Complex Patterns of Inheritance - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Complex Patterns of Inheritance


Determined by genes located on the sex chromosomes ... is jaundiced, fevered, quite swollen, and has an enlarged liver and spleen. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Complex Patterns of Inheritance

Complex Patterns of Inheritance
Incomplete Dominance
  • The phenotype of the heterozygote is intermediate
    between those of the two homozygotes
  • Neither allele of the pair is completely dominant

Incomplete Dominance
Incomplete Dominance
Incomplete Dominance
  • Both alleles are expressed equally
  • The phenotypes of both homozygote parent
    organisms are expressed in the offspring

  • What do you get when you cross a black chicken
    with a white chicken?

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Sex - linked traits
  • Determined by genes located on the sex
  • X chromosome is larger carries more genes than
    the Y chromosome
  • Genes carried on the X chromosome are called
    X-linked genes while genes carried on the Y
    chromosome are called Y-linked genes

Sex linked
  • Most X-linked alleles have no homologous
    counterpart on the Y chromosome (XRY)
  • Males 1-X chromosome, recessive allele on X
    chromosome will ALWAYS be expressed (XrY)
  • In females, it takes 2 recessive alleles (one on
    each X chromosome) to be expressed (XrXr)
  • A female who has one recessive allele is said to
    be a carrier (XRXr)

Sex linked
  • The genes for many of the undesirable sex linked
    traits are recessive and thus are rare but when
    they do occur, they occur more commonly in males
  • Common sex linked traits are hemophilia
    (bleeding disorder -lack clotting factor),
    defective tooth enamel, and colorblindness

Sex linked
  • A. 100B. 25C. 50D. 75E. 0
  • In a cross between a white-eyed (XrXr) female
    fruit fly and red-eyed male (XRY), what percent
    of the female offspring will have white eyes?
    (White eyes are X-linked, recessive)
  • E. 0

Red Green Colorblindness
  • A human female "carrier" who is heterozygous for
    the recessive, sex-linked trait causing red-green
    color blindness (or alternatively, hemophilia),
    marries a normal male. What proportion of their
    male progeny will have red-green color blindness
    (or alternatively, will be hemophiliac)?
  • C. 50
  • A. 100
  • B. 75
  • C. 50
  • D. 25
  • E. 0

  • A.half of daughters are normal and half of sons
    are hemophilic.
  • B.all sons are normal and all daughters are
  • C.half of sons are normal and half are
    hemophilic all daughters are carriers.
  • D.all daughters are normal and all sons are
  • E.half of daughters are hemophilic and half of
    daughters are carriers all sons are normal.
  • Hemophilia in humans is due to an X-chromosome
    mutation. What will be the results of mating
    between a normal (non-carrier) female and a
    hemophilac male?
  • B.all sons are normal and all daughters are

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Sex Influenced Traits
  • Traits that are expressed differently in males
    and females
  • Male and female with the same genotype express
    different phenotypes
  • Usually due to hormone levels
  • Ex. Pattern baldness Males express baldness
    while females do not due to higher testosterone
    levels in males

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Traits Controlled by Multiple Alleles
  • Multiple Allele Traits
  • Traits controlled by three or more alleles of the
    same gene that code for a single trait
  • Ex. Blood is controlled by three alleles
  • IA, IB i

Multiple Alleles - Blood
  • Your blood type consists of 2 of the three
  • IAIB are codominant and both are dominant to the
    i allele

Multiple Alleles Vocab
  • Plasma-the fluid part of the blood, mostly water
    and nutrients (55)
  • RBC (red blood cells) transports oxygen/carbon
    dioxide produced in red bone marrow (ribs,
    humerus, femur, sternum, long bones (44) no
  • WBC (white blood cells)-defend the body against
    disease (contain nuclei)
  • Platelets- cell fragments that help clot blood
  • Serum-plasma without clotting proteins

Blood Facts
  • Life span of a RBC is
  • 120 days (liver destroys
  • Most common blood type
  • O
  • Rarest blood type
  • AB-
  • RH factor
  • 85 , 15 -

Blood Type Problemshttp//
  • A.Possible
  • B.Not possible
  • Could a man with type B blood and a woman with
    type AB produce a child with type O blood?" I
    think not, because type O is recessive, and the
    B's seem to be dominant. My cousin thinks yes.
    Thank you for your help. -- Vicki

Blood Type Problem
  • What if the mother is type O and the father is
    A-? What would the offspring's blood type be?
  • The offspring could be
  • A.A, or O
  • B.A-, or O-
  • C.A, A-, O, or O-
  • D.A, or O-

Blood Type Problem
  • I am trying to figure out what blood type the
    father of my son could have since my son and I
    are both type A. Also, my brother is type 0 and
    my mom is A. We can't find anything that
    explains how this can be. Could you please
    help??? --From a concerned Mom
  • The father could be
  • A.A, AB, B, or O
  • B.Either A or B
  • C.Either A or O

More Blood Vocab
  • Agglutinate- clumping of red blood cells due to
    antigen/antibody reactions
  • Agglutinin-antibodies (proteins that defend
    against foreign particles)
  • Agglutinogen-antigens, identifying proteins found
    on the surface of an organism

RH Factor
  • 1900 Landsteiner discovers ABO blood groups
  • 1940 Landsteiner and Wiener discover Rh factor
    in blood types
  • Rh involves 45 different antigens on the RBC
  • Named after the rhesus monkeys that were
    initially used in research for the antiserum

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  • Incompatability occurs when mom is Rh- (dd) and
    dad is Rh( DD, Dd)
  • Usually only occurs during the second pregnancy,
    because in the first pregnancy the mom has not
    built up antibodies against the Rh factor
  • 1/1000 babies are born with Rh incompatability
  • Europeans are 13 more at risk with 6 having

At birth, placenta ruptures occur, causing the
mixture of mother/fetus blood and thus the
development of Rh antibodies by mom
  • The first child is not at risk but subsequent
    births are at risk (Rh child)
  • Mother will be given a drug called Rho-GAM (anti
    Rh antibody drug)at 28 weeks of pregnancy and 72
    hours after birth

Erythroblastosis fetalis
  • May occur when mom is Rh- and baby is Rh
  • Result can be life-threatening anemia because of
    a lack of oxygen in the blood. 
  • The baby also usually is jaundiced, fevered,
    quite swollen, and has an enlarged liver and
  • Treatment is immediate massive transfusions of
    Rh blood into the baby with the simultaneous
    draining of the existing blood to flush out Rh
    antibodies.  This is usually done immediately
    following birth, but it can be done to a fetus
    prior to birth.

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