Title: Annual meeting 2003
1Annual meeting 2003
- For enhanced cooperation
in Europe
Johan van Rens Director Cedefop
2Important developments since last year
- Enlargement with 10 new member states decided
- Enhanced cooperation in VET via Copenhagen and
Future Objectives process - Cedefop Medium Term Priorities 2003-2006
- Electronic management of Study visit program
3Copenhagen declaration on enhanced European
cooperation, November 2002
- strengthening European dimension
- single transparency framework
- common credit transfer system for VET
- quality assurance, common criteria and principles
for quality in VET
- development of sectoral qualifications
- strengthening information, guidance and
counselling - validation of non-formal informal learning
- learning needs of teachers and trainers in VET
43 main priorities - 3 technical working groups
- single transparency framework
- credit transfer
- quality
- group characteristics lightweight pragmatic
approach, selected country representation, - high-level expertise, swift results
5Medium term priorities 2003-2006
Overarching objective promoting a European area
of lifelong learning in an enlargement EU with
three strategic objectives 1.improving access to
learning, mobility and social
inclusion 2.enabling and valuing learning 3.
supporting networks and partnerships in an
enlarged European Union
6Cedefop - supporting developments
- the European Training Village (ETV)
www.trainingvillage.gr - some 32,000 residents - the Cedefop website www.cedefop.eu.int available
in the 11 official EU languages - the library and documentation service - more than
40,000 VET references - virtual communities to support cooperation
process - Study visits and networking instruments
- building up a European Knowledge Management
System (KMS)
7Familiarisation of candidate countries
- cooperation framework between Cedefop and the
European Training Foundation (ETF) - activities in the context of Cedefops medium
term priorities and work programme and the needs
of the candidate countries
8Conclusions of second policy report
- reforms underway in Member States, but need to be
speeded up - achievement of Lisbon target depends on
employment among four key sections of the
population women of prime working age, young
people, older workers, and disadvantaged groups - continuation of current trends means a
significant number of new jobs will be in
occupations requiring high levels of education,
and in traditionally low-skill jobs
9Position Study visit programme
- The era of just studying each other VET system
has past - We need to concentrate on limited themes for
specialists - Be integrated in the enhanced cooperation process
- Contribute to European networking and thematic
community building
10For further information
P.O. Box 22427 GR-55102 Thessaloniki
Greece Tel. (30) 23 10 49 01 11 Fax (30) 23 10
49 01 02 E-mail info_at_cedefop.eu.int Web
sites www.cedefop.eu.int www.trainingvillage.gr
Brussels Office 20, avenue dAuderghem B-1040
Brussels Tel. (32-2) 230 19 78 Fax (32-2)
230 58 24 E-mail info.be_at_cedefop.eu.int