Accounting for Loan Commitments

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Accounting for Loan Commitments


... commitment letter specifying loan amount, term, interest rate, fees, points and ... a direct valuation of the entire interest rate on the underlying loan ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Accounting for Loan Commitments

Accounting for Loan Commitments
  • MBA Presentation to the
  • Financial Accounting Standards Board
  • December 3, 2003

Topics to be Discussed
  • Single-Family Residential Loan Commitment Process
  • Characteristics of Single-Family Residential
    Interest Rate Lock Commitments (IRLCs)
  • Valuation of Single-Family Residential IRLCs
  • Commercial/Multifamily Mortgage Commitments

Single-Family Loan Commitment Process
  • Topics
  • Steps in Commitment Process
  • Relevance of FAS 133 Model

Single-Family LoanCommitment Process
  • Steps in Commitment Process
  • Borrower completes loan application
  • Mortgage banker evaluates application based on
    underwriting requirements
  • Mortgage banker approves/denies application
  • If approved, mortgage banker issues commitment
    letter specifying loan amount, term, interest
    rate, fees, points and qualifying conditions

Single-Family Loan Commitment Process
  • Steps in Commitment Process
  • Upon commitment, mortgage banker has entered into
    an interest rate lock commitment (IRLC)
  • Commitment period generally extends from 30-60
  • The IRLC exposes mortgage banker to interest rate
    risk if the lender intends to sell the loan upon
  • Consequently, mortgage banker typically hedges
    this interest rate risk using derivatives

Single-Family Loan Commitment Process
  • Relevance of FAS 133 Model
  • Under FAS 133, as amended by FAS 149, the IRLC is
    required to be accounted for as a derivative
  • FAS 133 appropriately provides for offsetting
    changes in the values of the IRLCs and related
    hedge instruments to be recognized in earnings in
    the same period to avoid misleading recognition
    of only half of a paired transaction
  • FAS 133 model is critical to the accurate
    portrayal of the economics of mortgage banking
    companies operations due to the magnitude of
    their loan production hedging activities

Characteristics of Single-Family Residential IRLCs
  • Topics
  • Similarities of IRLCs and Written Options
  • Dissimilarities of IRLCs and Written Options
  • Implications of Written Option Treatment

Characteristics of Single-Family Residential IRLCs
  • Similarities of IRLCs and Written Options
  • Mortgage banker is obligated to perform if
    borrower meets qualifying conditions
  • Business practice permits nonperformance by

Characteristics of Single-Family Residential IRLCs
  • Dissimilarities of IRLCs and Written Options
  • Borrower does not pay a premium at inception of
  • Borrowers evaluation of option value takes into
    account factors beyond the financial terms of the
    commitment itself
  • Potential for loss of appraisal, credit report,
    other qualifying costs
  • Risk of not meeting terms of home purchase
  • Borrowers therefore exercise out-of-the-money
    options all the time
  • The optionality risk in an IRLC is embedded in
    the loan pricing which is established by the

Characteristics of Single-Family Residential IRLCs
  • Implications of Written Option Treatment
  • Mortgage banking companies are in the business of
    making money which conflicts with written option
  • Mortgage banking companies routinely value IRLCs
    when acquiring production franchises
  • Option treatment would significantly misrepresent
    the economics of mortgage banking companies
    IRLCs and related hedging activities

Valuation of Single-FamilyResidential IRLCs
  • Topics
  • Definition of Fair Value in FAS 133
  • Applicability of Fair Value definition to IRLCs
  • Valuation techniques for IRLCs at inception
  • Valuation techniques for IRLCs subsequent to
  • Diversity in Practice

Valuation of Single-FamilyResidential IRLCs
  • Definition of Fair Value
  • SFAS 133 defines Fair Value as follows
  • ..the amount at which an asset (liability) could
    be bought (incurred) or sold (settled) in a
    current transaction between willing parties, that
    is, other than in a forced or liquidation sale.
  • Quoted market prices in active markets are the
    best evidence of fair value and should be used,
    if available.
  • If quoted market prices are not available, the
    estimate of fair value should be based on the
    best information available in the circumstances.
  • Examples of valuation techniques include the
    present value of estimated expected future cash
    flows using discount rates commensurate with the
    risks involved
  • Those techniques should incorporate assumptions
    that market participants would use in their
    estimates of values, future revenues, future
    expenses, including assumptions about interest
    rates, default, prepayment and volatility.

