Title: Governing with Excellence
1Governing with Excellence
- An Introduction to
- Policy Governance
- Power is given to you by others. It is not yours
it is in trust with you and it is a great
responsibility. Power is to be used for the
benefit of those whose trustee you are - (Gandhi)
3Very competent individuals
- can come together to form
- a very incompetent board!
4The Challenge for DEC Members
- Important and difficult role
- Carried out by elected volunteers
- Often in public
- Controlling complex organization in uncertain
economic and social environment - Little training or preparation
5Problems DECs encounter
- Time on trivial
- Short-term bias
- Reactive stance
- Reviewing, rehashing, redoing
- Leaky accountability
- Diffuse authority
- Confusion over role
- Confusing governance with management
6Where opportunity for leadership is
greatest, board process for leadership is
7Policy governance ensures that DECs
- Cradle vision
- Explicitly address fundamental values
- Are outcome driven
- Force forward thinking
- Act proactively
- Separate large issues from small
- Clarify lines of responsibility
- Use board time efficiently
8With Policy Governance you govern with written
- You do not
- Make decisions about programs or personnel
- Decide operational issues
- Approve techniques or strategies
- Resolve routine, day to day problems
- The shared value or perspective that underlies
action-why you do what you do.
10Policy as a leadership tool
- You are what you believe
- Everything depends on what you value
- Policies make values concrete
- Policies provide leverage and efficiency
- Policy governance requires no special expertise
- Attention to policies is attention to
fundamentals - Policies encourage vision and inspiration
11The four types of Policies
12Ends Policy
- What is to be achieved
- What good?
- For whom?
- At what cost?
13Ends Policies can be
- Broad
- Students will graduate with the knowledge and
skills necessary to enter and succeed in the
higher education institution or in the career of
their choice
- Specific
- Students will meet or exceed established
standards in core academic areas
15Keep ends and means separate
- DECs are concerned with ends
- Staff are concerned with means
- For DECs the issue of why is important-not how!
- Ends are where the real power of DECs is most
effectively realized
- Practices
- Methods
- Activities
- Programs
- Curricula
17Evaluating Ends
- The test of effectiveness is whether the ends are
met - Dont discuss evaluation before you have
completed deciding what you want to accomplish - A crude measure of the right thing is better than
a reliable measure of the wrong thing - Superintendents are responsible for demonstrating
they have met the ends
18Executive Limitation
- Explicit policy statements of what the CEO is not
permitted to do in the day to day operations of
the organization
19Common Executive Limitation Policy Topics
- Treatment of students
- Treatment of staff
- Staff evaluation
- Financial planning/budgeting
- Asset protection
- Communication and counsel to the DEC
20Board Process
- How the DEC will operate
- The DEC is one entity-it is not a collection of
21Common process topics
- How will the DEC maintain linkage with those it
represents? - How will the DEC evaluate its own performance?
- What is the role of the chair?
- Board members code of conduct
- How is the agenda formulated?
22Council-Superintendent Relationship
- Superintendent is the DECs only employee
- How the DEC and the Superintendent will cooperate
- Superintendent reports only to full board
- DEC directs Superintendent only!
23Superintendent Job Description
- Simple Achieve ends and dont violate the
Executive Limitations Policies! - Superintendent is evaluated on these two
criteria-if it isnt in policy it cannot be used
to evaluate - Evaluation is a process not an event
24Quick Rules for Policy Making
- Start with your values at the broadest and then
move to be more specific - Policies must be written and accessible
- They must be current
- Brevity is the unheralded secret of excellence
- Debate leads to good policy
- Board speaks with one voice
25Phases of Policy Development
- Phase 1 Issue identification
- Round table discussion
- Strategic planning
- Expression of opinions
26Phase 2 Education and Consultation
- Data collection-what do we need to know?
- Consultation-who do we need to talk to?
27Phase 3Developing Ends
- Identify major policy parameters
- Identify indicators for monitoring
- Identify performance standards
- Write the policy-best done by staff or small
28Phase 4Approval
- Always approved at regular meeting
- By majority vote
- Speak with one voice after vote
29Phase 5Policy Review and Monitoring
- Regular
- Scheduled
- Current
30Tips for Writing Ends Policy
- Describe what will be different in the lives of
those effected - Always stated in terms of results or benefits
- Beware of verbs
- Define the end clearly
- State the cost
- Worry about measurement after the result is
31Why Policy Governance?
- Focuses attention on results
- Frees Superintendent to do her job
- Provides clarity of role
- Increases accountability
- Ensures leadership and vision
- Rise above the trivial
- Lead not fix things