Title: 5th Grade Academic Vocabulary Triangles
15th Grade Academic VocabularyTriangles
2Triangles can be classified by size of the angle
or by the length of the sides. Lets try some
covered words with names of triangles.
3A triangle in which all sides are the same length
is called .
4A triangle in which all sides are the same length
is called e
5A triangle in which all sides are the same length
is called an equilateral
6A triangle in which two sides are the same is
called .
7A triangle in which two sides are the same is
called i .
8A triangle in which two sides are the same is
called isosceles .
9A triangle in which all sides are not equal is
called .
10A triangle in which all sides are not equal is
called s .
11A triangle in which all sides are not equal is
called scalene.
12A triangle whose angle measures 90 is called a
______ triangle.
13A triangle whose angle measures 90 is called a r
14A triangle whose angle measures 90 is called a
right triangle.
15A triangle who largest angle measures more that
90 and less than 180 is called an _______
16A triangle who largest angle measures more that
90 and less than 180 is called an o
17A triangle who largest angle measures more that
90 and less than 180 is called an obtuse
18A triangle who largest angle measures less than
90 is called an
______ triangle.
19A triangle who largest angle measures less than
90 is called an a
20A triangle who largest angle measures less than
90 is called an acute triangle.
21Lets review our words. Watch carefully because
they will flash on the screen for just a moment.
We will clap as we spell the word.