Title: volution des publications scientifiques Bibliometry and mathematics tienne GHYS
1Évolution des publications scientifiques
Bibliometry and mathematicsÉtienne GHYS
- Académie des Sciences
- 14-15 mai 2007
2Mathematics a small world
- ? 2 500 000 papers written since Euclid
- ? 70 000 mathematical papers each year.
3(No Transcript)
4Mathematicians dont write too much
but they read a lot !
- Typically, 1 or 2 published papers per year
(averaged over the career) is considered as a
good activity. - A mathematical paper has usually 1 or 2 authors,
sometimes 3. - Usually, the bibliography of a paper contains 10
to 20 items.
5Number of Citations a useless tool in
- Highly depends on the subdomain
- Example 27 mathematicians from the Académie des
Sciences ! - From 5850 to
- 60
6Mathematical time scale is long !
- Typically a paper is published 1 to 2 years after
submission (sometimes more) - Referee procedure is fundamental (and long!)
- Half life of a maths paper is 10 to 20 years.
Longer for some very good papers.
7The Impact factor is not appropriate for
8Example the Comptes Rendus Mathématique
- Among the mathematical papers published between
2000 and 2004 - 3 469 contain a citation to a Compte Rendu Note
published in the 90s - 1 600 in the 80s
- 871 in the 70s
- 465 in the 60s
- 190 in the 50s
- 123 in the 19th century !
9How to evaluate a mathematician ?
- Only good method read his/her papers !
- Acceptable method trust somebody who read
his/her papers. - Prizes, Awards, Invitation to Congresses, etc.
- Comité National des Universités, Comité National
dévaluation de la recherche scientifique, etc.
10The mathematical world is small enough to allow
a personalized evaluation.
Read Condorcet ! Essai sur lapplication de
lanalyse à la probabilité des décisions rendues
à la pluralité des voix (1785)