Title: National Action Plan in Operationalizing CDM in India
1National Action Plan in Operationalizing CDM in
International Conference on Clean Development
Mechanism ( CDM )
Organized by Hamburg Institute of
International Economics ( HWWA ), Germany A
presentation by Srikanta K. Panigrahi
Environment Forest Division Planning
Commission, Government of India
2India is a Partner in Global GHG Mitigation
- Signed UNFCCC in 10th June, 1992
- Ratified the Convention on 1st November, 1993
- Acceded to Montreal Protocol on 19th June, 1992
- Established ODS phasing-out prg. in Nov. 1993
- Signed Kyoto Protocol in December, 1997
- Ratified Kyoto Protocol in August, 2002
Environment Forest Division Planning
Commission, Government of India
3India - Emerging as a Global Leader
- Hosted COP-8 at New Delhi 23rd Oct. 1st Nov.
2002 - ( Linked Adaptation of Climate Change to
Sustainable Development, Capacity Building of
Training, Promotion of Renewable Energy,
Guidelines for Small scale CDM projects ) - At the Instance of PMO a WG was constituted at
Planning Commission to prepare a National Action
Plan for operationalising CDM in India March,
2003 - DNA is established in December, 2003
Environment Forest Division Planning
Commission, Government of India
4India - Emerging as a Global Leader
- Among non-Annex-I Countries, India is the first
Nation to recommend highest number of CDM
projects to CDM Executive Board of UNCCC. - Much ahead of China, Brazil, Indonesia and other
non-Annex Counties. - Indian DNA has offered a simple, first tracked
Clearance System for the issuance of Host
Country Endorsement . - Although, India doesnt have any GHGs Reduction
Target during First Commitment Period ( 2008-2012
Environment Forest Division Planning
Commission, Government of India
5How India Initiated the Process ?
- WG was formed at Planning Commission
- Climate Technology Bazaar organized in Nov. 2003
- DNA is set up.
- CDM Endorsement Criteria is established
- Sustainable Development Indicators were placed
in. - Additionality Criteria is formulated.
- Fastest, Transparent,Simple Clearance Procedure
is offered.
Environment Forest Division Planning
Commission, Government of India
6Major Recommendations of the WG
- Structure of DNA
- CDM Cell
- CDM Promotion Agency
- State wise CDM Awareness Campaign
- Sector-specific Capacity Building Programs
- CDM Implementation Manual
- CDM Investors Guide
- International CDM Road Shows
Environment Forest Division Planning
Commission, Government of India
7Major Recommendations of the WG
- Processing Fees for CDM Projects
- Bundling of Projects
- Management of Transaction Costs
- Capacity Building of Local Consultants
- Easy access to Information Base
- Awareness Training Workshops
- Marketing for attracting International players
- Need for Local Targeted Marketing
Environment Forest Division Planning
Commission, Government of India
8National CDM Action Plan
- Organization of an International Climate
Technology Bazaar Nov-03 ( MoEF ) - Establishment of the DNA Dec-03( MoEF )
- Establishment of CDM Cell ( MoEF )
- Hiring of CDM Promotion Agency ( DNA )
- Execution of CDM Awareness Campaign - ( MoEF )
- Preparation of CDM Implementation Manual /
Investors Guide - ( MoEF ) - Execution of International Road shows (MoEF)
Environment Forest Division Planning
Commission, Government of India
9Structure of DNA
- Members are drawn from Ministries of
- Planning Commission, Environment, External
Affairs, Power, Industry Commerce,
Non-conventional Energy Sources - Secretary, MoEF as Chairman
- Jt. Secretary, MoEF as a Member
- Director, MoEF as Member Secretary
- Member Secretary shall be responsible for day to
day activities, carry out preliminary examination
of the projects, Prepare the Guidelines for the
issuance of Host Country Endorsement , arrange
meetings, communicating CDM Executive Board
Environment Forest Division Planning
Commission, Government of India
10Interim Approval Criteria ( Eligibility )
- Additionality Issue
- - Emission -Financial - Technological
- Sustainable Development Indicators
- (Assuring Social, Environmental, Economic,
Technological Well Being) - Baseline
- Financial Indicators ( Financing Pattern, Flow of
Additional Investment, Cost effectiveness of
Energy savings, Liquidity, N.P.V., Cost / Benefit
Analysis, IRR with without CERs, Financial
Closure ) - Technological Feasibility Risk Analysis
Environment Forest Division Planning
Commission, Government of India
11Sustainable Development Indicators
- The Project has to confirm, if it assists in
achieving sustainable development. - Social well being The Project should lead to
alleviation of poverty by generating additional
employment, Removal of social disparities,
Contributing to the provision of basic amenities
to people leading to improve the quality of life
of people. - Economic well being Project should bring in
additional investment consistent with the needs
of the people. - Environmental well being Impact of the project
activity on resource sustainability and resource
degradation, if any, due to proposed activity
bio-diversity friendliness impact on human
health reduction of levels of pollution etc. - Technological well being The project should lead
to transfer of environmentally safe and sound
technologies with a priority to the renewable
sector or energy efficiency projects that are
comparable to best practices in order to assist
in up gradation of technological base. -
Environment Forest Division Planning
Commission, Government of India
- Project should describe the methodology of
determination of baseline, which should - Be Precise, Transparent, Comparable and Workable
- Avoid overestimation
- Be Homogeneous, Clear and Reliable
- Indicate Potential errors
- Contain Lifetime of project cycle
- Bring out social, economic and environmental Role
of externalities - Include historic emission data-sets wherever
available -
Environment Forest Division Planning
Commission, Government of India
- Should be on project by project basis except for
those - categories that qualify for simplified
procedures. - Should indicate the formulae used for calculating
GHG offsets in the project and baseline scenario
and Leakage, if any - For Project Idea Notes (PIN), default values may
be used with - justification.
