Title: Discovering Egypt
1Discovering Egypt
- Africas second largest country in population
- Capital, Cairo, largest city in Africa
- Nile River and Suez Canal are most important
waterways - Nile River and Suez Canal inhabited by
ninety-nine percent of population - People mostly Arabs
- People, government, and businesses united by
Islam beliefs
3Egypts Government
4City Dwellers
- Cities over crowded
- Traffic slow and congested
- Inadequate public transportation
- People exhibit extremes of wealth and poverty
- Insufficient housing
- Various jobs
- Villagers and poor city dwellers
- Bread
- Ful (broad beans)
- Vegetables
- Affluent city dwellers
- Variety of foods
- Imported foods
- Drinks
- Coffee and tea
- Goat, sheep, and buffalo milk
- Make meager living
- Crops and livestock
- Live as ancestors
- Most live along Nile River and Suez Canal
- Homes are mud brick huts
- Rent land or work as laborers
- Nomads wander in desert
- Herd camels, sheep, and goats
- One percent of population
8Egypts Population
- Less than 50 adult literacy
- Children
- Required by law to attend until 14 years old
- 50 go on to high school
- 20 go on to higher education
- Free elementary and high school education
- Problems with
- Overcrowding
- Under funding
- Shortages
- Teachers and school buildings
10Gross Domestic Product
11Gross Domestic Product
12Egypts Land
- Four major land regions
- Nile Valley and Delta
- Western Desert
- Eastern Desert
- Sinai Peninsula
13Nile Valley and Delta
- Along Nile River
- Delta north of Cairo
- Egypts farmland
- Floods deposit fertile soil
- Used for
- Irrigation
- Transportation
Cruise The Nile
14Western and Eastern Desert
- Western Desert
- Covers two thirds of Egypt
- Large sandy plateau
- Part of Sahara Desert
- Small villages by oasis
- Eastern Desert
- Arabian Desert
- Sandy plateau and rocky hills
- Mostly uninhabited
15Sinai Peninsula
- Flat northern coastal plain
- Central limestone plateau
- Southern mountains
- Desolate land with oil deposits
- Inhabited
16Egypts Amazing Pyramids
CIA-The World Factbook-Egypt http//www.cia.gov/ci
a/publications/factbook/geos/eg.html Cross, W.
(1982). Enchantment of the world Egypt (pp. 69,
101). Chicago Childrens Press. Cruise the Nile
Directory http//members.aol.com/egypttour/nile.ht
ml FOCUS on EGYPT-Music http//www.focusmm.com/e
gypt/eg_musmn.htm INTO THE WESTERN DESERT OF
EGYPT http//members.tripod.com/djgilbett/page
3.html King, D. C. (Dir.). (1982). People of the
world (vol. 6, pp. 87). New York American Book
Company. Malek, J. (Ed.). (1993). Cradles of
civilization Egypt (pp. 7, 62, 116-117). Norman
University of Okla. Press. NOVA
Online/Pyramids/Explore the Pyramids
http//www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/pyramid/explore/ The
World Book Encyclopedia. (1986). Egypt (vol. 6,
pp. 88). Chicago World Book,Inc. The World Book
Encyclopedia. (2002). Egypt (vol. 6, pp.
120-128). Chicago World Book , Inc. Tour Cairo
Diretory http//members.aol.com/egypttour/cairo.ht