Title: Alzheimers Disease and The Family
1Alzheimers Disease and The Family
2Risk of Malnutrition
- Eating Out
- Familiar foods
- Provide foods for special diets
- Loss of coordination
- Prepare the patients plate
- Calm mealtimes
4(No Transcript)
5Tips to Increase Appetite
- Larger breakfast or lunch
- Many smaller meals
- Increase physical activity
- Familiar foods
- Vitamin mineral supplements
6Tips to Overcome Mealtime Confusion
- Mealtime routine
- Pleasant surroundings
- Ample time
- One food at a time
7Tips to Overcome Eating Problems
- Stubborn
- Look for clues to eating difficulties
- Privacy
- Remove non-nutrient foods
8- Dealing with messiness
- Plastic coverings
- Special utensils
- Prevent burns
- Delivered meal services
9Tips to Increases Food intake if Chewing and
Swallowing are Problems
- Correct fitting dentures
- Moisten food
- Use fluids with meals
- Soft meat alternative
- Mashing foods
- Cut food small pieces
- Puree regularly prepared foods
10Tips to Increase Food Intake if Taste and Smell
- Try different textures
- Use more spices
- Serve foods at body temperature
- Serve colorful foods
- Check temperatures before serving
- A useful way to remember nutritional support for
Alzheimers patients is MEALTIMES.
13M -Maintain a routineE -Eat well-balanced
mealsA -Alertness to any nutritional
problemsL -Light and frequent mealsT -Teach the
caregiver how to deal with the patientI -interact
ions between drugs and nutrientsM -Minimize
contusion for the patientE -Encourage patient to
eatS -Supplement the diet when necessary