- Determination of base project which would have
come up in - absence of proposed one should be clearly
described in the - project proposal.
Environment Forest Division Planning
Commission, Government of India
14Financial Indicators
- The project participants has to submit
followings - Flow of Additional Investment
- Cost effectiveness of energy saving
- Internal Rate of Return (IRR) - with and
without CERs. - Liquidity, N.P.V., Cost/Benefit Analysis, Cash
Flow etc for establishing the profitability
of the project. - Agreements reached with the Stakeholders, if
any, including Power Purchase Agreements
(PPA), MoUs etc. - Indicative costs related to Validation,
Approval, Registration, Monitoring and
Verification, Certification and Share of proceeds - Proposal should indicate funding available,
financing agency and also describe the financial
Environment Forest Division Planning
Commission, Government of India
15Technological Feasibility
- The proposal should include following elements
- The proposed technology/process
- Product/technology/material supply chain
- Technical complexities, if any
- Preliminary designs, schematics for all major
equipment needed, design requirement,
manufacturers name and details, capital cost
estimate - Technological reliability
- Organizational and management plan for
implementation, including timetable, personnel
requirements, staff training, project
engineering, CPM/PERT-Chart etc. -
Environment Forest Division Planning
Commission, Government of India
16Risk Analysis Credentials
- Risk Analysis
- The project proposal should clearly state risks
associated with a project including apportionment
of risks and liabilities insurance and
guarantees, if any. - Credentials
- The credentials of the project participants must
be clearly described.
Environment Forest Division Planning
Commission, Government of India
17CDM Cell
- Secretarial Wings of the DNA
- Member Secretary heads the cell
- Coordinates the activities of the DNA
- Issuance of Host Country Endorsement to
approved PDD by DNA - Disseminates information on CDM process DNA
- Maintains the record of the approved projects
- Empanelling Experts from the field of Energy,
Environment, Finance, Law Forest sectors etc.
Environment Forest Division Planning
Commission, Government of India
18CDM Promotion Agency
- Can be from a NGO or Industry Association
- Would be appointed for a term of Two Years.
- DNA is empowered to appoint such an Agency.
- Key responsibilities
- - Organizing State level Awareness Workshops
- - Preparation of CDM Investors Guide
- - Sector-specific Orientation Programs
- - Marketing to attract International players
- - Dissemination of Basic Information on CDM
Environment Forest Division Planning
Commission, Government of India
19State Wise CDM Awareness Campaign
- Background of CDM
- Opportunities for the State
- Issues in CDM
- Identification of Priority Sector Projects for
CDM - PIN, PCN, PDD Preparation process
- Requirements of Host Country Endorsement
- Role of State Government, Project Promoters,
Financers Others Stakeholders
Environment Forest Division Planning
Commission, Government of India
20Sector Specific Capacity Building
- Power Sector
- Renewable Energy Sector
- ( Small Hydro, Waste-to-Energy, Wind, Biomass
etc. ) - Energy Efficiency Projects from Industries
- ( Steel, Cement, Brick Kilns, Coal Benefication
etc ) - Transportation Sector
- LULUCF ( Sink or Carbon Sequestration) Sector
- Abatement of Methane Emission from Paddy field
Environment Forest Division Planning
Commission, Government of India
21Small Scale CDM Projects
- Separate Guidelines from Executive Board
- ( Decision 17 / CP.7 FCCC / CP / 2001 / 13 /
Add.2 ) - Simplified Modalities Procedures during COP-8
- Type, Categories, Technologies Methodologies
- Simple Baseline Methodologies for 14 categories
- RE Projects less than or equal to 15 MW
- EE Improvement Projects up to 15 GWha
- Other Projects reducing 15 Kilo Tons of CO2 e p.a.
