Title: CrimeStat
1 CrimeStat
- A Spatial Statistics Program for the Analysis of
Crime Incident Locations
2About CrimeStat
- A Spatial statistics software to analyze crime
incident locations. - It provides modules for spatial statistics,
space-time analysis, finding patterns - Hotspot Analysis
- Spatial Modeling
- Crime Travel Demand
- Used widely by law enforcement agencies
throughout the country. - Popular among Public Health agencies and
research groups throughout the country.
3Hotspot Analysis Utilities
Courtsey Ned Levine and Associates
Courtsey Ned Levine and Associates
4Spatial Modeling
- Journey To Crime
- Estimates the likely residential location of a
serial offender
5Spatial Modeling
- Spatio-Temporal Analysis
- Knox Index, Mantel Index
- Correlated Walk Analysis
- Estimate time and location of next event
6Crime Travel Demand
- Journey to Crime, Crime Travel Split
7Our Contributions
- Crime Stat Libraries 1.01
- Set of .NET components distributed by NIJ
- Crime Stat v 3.2
- Statistical Simulation functions for Spatial
Analysis Routines - Scalability to Large Datasets
- Self-Join Index2
1 http//www.spatial.cs.umn.edu/projects/crimest
at-pub/beta/ 2 Pradeep Mohan, Shashi Shekhar,
Ned Levine, Ronald E. Wilson, Betsy George, Mete
Celik, Should SDBMS support the join index ? A
Case Study from Crimestat. In Proc. of 16th ACM
SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances
in Geographic Information Systems (ACM GIS 2008),
California, USA,2008.