EUROWELD - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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'The role of competence and qualifications development in fostering ... P15 : Rolls Royce (UK) P16 : Transco (UK) P17 : TWI Ltd. ( UK) Project Main Goal: ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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  • European Certification for Welding Personnel

Eligible Period December 2002 November 2004
Company Network Seminar EMCC Cedefop The role
of competence and qualifications development in
fostering workforce mobility Thessaloniki, 9
10 November 2006
Project co-financed by the Programme Leonardo da
Vinci Agreement nr 2002 - 4552

EUROWELD background
EWF European Welding Federation Network
involving 28 European countries represented by
its National Welding Institutes
National industrial needs and interests
  • Awareness of the importance of current
    competence in the field of welding.
  • Need of harmonising the qualification and
    certification of welding personnel

EUROWELD Goal accomplishment of a harmonised
Welding Certification system implemented in EWF
members countries
EUROWELD Consortium
P1 ISQ Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade
(PT) P2 EWF European Federation for Welding,
Joining and Cutting (PT) P3 IBS Belgisch
Instituut voor Lastechniek (BE) P4 VCL
Vervolmakingscentrum voor lassers (BE) P5 MHTE
Magyar Hegesztéstechnikai Egyesulés (HU) P6
Mátrai Hegesztéstechnikai Kft. (HU) P7 RM
GYGV Multiszerviz Kft. (HU) P8 GBM (IT)
  • P9 IIS Istituto Italiano della Saldatura
  • P10 HARPEX (PL)
  • P11 IS Instytut Spawalnictwa (PL)
  • P12 Izotechnik (PL)
  • P13 Bombardier Transportation Portugal, SA (PT)
  • P14 Balfour Bealty (UK)
  • P15 Rolls Royce (UK)
  • P16 Transco (UK)
  • P17 TWI Ltd. (UK)

Project Main Goal
Accomplishment of a harmonised Welding
Certification System for welding personnel
(Engineers, Technologists, Specialists and
Practitioners) implemented in EWF member
countries. This system aimed to be commonly
recognised and implemented according to the
developed guidelines, promoting the mobility of
welding professionals.
Project Main Goal
  • Key-words vs Key-ideas
  • Harmonised Certification System equally
    recognised competences
  • Welding personnel Sectoral technological area
  • Implementation in EWF member countries not
    regional or national, but European implementation
    (28 countries)
  • Commonly recognised and implemented
    establishment of criteria, procedures and
    guidelines to facilitate mutual recognition
  • Promoting the mobility of Welding personnel
    accredited degrees are recognised under a common
    quality assurance framework

Overview of the Project
  • Achieved Specific Objectives
  • Identification of the national certification
    systems, in each partner country.
  • Definition of the harmonised certification system
    to be implemented
  • Definition of the curriculums to the courses of
    Certified European Welding Engineer,
    Technologist, Specialist and Practitioner
  • Definition of rules and procedures for the
    management of the European certification system
    of welding personnel in welding and related areas
  • Definition of the evaluation system through a
    database of exam questions

Methodology and contribution of the transnational
Identification of the national certification
systems (done at national level)
Analysis of differences and similarities between
the identified certification systems
Definition of the Certification System
Development of guidelines for the certification
of welding personnel
Database of Examination Questions and Answers
(development, revision and translation)
Development of an online platform to access to
the examination database allowing the generation
of exams
Implementation of the Certification System
performance of pilot exams
Link with European Qualification Framework
EWF guideline - Certification Scheme for
European Welding Engineers, European Welding
Technologists, European Welding Specialists and
European Welding Practitioners
Definition of the curriculums for the courses of
Certified European Welding Engineer (CEWE),
Technologist (CEWT), Specialist (CEWS) and
Practitioner (CEWP)
Definition of the evaluation system through a
common database of exam questions
Development of criteria, procedures and
guidelines facilitating the mutual transparency
and recognition of competences
EQF Key-ideas
Definition of rules and procedures for the
management of the European certification system
of welding personnel in welding
Quality assurance fundamental to sucessfull
establisment, implementation and maintenance of
European Qualifications
EUROWELD in practice
Guidelines and Examination content
Guidelines were developed to Engineer,
Technologist, Specialist and Practitioner
Examination system was developed to Engineer and
Technologist, only
EUROWELD in practice
Access to Examination Application
User registration
Guidelines were developed to Engineer,
Technologist, Specialist and Practitioner
Examination system was developed only to Engineer
and Technologist, only
EUROWELD in practice
Questions identified in terms of
- Level (IWE, IWT, IWS, IWP, IWIP or IW) -
Module (1 to 4) - Subject - Difficulty (1
to 3) - Part (1 or 3) - Scope (YES
Question with Scope NO Question without Scope)
Questions Create new The user can create new
questions in the Application
EUROWELD in practice
Standard Question Details
QUESTIONS Validation Process List of Draft
Basic Rules/Definitions for the Harmonised
Examination Matrix
- Multiple Choice Examination 1 Question 4
Answers 1 to 4 Correct Answers for IWE level,
for other levels only 1 answer is correct - Time
allocated to answer each question 60 seconds
  • Minimum number of questions per examination on
    each module
  • 1 Question per subject
  • 1 Question per each recommended training hour
  • The final amount of questions shall be always an
    entire number
  • 50 of the harmonised examination questions
    should be level 2 25 should be level 1 and the
    remaining 25 should be level 3

Harmonised Examination Exams Generation
Selection of desired Level, Module and Part
Summary of the exam that the user is about to
Harmonised Examination Exams Management
Generation of Exams
Harmonised Examination Exams Management
Exam Evaluation Sheet
Overview of the Project
Exams Evaluation Data Results
Potentialities of the Harmonised Examination
  • Evaluation of competences at an European level,
    according to common guidelines and equal
    examination rules
  • Assessment in terms of thematic subjects,
    levels, difficulty degrees
  • Assessment per national results
  • Upgrading with new topics, questions, expertise
    domains (inclusive adaptation to other
    technological areas)

Promotion of mutual transparency and common
recongnition of competences in a sectoral
technological area
Use of equal criteria, procedures and guidelines
Updating and maintenance of European
Contribution to training and mobility policies in
the sector
  • The guarantee of a quality system in the
    implementation of the harmonised certification
    system, based on general rules defined by EWF,
    according to the requirements established by ISO
    IEC 17024-2003.
  • The methodology used to guarantee the real
    European harmonisation and the large geographical
    intervention areas - differentiation factors to
    be considered.
  • The harmonisation of the Certification System
    to be implemented at a European scale, assuring a
    transparency of competences and recognition of
  • The development of a central Examination
    database which can act as basis for the
    evaluation of E-learning training programs,
    turning the theoretical examination more flexible
    and creating conditions to the mobility of
    welding personnel.
  • The upgrading of the harmonised evaluation
    system with new questions and answers will allow
    following the technological advance assuring the
    improvement of competences and encouraging
    life-long learning.

The future
  • Further implementation of the Examination
    Database in all the EWF countries, promoting the
    Mobility of personnel
  • Assessment of results per country and course
    category, at an European level, aiming at
    assessing sectoral competences and forthcoming
  • Update of the database and transferability of
    the concept to other technological environments,

For further information
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