Title: Stretching Your Hay Supply
1Stretching Your Hay Supply
- Roy Burris and John Johns
2Animal Management Issues
- Pregnancy check, cull opens
- Cull older, lower producing cows
- Cull problem cows, disposition, arthritic, teat,
udder and feet problems,
3Hay Analysis
- By cutting if possible
- Indicates how much to feed and what supplement if
any may be needed
4Conduct a feed and animal inventory
- Use ASC-78 as a guide
- Group animals by their needs
- Compare how much feed is needed vs what is on hand
5Book or forward purchase feeds now they will
increase in price on the spot market after the
first of the year!
6What feeds can or should I use?
7Nutrient dense feeds such as grains, commodities,
etc., are cheaper per unit of nutrient compared
to hay. Be sure and compare on a dry matter
8Compare wet distillers grains vs a corn SBM
mixture on a DM basis
- Wet DG 75 water, 40/ton (160/tn DM)
- TDN 90, CP 28
- Corn grain 3/bu and SBM 48 184/tn
- Mixture 159/ton DM
- Storage and handling
9Alternative Feeds
10Limit Feeding Corn vs Hay to Cows - Three Trial
11Limit Feeding High Energy Rations for Growing
12Intake and Digestibility of Hay by Cows fed
Increasing Levels of Corn
13Type of Energy Supplement and Gain of Steers on
Hay Based Rations
14Alternative Cow Rations,Early Winter
15Alternative Cow Rations Late Winter
16Restricting Hay Intake for Cows Nursing Calves
17Restricting Hay Intake for Cows in Last Trimester
of Gestation
18Rumensin for Wintering Cows
- 50 60 of total cost is winter feed
- Prevent and control coccidiosis
- Improved feed efficiency
- Feed in 1 lb of feed daily
- Dates, 1/10/05 to 4/11/05
- 24 pregnant cows
- 8 pens
- Blocked by expected calving dates
- Treatments
- Free choice hay 1 lb supplement
- 85 of F. C. hay 1 lb supp. w/200 mg Rum.
- After calving, 3 or 3.5 lbs SBH daily
20Cow and Calf Performance, Feed Intake, lbs
21Cow and Calf Performance, Body Wt. lbs
22Cow and Calf Performance, Calf Data
23Feed Prices
- Soybean Hulls 70/ton
- Supplement 5.35 or 6.85 cents/lb
- Hay 120 or 40/ton
24Total Feed Costs and Savings