Matthew 5:4647 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Matthew 5:4647


Do not even tax collectors do the same? ... God does not care about Jonah's objections, the story of the whale spitting Jonah on the shore ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Matthew 5:4647

Matthew 546-47
  • For if you love those who love you, what reward
    do you have? Do not even tax collectors do the
    same? And if you greet only your brothers and
    sisters, what more are you doing than others? Do
    not even the gentiles do the same?

  • Building Community
  • Celebrating Unity amid Diversity

  • Human dignity can be realized and protected only
    in community (Economic Justice for All, USCCB
  • Human beings, created imago Dei are social
    beings need one another to exist and thrive
  • Community
  • Group of people who relate to one another on the
    basis of common characteristics, circumstances,
    or interests.

Two Approaches
  • We as humans cannot escape the fact that we are
    social, thus we have a choice in terms of how we
    live in community
  • Exclusion vs. Inclusion
  • Exclusion
  • Attempts to determine who does and does not
    belong by focusing on differences
  • Inclusion
  • Recognizes that differences do not take away the
    fact that all are created by God imago Dei

Scriptures and Community
  • The theme of community is strong in both the Old
    and New Testaments
  • Jonah and the Ninevites
  • The Ninevites were enemies of the Jews during
    Jonahs life Yahweh sends Jonah to preach
    conversion to them, but Jonah refuses to go.
  • God does not care about Jonahs objections, the
    story of the whale spitting Jonah on the shore

New Testament
  • The first Christian communities recounted in the
    Acts of the Apostles 2 42-47
  • Communal Life
  • Feature of the Early Christian communities
  • 3 Aspects of Communal Life
  • devoted themselves to the teachings of the
  • to the communal life
  • to the breaking of the bread and the prayers

Scriptural Insights
  • From the stories of Jonah and the early
    Christians we are left with the following
  • God does not create any people for them to be
  • Gods vision of people is absolutely inclusive
  • God is not a God only of one group but of all
  • All people are sisters and brothers
  • We are called to live and develop communal life

What Makes a Community?
  • Participation in community is both a right and
  • Social justice implies that persons have an
    obligation to be active and productive
    participants in the life of society and that
    society has a duty to enable them to participate
    in this way (Economic Justice for All, 71)

St. Paul and Community
  • In his letters, St. Paul continuously stresses
    building communities.
  • 1 Cor 12 4-7
  • Varieties of gifts, one Lord
  • Three key themes in Pauls teaching
  • We are different, but all are loved by God
  • We need one another
  • Solidarity is key

Living Together in Community
  • Three major requirements for a well-formed
  • The right and responsibility to contribute to the
    common good
  • Refers to Theme 3 of CST (Rights
  • Individual right to be able to contribute
    meaningfully to society
  • Individual responsibility to contribute to the
    good of the community

Living Together in Community
  • 2. The right to access the benefits and resources
    of the community
  • If individuals are not able to receive benefits
    such as education, the entire community suffers
  • Communities have a duty to organize structures
    that allow each member to have an abundant life

Living Together in Community
  • 3. Human Rights
  • include the rights to fulfillment of material
    needs, a guarantee of fundamental freedoms, and
    the protection of relationships that are
    essential to participation in the life of
  • Bare minimums that must be met
  • We are called to move beyond in terms of love and

Remember the Titans
  • How was inclusion demonstrated in the movie?
  • How was exclusion demonstrated?
  • What is the most important lesson from this film?

  • Attempts to determine who does and does not
    belong by focusing on differences
  • Excuses not reasons
  • Stereotypes, prejudice, discrimination

  • Our worldviews come from two sources
  • Culture personal experience
  • Stereotype
  • When our view of a person or group is based on
    inaccurate or incomplete knowledge
  • Can seem positive or negative
  • Attack on human dignity

  • Stereotypes begin with an experience that becomes
    confused by faulty logic
  • Examples pg 152
  • Stereotypes also come from our culture /

  • Prejudice
  • The combination of stereotypes and fear or
    selfishness that results in an attitude of
    hostility directed at whole groups of people.
  • Pre judge ments
  • Rejects individuality human dignity
  • Leads to discrimination

  • Discrimination
  • The denial of individuals or groups the right to
    participate in community
  • Motivated by prejudice fueled by power
  • Based on ethnicity, gender, creed, socio-economic
  • Discrimination is the root cause of Racism

Discrimination on a Social Level
  • Large-scale exclusions made by an institution or
    entire society
  • Recent examples
  • Apartheid in South Africa
  • Segregation
  • Denial of voting rights for women before 1920