Valuation of Single-FamilyResidential IRLCs
  • Applicability to IRLCs
  • Quoted market prices for IRLCs are not available
  • Occasionally, through company acquisitions,
    market prices for IRLCs can be observed
  • In general, valuation techniques are utilized to
    value IRLCs by estimating the expected future
    cash flows

Valuation of Single-FamilyResidential IRLCs
  • Valuation Techniques at Inception
  • Consider the cash flows that a third party would
    include in bidding on an IRLC or commitments
  • Those cash flows would include the cash inflows
    and outflows that the third party would
    anticipate receiving/paying related to the
    commitment, including secondary market
    gains/losses on the sales of the loan, as well as
    FAS 91 costs and fees, adjusted for the portion
    expected to close
  • A third party would discount the future cash
    flows to
  • compensate for estimation errors predominantly
    around closing ratios and loan quality/characteris
    tics that could affect value, and
  • to ensure that a sufficient return would be
    earned on their investment

Valuation of Single-FamilyResidential IRLCs
  • Valuation Techniques at Inception
  • Specifically, the following cash flows would be
    taken into account when estimating the future
    cash flows expected to be received/paid
  • Expected gain/loss on sale of the loan, which
    would include
  • a direct valuation of the entire interest rate on
    the underlying loan
  • the total coupon can be valued as the sale of the
    entire note rate on the loan or as the sale of
    the majority of the interest strip, with a
    retained servicing right
  • any origination fees to be collected
  • any discount/premiums on the underlying loan
  • any costs expected to be incurred in originating
    and selling the loan
  • These cash flows would then be directly adjusted
    for the expected close ratio and then
    risk-adjusted to compensate for estimation errors
    predominantly around closing ratios and loan
    quality/characteristics that could affect value

Valuation of Single-FamilyResidential IRLCs
  • Valuation Techniques at Inception
  • These cash flows can be benchmarked to observable
    market evidence
  • quoted prices for MBS securities (the likely
    outlet for the loans once funded)
  • service release premiums paid through the
    correspondent channels of production
  • Other evidence, such as historical fallout
    ratios, can also be observed
  • Ultimately, variances between assumptions
    utilized in the valuation techniques and the
    realized cash flows can be observed within a
    short time period (45-60 days) as the loans move
    through the origination and sale processes
  • This ongoing comparison ensures that the
    valuation techniques are consistent with the
    realized cash flows

Valuation of Single-FamilyResidential IRLCs
  • Valuation Techniques Subsequent to Inception
  • Subsequent to inception, mortgage market rates
    are likely to change, such that the value of the
    IRLC will also change as this will impact the
    ultimate secondary marketing gains/losses
    expected to be realized upon loan sale
  • In addition, as the IRLC moves through the
    origination process and is closer to being
    funded, this valuation approach would likely
    result in an increasing value as the risk
    associated with pipeline management diminishes

Valuation of Single-FamilyResidential IRLCs
  • Diversity in Practice
  • Similar to other financial instruments, diversity
    in practice can exist due to some of the
    judgement involved in the valuation techniques
    for IRLCs
  • Increased disclosure around valuation techniques
    and accounting policies could enhance financial
    reporting and investor understanding

Valuation of Single-FamilyResidential IRLCs
Commercial/Multifamily Mortgage Commitments
  • Topic
  • Major differences between Commercial/Multifamily
    and Single-Family Residential Mortgage Loan

Commercial/Multifamily Mortgage Commitments
  • Differences
  • Borrower has a short timeframe (usually days or
    weeks) to accept the commitment
  • Borrower must pay a commitment fee upon
    acceptance of the commitment.
  • At that time, the commitment is a legally binding
    contract between mortgage banker and borrower.
  • This is the primary reason why a very high
    percentage of commercial/multifamily commitments
    are closed.

Commercial/Multifamily Mortgage Commitments
  • Differences
  • Many commercial/multifamily commitments,
    particularly those that are underwritten for
    government agencies, like FHA and Fannie Mae, are
    subject to the mortgage banker finding a
    purchaser of the loan. In this case, the
    mortgage banker is not subject to interest rate
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