Environment Forest Division Planning
Commission, Government of India
22CDM Investors Guide
- Provides Opportunities Advantage Details of
Investing in India to attract International
Players - Informs Present Policy Programs of Govt. of
India for Climate Change / CDM Sector - Informs how to bridge the gap of understanding to
reduce Transaction Cost - Motivates International CDM Investors to choose
Indian GHG Mitigating Initiatives - Impress National Banks /Financers for lending loan
Environment Forest Division Planning
Commission, Government of India
23International CDM Road Shows
- Representatives from Government, Financial
Institutions / Banks, Industry, Press / Media and - other Stake holders should visit Key
Participating Developed / Developing Countries to
gain experience and also to market Indian
potential in CDM market - Countries could be Germany, Japan, UK,
Netherlands, Brazil, China Indonesia
Environment Forest Division Planning
Commission, Government of India
24Processing Fees for CDM Projects
- CDM Fund - to meet the Establishment Cost of DNA
by charging a Nominal Fee for Projects Generating
CERs - - up to 50,000 p.a. - Exempted from any
charges. - - exceeding 50,000 but less than 1 Lakh p.a. -
charged _at_ 1 of CERs in excess of 50,000. - - In excess of 1 Lakh p.a. - charged _at_ 2.
- Otherwise, a fixed slab - on the total CERs can
be charged in the line of Registration Fee
Structure of UNFCCC Executive Board.
Environment Forest Division Planning
Commission, Government of India
25Bundling of Projects
- The First option for reducing Transaction Cost.
- Implies uniting of Small Homogeneous Projects, so
that the Project Cycle is One. - Requires an Intermediary for collecting
information from Sub-projects. - A Bench-mark oriented Baseline can defined to
simplify the determination of total CERs
Environment Forest Division Planning
Commission, Government of India
26Reduction of Transaction Costs
- Minimizing cost at various stages
- - PIN, PCN, PDD preparation
- - Registration Processing Fees
- - Baseline Document
- - Validation
- - Monitoring Verification Certification
process - Also by Providing easy access to Information,
Bundling of Projects, Capacity Building
Environment Forest Division Planning
Commission, Government of India
27Capacity Building of Local Consultants
- By exposing UNCCC Executive Boards Procedures,
Modalities Guidelines - By providing access to Approved Methodologies,
Baselines other Web based Information - By imparting necessary Trainings
- Through Sector / State - specific Workshops
- By making available of Leaf lets, Pamphlets,
Information sheets, Guidelines, Manuals other
Reference Materials.
Environment Forest Division Planning
Commission, Government of India
28Easy Access to Information
- Through Electronic Media by creating different
Web sites at National, State Local levels - Through dissemination of Large scale supporting
Literature, Reference Material Leaf lets - By Print Media regular advertisements in
various National, State Local level News papers - Through Audio / Visual Medium Video CDs
- By Organizing Workshops, Seminars and Symposiums
at various levels
Environment Forest Division Planning
Commission, Government of India
29Awareness Training Workshops
- At each State Union Territories of India
- Stake holder specific Capacity Building program
- (Government Officers, Project Developers,
Officers from Industry, Banks Financial
Institutions, Insurance Company Officials, NGOs,
Consultants Legal Practitioners) - Special programs for Small scale Projects
- Special programs for LULUCF sector Projects
- Awareness Building through News Letters
Environment Forest Division Planning
Commission, Government of India
30Aggressive Marketing for Attracting International
- By giving a Strong Signal on Indias potential to
mitigate GHGs - By showcasing Indias preparedness to accept CDM
challenge - By organizing International Road Show programs
- By displaying our ability to deliver
- ( Clearance of more no. of CDM proposals by
Indian DNA with a minimum time period ) - By taking the Global Stewardship as a Leader
Environment Forest Division Planning
Commission, Government of India
31Present Risks in CDM Promotion in India
- Clarity on Taxation Issues
- Establishment of an Indian Operational Entity
(OE) - Non-acceptance of Agro-Forestry under LULUCF
- Insurance Sector in India yet to gear up
- Lack of Resources for adequate Capacity Building
- Will really CDM share be substantial compared to
JI ET ? - Uncertainty due to Non-Ratification of Kyoto
Environment Forest Division Planning
Commission, Government of India
32National Action Plan in Operationalizing CDM in
Environment Forest Division Planning
Commission, Government of India