Current discrimination
  • Discrimination continues in our society today ---
    usually in less noticeable ways
  • Indirect result of many individual acts of
  • Patterns of unjust activity that promotes
    exclusion and separation

3 current examples
  • Wage Gap
  • Difference between the amount paid to different
    groups of people for their work.
  • Educational inequalities
  • Lack of funding in certain districts lower
    expectations (crippling effect)
  • Housing segregation
  • Unjust lending practices lease agreements
  • Contribute to other examples of societal

Cycle of Exclusion
  • Stereotypes ? Prejudicial attitudes ?
    Discriminatory actions ? Reinforcement of
    negative stereotypes
  • As this cycle continues, society becomes more
    entrenched in exclusion and reduces its respect
    for human dignity

  • Reflect on the following phrase
  • the root of racism is fear of those we do not
  • Do you agree or disagree?

The Sin of Racism
  • a personal sin and social disorder rooted in the
    belief that one race is superior to another. It
    involves not only prejudice but also the use of
    religious, social, political, economic, or
    historic power to keep one race privileged
  • Moving Beyond Racism, 2000.
  • Racism ? combination of prejudice and power

Racism the fruit of exclusion
  • Despite an end to legalized slavery and
    segregation, racism still exists in this nation
  • Racism is an evil that endures in our society
    and our Church. Despite apparent advances and
    even significant changes the reality of racism
    remains. In large part it is only external
    appearances that have changed
  • Brothers and Sisters to Us, 1979

  • Racism is a sin a sin that divides the human
    family, blots out the image of God among specific
    members of that family, and violates the
    fundamental human dignity of those called to be
    children of the same Father. Racism is the sin
    that says some human beings are inherently
    superior and others essentially inferior because
    of races. It is the sin that makes racial
    characteristics the determining factor for the
    exercise of human right. It mocks the words of
    Jesus "Treat others the way you have them teat
    you." Indeed, racism is more than a disregard for
    the words of Jesus it is a denial of the truth
    of the dignity of each human being revealed by
    the mystery of the Incarnation. 
  • Brothers and Sisters, 1979

What can we do?
  • Therefore, let the Church proclaim to all that
    the sin of racism defiles the image of God and
    degrades the sacred dignity of humankind which
    has been revealed by the mystery of the
    Incarnation. Let all know that it is a terrible
    sin that mocks the cross of Christ and ridicules
    the Incarnation. For the brother and sister of
    our Brother Jesus Christ are brother and sister
    to us.
  • Brothers and Sisters, 1979.

Building Inclusive Communities
  • To break the cycle of exclusion, we must work to
    build inclusive communities
  • Jesus example the Good Samaritan
  • Luke 1030-37
  • When asked who is my neighbor? Jesus responded
    with this parable
  • Love of neighbor means love of all

Jesus and humanity
  • Incarnation the Word became flesh
  • Through his birth as a human, Jesus gives the
    greatest example of inclusion
  • Sharing in our humanity demonstrates Gods desire
    to be inclusive
  • Fully realized in the crucifixion event

Dwell in My Love
  • Written to commemorate the 33rd anniversary of
    the death of Martin Luther King by Francis
    Cardinal George
  • Discusses the evils of racism and its effect on
    the people of Chicago

Bible Activity
  • John 15 1-17
  • What does it mean to abide in Jesus?
  • How is the theme of Participation demonstrated in
    this passage?
  • How is passage an attack on the sin of racism?

St. Martin de Porres
  • Dominican brother
  • Former slave
  • Inspiration to African-Americans and multi-racial
  • Example of the importance of inclusion

Inclusion through conversion
  • In order to build an inclusive society, we must
    redefine who and who does not belong
  • Called to a change of heart
  • We must, as individuals, look at our own values
    and determine how willing we are to welcome
  • Examples on pg. 162-63

Working for inclusion
  • Re-examining our attitudes is only the beginning,
    we must put our analysis into action
  • Must occur on the individual, community,
    national, and global levels
  • Individual actions ? nation

Toward a Community of Love
  • the fullness of love and community will be
    achieved only when Gods work in Christ comes to
    completion in the Kingdom of God. This kingdom
    has been inaugurated among us, but Gods
    redeeming and transforming work in not yet
  • Church as the Kingdom of God
  • Church as the community of inclusion

Test Chapter 5
  • 8 Matching _at_ 4pts ? 32 pts
  • 6 Multiple Choice _at_ 5 pts ? 30 pts
  • 1 scripture _at_ 7 pts ? 7 pts
  • 3 Short Answer _at_ 7 pts ? 21 pts
  • 1 essay _at_ 10 pts ? 10 pts
  • Bring a sheet of loose-leaf
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