Title: JISC Electronic Detection of Plagiarism Pilot
1Impact of Electronic Plagiarism Detection
Software The University of Aberdeen Experience
JISC Electronic Detection of Plagiarism Pilot
- The University of Aberdeen Experience Patricia
Spence, The Learning Technology Unit - The Department of Engineerings Experience, Dr
Robin Henderson
JISC Electronic Detection of Plagiarism Pilot
- Increasing opportunities to plagiarise
- Instances of electronic plagiarism
- Deterrent?
- 5 departments - Accountancy, Engineering,
English, Philosophy and Zoology - Range of topics and course levels
- Guidance already given to all students
JISC Electronic Detection of Plagiarism Pilot
4 Using the Detection Software
- Student Agreement
- Staff training?
- Uploading work
- Instructions for students
JISC Electronic Detection of Plagiarism Pilot
- Very few instances detected
- Lack of understanding of referencing techniques
- Software works as deterrent
- Raised awareness of plagiarism
JISC Electronic Detection of Plagiarism Pilot
6Other Issues
- Some dummy assessments undetected
- Concern about inability to detect plagiarism from
online journals - Easy to use
- All departments would use software again
JISC Electronic Detection of Plagiarism Pilot
7Engineering Department Trial
JISC Electronic Detection of Plagiarism Pilot
- Ensure an even playing field for all students
- Increase awareness of plagiarism
- Increased use of hardcopy sources
- Increase awareness of the need for appropriate
referencing - Reduce time associated with checking on web
JISC Electronic Detection of Plagiarism Pilot
9Exercise details
- 1st year engineering students
- 120 participants
- 500-1000 word essay on a famous engineer
- 30 different engineers used as topics
- Wide range of students - background and ability
JISC Electronic Detection of Plagiarism Pilot
- 3 bogus essays written with material cut and
pasted from the web - These were submitted to the software
- 2 essays detected
- Did not always direct to the original source
JISC Electronic Detection of Plagiarism Pilot
- 2 page handout prepared for the students
describing how to submit - Brief demonstration
- All students submitted their own work directly to
the software - Ad-Hoc help was available during existing
computer classes
JISC Electronic Detection of Plagiarism Pilot
- 115 essays submitted
- Majority of cases were in the low percentage
bands of internet content - Most of those that showed some internet content
usually indicated correct use of quotations - 2 cases of plagiarism detected
JISC Electronic Detection of Plagiarism Pilot
13Time requirements
- Software was very easy to use
- Added time through use of software approximately
0.5 day - This should be offset with reduction in time
required for checking for plagiarism - Overall estimate is as a time saving tool
JISC Electronic Detection of Plagiarism Pilot
- Overall the software helped us meet all of our
objectives - Other assessments identified where the software
would be beneficial - If available we would use it again
JISC Electronic Detection of Plagiarism Pilot