregate or
- Reference existing Info aggregate in message
- Use AcctRef to specify account to which fees
should be charged - CreditRef can be used for rebates
- Key Concepts
- Fees can be specified for an operation or a
message in the header - Uses DebitRef or AcctRef
DebitRef CreditRef AcctRef ChargeRegulation
- Key Concepts
- OperRqHdr extends MsgRqHdr
- OperRqHdr will always look like a MsgRqHdr
Messages in an Operation do not require a
MsgRqHdr. If a MsgRqHdr is present, any content
overrides the corresponding content in the
46Messages - Methods
- Key Concepts
- Messages always act on a particular object except
Reversals act on messages (transactions) - The list of methods is unchanged from v1
- Particular implementations of messages change to
accommodate pattern normalization
47Operations - Definition
- Key Concepts
- Create new functionality by combining messages
- Operations have name and namespace
- Combine messages like building an aggregate
- Required
- Optional
- Repeating
- A special Operation can be used to reverse the
business functionality (if defined)
- Operations are defined like aggregates, but
contain only message names as elements - Naming convention ends in OperRq/Rs
- Reversal Operation with same name - ends in
MessageARq (rpt) MessageBRq (rqd) MessageCRq
48Operations Rules
- OnError / OnWarning
- Continue
- Abort
- ReverseProcessed
- ReverseAll
- Key Concepts
- Rules define processing and error behavior
- Concurrent vs Sequential
- OnError behavior
- OnWarning behavior
- Transmitted in the OperRqHdr
ProcessConcurrent OnWarning OnError
49Interfaces - Definition
- Key Concepts
- Not an IFX object
- Does not appear on the wire
- Definition can be as a schema or wsdl
- Must contain
- Namespace, Name, Version
- All messages and operations supported by the
50Messages Selection
- Using the industry standard XPATH construct
allows implementers more flexibility in data
- Key Concepts
- Selection uses the new IFXPath data type